"Preston Carrington, could you please come in here?" The being behind the big desk called. Shay tried not to smile and placed her best expressionless face on. She wore the best suit she could find. Not easy, and she hoped they didn't realize it was a prop and not her actual wardrobe. Even the suitcase she kept behind her was fake. She crossed her legs politely as she scooted her fake glasses up, watching what she hoped was the boss of the man who would be her future.
"Yes?" Preston walked in, suit and tie, like he was on Earth and never left. A small part of Shay, the Earth part that wanted something more in life, created a spark of envy. It quickly subsided as she came back to reality. That envious teenager was gone, and she was replaced with the sensible thirty year old she had become.
"Sit down Preston," The being said as he gestured in front of him. "This is Shay Austin."
Shay. Austin. He had said her Earth name and her heart beat even faster. There, her name was actually Fankella. They weren't supposed to refer to their Earth names in official matters. Wonderland considered it dead.
Preston looked over at her, judging her. Not saying a word, he stretched out his hand. She grabbed it gently but with a firm stance and shook. "Ma'am."
"Sir," Shay replied, "I wish to discuss some business with you pertaining to a contract."
Preston looked over at his boss.
"She seems a good match." His boss sharpened some kind of writing clay on his horn, grinding it to a point." "If you like her, Carrington. She even showed enough respect to talk to me first before you." His boss folded his hands together. "She said that she wants you dedicated and here. No more flirting or going out with girls."
Shay remained still, but she didn't understand what 'she' he was talking about? Was his boss actually female?
"Which I have confirmed is okay with me," Preston insisted. "I live to serve. I don't care about pleasures of the skin."
"Still, we want to make sure. Your intellect, your skills from your planet are beyond compare. Mister Carrington, consider strongly. She said to consider this woman as her gift to you. Every creature will have needs sooner or later, and this woman will be right here to serve you. In fact, if you make this contract, she will put you in charge of her next project."
Preston lost his composure a moment as he gasped. He quickly caught himself and straightened his tie. "I will take this new information in." He looked over at Shay, from top to bottom. "If we make this contract, you will have intimate relations with me once every thirty days. I won't be forced for more, or denied those nights as those are my days off." He stood up. "I demand professional obedience. If you act in any way that I do not approve of, you will change your attitude and situation. You will not go out to see your friends whenever you like, and you will make sure to have dinner on the table every night. I work late, usually past nine. We will eat at ten."
Shay did not show her reactions. "This is all agreeable so far, and I can add it to the contract."
"I hate music, I don't want to hear any in my house, ever. My home is my home, and it has been for years. It is not yours, you are simply residing in it. You will not tell your friends about the things we do or what I do at work. If we have a disagreement, my word is the final word."
Shay tried not to show her reaction. "I see, yes."
"If certain needs express themselves, you will find time to satisfy me. You will never cuss or yell. I do not plan on striking you, but if I do, you will not strike back." Carrington glared at her with a hard stance.
Shay took longer to reply, these terms were already hard but that last one made her question everything. What if he did abuse her? He was Torah's brother, but that didn't guarantee he would be nice. Signing herself into an abusive contract. He didn't sound like he would, but…
The image of the small trampoline she almost missed last week came back to her. One of several close calls. Possible abuse or possible death…
Shay cleared her throat. "I-I agree."
Preston cracked his knuckles and nodded. "You legally placed yourself into a possibly abusive contract. Your determination is commendable." He nodded toward his boss. "I have work to do, but I will take a copy of the contract and I will continue this discussion with her when I am done."