POV: Mister Umbrella In the Sky
I promised her, how could I do that? I never promise anything I can’t do. I can try and keep everyone safe, but I promised. When I looked into her hopeful eyes, I couldn’t deny her what she wanted to hear. I felt like I could beat The Boogeyman, like I could grab a rope and pull down the moon for her. Actually, that might be comforting.
I left the bed and opened the door. I had a small piece of string in the back of my suit pocket. It was stringy and brown, but it would do in a pinch for me. I wrapped it around the end of my umbrella and threw it out the window.
I would get yelled at this for tomorrow. The selective seers in charge of the waters would be working overtime, but my only worry was cheering up Jewelsy. I walked over to her and gave her my umbrella. “Jewelsy? Pull the umbrella toward you.”
Jewelsy took the umbrella, confused but obedient. She looked toward the window, and her mouth dropped while her eyes grew as wide and round as marbles. “What?”
The moon had been reduced in size to fit the rope. I realized I would be hearing from the selective seers of outer space region 1 near here as well. I couldn’t do this for long, but her expression was worth it. “I roped the moon for you. I would do anything to keep you safe, including disobeying orders this time.”
“Y-you? That’s the moon? That’s―but what about the effects of―“
“Just a moment. The selective seers of outer space and the waters will deal with me later. They will keep things under control, just as I keep an eye on the clouds.” I could watch her looking at the moon all night long, but I knew it would get drastic if I didn’t move it back soon. I pointed to the umbrella. “Do you fish? Try pulling it back slowly and tossing it out back to the sky.”
“Tossing out the moon to the sky? But I-I’m no expert fisherman,” she fumbled. “I don’t want to break it.”
I kept my hands on top of hers and helped her pull it back some. As the moon was almost in the window, I threw it back forward. The string snapped and it launched across the sky. Jewelsy got up from the bed and out to the window.
It was back in its place. She came back and sat back down on the bed.
“You roped the moon to cheer me up?” She gestured to the outside. “I imagine you’re in some trouble.”
“Trouble schmouble, you’re finally smiling. That’s all that matters.” I touched the tip of her nose playfully. “Tomorrow is a busy day. Let’s get sleep, shall we?”
I didn’t know how to respond as she cuddled closer to me in the bed. I would never do this with a child, but it felt right with her. So many things felt right with her. How could a mere mortal bed feel even better than the light and airy touch of a cloud? Clouds were the world for me. I tilted forward slightly, smelling her hair. Clouds had the sweetest scent of sunshine and rain, yet Jewelsy’s scent was even nicer. I hadn’t enjoyed it before, not exactly easy to approach someone and sniff them. It was so lovely though. Light and airy, yet sweet like a cherry cookie.
“Enjoying yourself?”
I looked to the right of the room and saw Madame Reed again.
“Come with me, Mister Umbrella in the Sky.” Her eyes said it was a demand, not a request. I couldn’t leave Jewelsy though, what if something happened to her? I moved from the bed toward the outside. If this needed privacy, we would hover near the window.
“Did you find something out?” I asked her.
“I did. Her twenty fifth was yesterday.” Madame Reed stopped to look at her watch. “Make that two days ago. The exact time you saved her, was the exact time she was born.”
“Twenty fifth birthday? She hadn’t even mentioned that. All day, no one said anything,” I denied it. “It couldn’t be.”
“With the way she seems to be, perhaps birthdays disturb her? It’s none of my business, but that was a great starting point. Once I had that figured out, the rest was easier. According to records, her grandfather was a selective seer. He had her mother, who also harbored magic. Down to Jewelsy, she doesn’t have much magic to speak of. The potential is there though."
"Okay,” I said, “but If she is not one, why does this matter?"
“Listen, Mister Umbrella in the Sky. Listen!” Madame Reed snapped her fingers, grabbing my attention again. “Therein lied the answer too. The day you met, the Boogeyman sensed a connection just like the Superiors did. He must have been making a random stop to scare a child, but you were there. He sensed the closeness, and he knew.”
"Oh…" I tapped my umbrella. "No, I still don't get it."
"Julie Mars is not a selective seer, she is human. Just because Julie’s grandparents chose humanity for their family line though, it doesn’t mean it couldn’t be reversed. Simply upon entering an origin dimension of her grandfather, either blue or red, she can be reborn into a seer. The Boogeyman took every opportunity to make her dark and unhappy. So that when she was reborn into a selective seer…"
"She would be an overseer of the red dimension with him.” Done. Finito. If Boogeyman acquired Jewelsy, it would somehow trigger an apocalypse. ”Jewelsy causes the apocalypse.”
“Or stops it,” Madame Reed answered. “Remember what the jumper said. I am convinced the tie that the Superiors sensed was of being her soul mate. Why else block her from you as a child? Watch over her carefully." Madam Reed chuckled at me. "One day she will be more than your friend. She will be your extra special, special friend."
“Yes." Oh yes, that soul mate business. Soul mate. Jewelsy. A being of two dimensions to create. "I do have. . .a closeness to her. Could you assist me in any way?"
“Oh no, you need to figure it out for yourself. I will not help with courting or anything physical, out of my jurisdiction.” Her smile had been big and bright, chuckling even. "Keep an eye on her, Mister Umbrella in the Sky."