Her spirits had lifted. I saw the happiest smile I had ever seen on Jewelsy as she had sniffed the flower. Walking beside her, the difference was night and day. Even when she looked at me, those weren't the same eyes I had seen before. There was no despair, no misery, and no fright. There wasn't even her pout of annoyance with a slight eye roll. They were filled with passion.
New thoughts ravaged my mind as I stared back. I knew I felt a connection with Jewelsy, but when I lost it, I was filled with something new. Yes, I made the right decision. Life away from her, that connection broken, I couldn't bear it. It was sad that we couldn't save her world, but if it all did end, at least I was near her.
Judging from those eyes, I had her. Or did she have me? That kiss only intensified the connection. I had certainly eased her pain, but what was the next step? I must speak of these feelings, but with more of a norm in her culture. When I talked to her like a child, she always got apprehensive or annoyed. “Lovely weather?” Ooh, that smarted. Certainly not the way to talk to her.
“It is,” she answered. It didn't sound like I lost any points. “Mister Umbrella?”
“Yes, my dear?” Oh no, dear. I added dear. I was finally getting somewhere, but at the same time, I was not a human. I had no need to speak with words like 'cool, lame, or whatever'.
“When The Boogeyman talked to you, he said you'd been around thirty years,” Jewelsy said as she looked toward me. “Are you only thirty years old? If so, you would have only been around five when we met.”
“Ah, age. Yes, dear Jewelsy.” I smiled toward her, hoping it offset my dialogue. “My earliest encounter I remember the most clearly is you.”
“Oh. I always imagined that you were immortal and ancient,” she admitted. “I didn't know you were just a little older than me.”
Did that help or hurt my situation? “Yes, true, however I am very knowledgeable. I am not human, even the day I was born I had certain talents humans did not. Humans grow differently than selective seers. Age has little to do with experience.”
“Oh, I didn't mean to offend you,” she apologized. “I just had a stereotype I guess.” She shrugged. “I had no right to do that. People judged me all the time when I was human. At least the judging is over.”
“The judgers were wrong. I don't care if they can see into the third plane, the judgment was wrong.” I looked toward her again. “How do your lips feel?” I could tell they were still agitating her.
She touched her lips.”The sides are okay. The middle still burns a little.”
“Yes, the middle,” I agreed. “I briefly brushed the sides, I-I did not know if. . .” I looked over at her. Should I be doing this? We had lost. She could not bear a child of two dimensions, we were both of the same one. Still, I couldn't help myself. “. . .if I could kiss you there. Do you want me to?”
“Kiss me?”
“To make the pain go away?”
“Yes,” I answered back. “For the pain.”
“It does hurt.” She licked her lip softly. “I suppose a small kiss.”
“Yes. Very, very slight.” I watched her close her eyes once more. I closed my eyes, but this time, I brought her closer to me. As I brought her closer, I gently brushed my lips to hers. This time, I felt a small jerk of surprise, but then relaxation. We continued the action, not caring about anything around me. Not the fire, not the Boogeyman, nothing.
When we finally broke, it took her a minute to realize what it meant.
“We kissed.”
“Was it strictly because of the uh. . .” she touched her lips. “It was. . .no?”
I winked at her. I suppose I wasn't as bad at this as I thought I would be. In fact, I now wondered how many boyfriends Jewelsy had when she had been living as a human. Was I anymore off base than her in experience? Not trusting my mouth to do the speaking, I grabbed her and gave her a large kiss before letting her go.
She was a little off balance, and her face had the cutest confusion on it. “Yeah, I'm not. I can't be, you're a goofy weird umbrella man.” She felt her head. “You're not human.”
“I'm a selective seer, but so are you. We are destined, Jewelsy.”
“We can't stop the apocalypse.”
“No, but we can't stop fate either.” I gently grabbed her hand this time. “Even if we lost, we didn't lose.” She did not move her hand. “What are you thinking about?”
“That I have strange taste in guys.” Jewelsy gulped. “Terrible luck in life. I'm stuck with you for eternity. I should be pulling my hair, or crying on the ground about this.” She looked toward me. “I never told you something. I don't think those third plane wise guys just manually picked up our destiny.”
Well, that was news. “What do you mean?”
“It's a tick. I thought it was a tick, something I just did. I didn't understand it, I thought maybe I just subconsciously loved the rain.” She grimaced. “I kind of maybe did something. I don't know, but maybe.”
At such a young age? “What?”
“When I get bored I tended to doodle. To pass the time, especially for classes. I always doodled.” She rubbed her cheek. “I can't count the number of times I looked up and realized I wrote something I hadn't expected. The mind just wanders when it doodles, so. . .”
“Oh?” I could barely contain my curiosity. “What did you doodle?”
“Something.” She scratched her head and rubbed her shoulders. “I tended to draw umbrellas when I got bored.”
Yes, but that wasn't enough to warrant her reaction. Besides, she had used the word wrote. “That's interesting, Jewelsy, but what did you write?”
“It's fate intervening or something, so don't get excited, I'm not a freak. It's just I wrote. . .” She clapped her hands gently together before interlocking her hands. “Mrs. Umbrella in the Sky.”
Breathing. Breathing was lost to me. Jewelsy had a strong connection as well, her subconscious did not let go. Mrs. Umbrella in the Sky.
“Okay, down with that look. I knew I shouldn't have said it, but we're going to be here for eternity with each other so-”
No more. I grabbed her, filling the gap between us. I kissed her as if I needed it to breathe again. She did not rebel. When I finally took my lips away from hers, I didn't want to let go of her. I smelled her hair, not caring if that was weird to her or not. That cherry cookie smell, I wish I could bathe in it.