Chapter 43: Chain Illusions

Klay Panthor's POV

I ran as fast as I could. I'm looking all over the place for the location of the weapon store. The buildings on the street have been damaged, and all of them are almost unrecognizable.

"Damn it! I can't recognize this street at all!" I screamed.

It's almost as if I'm stuck in a loop. I've been running for a while, and I can't seem to find the weapon store.

"That building..." I muttered.

I looked around the street, turning my head left and right to observe the place. This street is close to the street where I separated from Neerial. I tried running around the street once again. It's the same! The buildings and the street are all the same! The reason I didn't notice it sooner was because the more I ran, the more destructive the place had become.

"Tsk, I can't believe I fell for this kind of trap!" I screamed.

I'm in a loop! All this time! I've wasted my energy running all over the place!