MUITS The Umbrella


The umbrella. There was something happening to the umbrella in my head that was charred to nothing except the handle. A shadow, or a silhouette of its former self appeared behind it. The blues and the whites, the stripes melted onto it like paint being splattered from above. The umbrella was back.

And so was I. I could open my eyes again, but at the same time, I feared it. The Boogeyman had me, I know he did. His will was tremendous.

As I opened my eyes, my hands covered my mouth. Mister Umbrella, my sweet Mister Umbrella in the Sky. He was a hundred feet high, his hands in an even grip with The Boogeyman. His eyes were red, his hair was wild, and I could feel so much darkness. The two were creating massive hurricane winds going around us.

I tried to run toward him. Mister Umbrella was the greatest man I had ever known. His wit, his charm, they couldn't be duplicated. His whimsical nature, his smile, I loved it all. He was changing, becoming something besides himself. All because of me.

He came down to hell, only because of me. This was all happening because of me.

I couldn't let it happen! “Mister Umbrella!” I would rather perish in hell than watch him be consumed. I would not let him fall into that abyss.

The Boogeyman was not playing with his mind, I could feel what Mister Umbrella had inside. Darkness. Is this the feeling he felt when he said he had always been connected to me? It was so strong. I wanted nothing more than to help him, to hold him, to let him find happiness.

He deserved happiness. His mind was wallowing in misery. I'd been there. I knew what he was going through.

And I'd be damned if he'd go through it alone. Even though I was but a pebble on a beach compared to the size Mister Umbrella and The Boogeyman were now, I talked toward him. Even shouting couldn't be heard, but I knew he would hear me. “I felt that before. That darkness inside. When I lost my parents, Mister Umbrella! It feels like a pain, a void that can't be filled. I can never taste my mom's homemade pie, even though I have the recipe. Because it's not hers. I can't hear my sister read anymore, even though her books are still at home. I can't feel my father's arms around me anymore, even though his clothes are still there.”

I continued, trying to reason with him. “When I lost them, my world collapsed. I stopped caring. I did! And I gave up, I admit it. I know you said to stay positive, but I couldn't hide it. I gave up. I gave up on myself. I felt like a waste of space. Even now, there's a part of me that wonders why I still exist?” I stretched my arms out toward him. “But you, you never give up! You came into the fiery pits of this hell to try and save me. When you couldn't, you still stayed. Don't make it all worthless. Don't give up now, Mister Umbrella.”

His eyes didn't change. He was still stuck. There was too much darkness. I was too small. I tried yelling, but it still didn't work. I couldn't give up. “I tried to stay positive, for you. You're the one who's actually cared for me all of these years. Even if I never knew, and even if I didn't remember it. You've always been there. We've always been connected! I feel it inside, don't you? We are connected! So, I can pull you back, I know I can!” I ran over closer to him. Wishing I could at least crawl on his shoe. Something. “Please don't leave me. I don't care what happens to me, but I care about you! I. . .” I sniffled, coming to terms with the truth. Hoping that it wasn't too late. “I love you, and I want to be your Mrs. Umbrella in the Sky!”

Something. A flicker of light? I heard a voice that I knew well. Jewelsy. Oh Jewelsy, I knew he'd have no choice to let you go. I'm afraid though, that I can't do that anymore. I can't come back to you, my mind is so confused. There is darkness all around me. I can hear her tell me about her family. I knew it all, but I wanted to make her happy. Even now, she was only staying positive for me. It's too late though, my dear. I am so tired of it all. I miss being in the skies. The freedom of the skies I shall never see again.

I couldn't even tell her goodbye. Jewelsy. How I wanted to hold you. How I wanted to smell your scent again. Cherry cookie. The best cherry cookie ever. Tasting you had even been better than a cherry cookie. Yet, we just weren't strong enough. We may have been soul mates, but not with The Boogeyman's interference. You lived most of your life thinking I was nothing but your imagination. Had I only been fooling myself of anything more? Yet, there we were on that lava beach. Watching it come to and fro with wild fire roses. Your touch. Floating beside me. Oh, that moment, I will keep it forever, no matter how lost I become.

Then I felt something new. I felt something touch my foot. It was feather light, but it was just that. A light. Something. . .

///“Please don't leave me. I don't care what happens to me, but I care about you! I. . .I love you, and I want to be your Mrs. Umbrella in the Sky!””///

Jewelsy. Jewelsy loved me. She wanted to be Mrs. Umbrella in the Sky? I-I. . .well, dear, what do I say to that? I love her too and I do want to stay with her, and. . .and I can't give up. Not now. I had to keep going, I had to survive this. I had to survive this! I pushed all the negative energy back out of me. Anything evil, I sent it back. I could feel The Boogeyman getting stronger while I grew weaker, but I had felt like myself.

I could move my head and my arms. I could look down and I was shrinking. I could feel the goodness coming back into me.

I was back. I opened my eyes, the red tinted vision and rage now gone. Boogeyman could kill me within seconds, but I didn't believe so. Instead, I saw Jewelsy. Her face was tear-stained, and yet filled with joy. She ran into my arms, not saying a word.

I embraced her. “Jewelsy.” I faced The Boogeyman, larger than ever. “She will never be yours. Even with mind control, she could never be yours.” I held her even tighter and looked into her eyes. “Never, not even in here could I forget you.” I caressed her face. I moved nearer toward her lips. This may be the end, but it was with her. That was the best ending I could give, but at least. . .by the expression on her face. . .she was happy.


Then she was gone! Hell was gone. Fire and brimstone no longer existed. I was in the clouds, and I could feel the sun beating down on me. The fresh air, I could never forget it, but I would reject it if Jewelsy did not come with me. I whipped around and saw Superiors.

Superiors above Madame Reed. Superior's above Madame Reed's Superior. They were the selective seers who could see into the third plane. The one's that had denied Jewelsy the chance to come back.

“We had been waiting for some time,” one spoke up to me as if I just didn't look like I crawled out of hell. “You and Julie Mars, this was the only way. Selective seers cannot be with humans, but you had to try and stop it.”

“What? Then why didn't you release her?!” I couldn't say it fast enough. “Allow us to be selective seer of the skies.”

“No,” one of the Superiors said, “you two were the key to the apocalypse. Do you know what happened while you were gone? Two zombies appeared in Julie’s world, slowly infecting it.”

“Zombies?” In Jewelsy’s world? “Are you kidding? With the. . .” I held my hands out, pretending to rawr. “Really?”

“They don't roar. They do shamble, and they do bite.” The Superior grimaced. “I believe they are the dead of different dimensions that didn't make it.”

Oh. Oh! I covered my mouth in disgust. Death was not the ending that awaited people in an apocalypse.

“We eliminated the threat, only twenty people infected, but we had no choice. That is twenty people that should not have had to die.”

“We are sorry,” another Superior said straight on. “We can see some things, but we could not see everything. This was beyond our control. Taking what Madame Reed said about the Apocalypse Sun's words, we feared that you and Julie Mars would only try to be with each other to prevent it. That will not work by his words. Love, there must be love.”

“You left us there on purpose.” I could not say anymore. I could not rebuttal it, but I knew what they would do. It was so obvious. I felt my umbrella back in my hand, my hat back upon my head, and my tattered clothes were back to their former glory. The Superior's disappeared except one.

He tipped his hat toward me, and I tipped mine towards him.