Sasha POV
“Dream. Dream.”
My grandson. His hair was turning an odd shade of blonde instead of the brown it had been before.
“Concentrate.” My granddaughter looked sternly at her brother.
“Not dying,” he managed to choke out. “Not real.”
“No one wants this to be real,” the woman who should have been my daughter spoke. She looked at me with loving eyes. “We've all grown to accept it though. I love you, mom.”
Her eyes. They were so alive and loving, but my grandson grabbed my hand again.
“This is dream,” he shouted in my ear. “You must be with Spenca!”
Spenca? He didn't refer to it as a last name. At that moment, I began to see my daughter begin to fade slightly. My room seemed almost to fade too. Everything faded except my grandchildren.
“To save the other worlds, you must be with your destined lover, Spenca.” Her granddaughter had less trouble speaking. “Until you accept this as fact, you will be doomed to live out this nightmare. It's beyond time to move on.”