Unexpected Encounters

Boss: He realized that Maria was hiding something. She was in distress. He encouraged her and gave her a tissue paper to wipe her tears.

Maria: She became calm and a little more confident.

Boss John: "Tell me, maybe I can help you. If I can help you, I'll feel good."

Maria: She started speaking, now telling him in detail, "As you know, boss, my life has faced troubles. In my early teen age, my parents died in a car accident. I lived alone. Later, my life took a U-turn. I met Sheen , and we got married. It completely changed my life. We were living happily, but suddenly, a fire in our house took my husband's life. Again, I became alone and fell into depression. The only hope was my son in my tummy, a reason to continue my life. I hardly wiped out my past memories and found Saim as my best friend. We lived together, and I found my life colorful again with Saim. But now, Saim is not talking to me; he's angry with me because of what happened that night at my apartment. You know."