Shasta POV
I kept my dreams from Spenca but assured him that I believed I was in the right world now. Each night though, I kept hearing from some twelve or thirteen year old kids named Sun and Moon. They kept telling me the same thing. My dreams were not the real world. The world I used to inhabit had been gone, and I could never return. My favorite one though was the Sun who kept telling me that I had to be with Spenca. I had to fall in love with him to save everything.
Seriously, why did I have such messed up dreams? Nothing could be real, but night after night those figures pleaded with me. Begged me to accept Spenca in my heart. No, he didn't need to know anymore details.
I had already been through six levels with him. I had grown more used to this . . . game world. Whatever it was called. I didn't love it or like it, but I accepted it. I had no other choice.