Chapter 59: Ancient Code

"Arachnox, huh?" muttered Jonathan.

"An ancient spider; maybe I'll keep one as a pet," said K.

"Your way of thinking is so bizarre," said Jonathan.

"It's because you can't see the beauty in these spiders," said K.

"How could you tell me that while pulverizing those poor spiders?!" screamed Jonathan.

Jonathan swung his sythe against the spiders that were in front of them. The levels of the spiders are around 100 to 200. If an adept adventurer had taken on this quest, they would've died right now. It's another error from the guild hall when it comes to mapping a dungeon.

"I'll make sure to complain about the difficulty of this quest!" screamed Jonathan.

"Please be kind to Rena; she's not responsible for the error. It's the adventurers that reported this dungeon that should take responsibility," said K.