PW The Aunt's Secret

“Tea?” Roxie's mother said as she offered it to her. Roxie lied in her bed. She hadn't left her house in days. Roxie wanted to tell her family so much about what happened, but she signed a dangerous contract. She couldn't speak up without bankrupting her family.

She pinned herself in her room, not leaving except to go to the bathroom. She even refused school, telling her parents it was a confidential thing to do with project Z. They didn't know, and she didn't want to leave. It was a small lie considering what had been told to her.

Roxie covered her face as she thought about it again. She couldn't hide her scent and projects would one day come and find her again. She could choose being locked up with Hero so he could find the cure, or be the perfect wife to a project or projects. What kind of choice was that to make?

“How about a little sun?” Roxie's mom tried to open her window but Roxie put her hand up in protest. “Sun never hurt anyone.”

“Neither did a hero.” Roxie lied back on the bed, knowing she could never say much more than that. She was delaying the inevitable by staying inside, but what other choice did she have? She didn't want to be a wife to a wolf, unable to barely speak or think!

That plan lasted all but two days. One day as she was making lunch, she heard a low growl at her door. Then, a scratching sound. Several scratching sounds. She turned to run but someone leapt out and . . .

and she didn't remember. Did she get cold cocked? She wasn't in her house anymore. It was a den and all around her were wolves.

“I am the alpha dog, I believe she should go to me,” a brown wolf argued with a black one, snapping at him.”She'll think better than you mangy mutts, and she'll help keep you in line too. My second in command.

“I say she should be wife to us all,” the black one said as it snapped back at him. “There are no more like her.”

“You're too rough, she'll be all snarling and slobby like you mongrels,” the leader insisted. “She's precious. She's mine so stand back.”

Precious. His. A leader. “I will command the mongrels?”

“Yes,” the leader smiled. “Yes, Roxie.” He gestured to himself. “I am Kane, your devoted husband, and you will be second in command.”

“I will be second in command, to rule the unruly mongrels.” Yes. That was a good life. She would live in that den, being second in command to her loving husband. “They must act appropriately, or I will discipline them.”

“Yes, or I will,” Kane told her. “If they dare hurt you back, I will kill them.”

Yes. He would kill them, her honorable and wonderful husband. She bowed sweetly to him as she blushed. “I am glad you would take care of me.”

“Beyond sweet,” Kane said. “You are truly perfect, Roxie the Z Project. My Roxie.”

Roxie nodded and looked around. The lower levels in the den were clear to see. They were on all fours, but in human form and slobbering. The more she went to the right, the more they stood and dressed more appropriately.

She would take care of all of them, and if they became unruly with her, then she would discipline them like children. The pack could only blossom with obedience to their leaders.

“Stop it, you're going too far!”

She heard a snap and a wild bark like nothing she'd ever heard before. When she looked forward, she saw Hero. He was in his white wolf form with saliva running from his mouth.

Hero grabbed Kane and swung him away. He still didn't speak any words, just raised his head in a mighty howl.

“Roxie should be mine!” Kane transformed to match Hero. “I am a leader. Unless you are going to take her as a mate, then I am better. She'll be a slobbering primal mess if you mess this up!”

Roxie watched as all the projects turned into wolves again, trying to corner him. It didn't work though. Hero bit, gnarled, fought and chewed his way through the projects before they were leaving and yelping with their tails between their legs.

All but Kane. Hero just stared at him until Kane decided to run.

Hero lapped at his paw, a little bloody from the battle. He looked at Roxie a moment. “Do you need help?”

Roxie looked away. He seemed to take the hint and climbed up some rocks at the back of the cave. He licked his bloody paw and waited.

Roxie stared at him for a time. “Where am I?”

“Getting ready to take the mantle of the Alpha's wife,” Hero told her. “I'm glad you said that, I thought I was too late. I made it just in time.”


Roxie eventually had to head back to school, the law required it. Her parents made sure her friends were nearby her each day, she guessed to try and make her feel better. But she never felt better. She never knew if that day a wolf would decide to make her his own.

Before I went to school one day, her mom met her up the stairs. “Roxie?”

“Yes?” Roxie answered her. “What is it?”

“The wolves.” She came into Roxie's bedroom. “You fear them so much. And, after last time, I still dread to think what would have happened if Hero had not shown up.”

“What about them?” What, was talking about her being a genetically enhanced thing supposed to help in some way? “Seriously, mom, what do you want already?”

“That day you found out about whatever project Z is,” her mother began, “I can't help but think you offended Hero in some way.”

Offended?! “Offended? Mother, if you only knew.” Roxie felt her eyes begin to water and gathered up her backpack. His only way of helping was locking her up! She flipped her hair from out of the handles of it and wanted to get out.

“He used to be much more helpful, actually being around before things got that far.” Her mother held her shoulder steady. “What if he doesn't show up one time? Even Hero is not perfect. He doesn't make every crime.”

“Then I become a leader to a pack of wolves,” Roxie practically growled. “That's my fate.” She slammed her backpack back down. “It's my fate, even he said it.”

“He is a wolf himself,” her mother whispered softly. “Have you asked him to keep you safe?”

“Asked him?” Roxie couldn't believe it. Her own mother said that? “You want me to ask Hero if he could please keep me safe from the big, bad wolves? Mother, never!” She held her head up high. “You'll never understand.”

“I understand. . .that you are not human.” Her mother took her hand from Roxie's shoulder. “I understood that from the day we were given you. You have always been different, Roxie. Always. The ways of us humans, they don't always apply to you. Like now.” She lowered her head. “He has offered to help you in some way, hasn't he? It was in a way you didn't like.”

Roxie never told her that. “You can't say that, if anyone finds out, you'll lose everything.” Roxie started to cry as she sat on the bed. Her family could lose everything if she spilled. Her mother sat down next to her and patted her hand.

“When you were a little girl,” her mother began, “I used to try and cuddle you. When you were scared of something, I would try and hold you. If you were a human, at this moment, I would be putting your head against mine and holding you so tight.” She placed her hand on Roxie's head. “As a child, you growled at me. If I tried to ease you with a physical touch, even now, you would do the same. That's because even though I raised you, I am not a member of your pack. I never shall be.” She took her hand off her head. “You may not transform into a wolf, but you've got their spirit. I knew the day I came home and watched Hero's eyes that he had offered something. He was more protective of you than he ever should have been. As a human, you have the right to choose the man you want to be with. As a project, nature is choosing for you.” Her mother stood back up. “If you do not take whatever Hero has offered, I fear you will regret it.”

“No.” Roxie's lips trembled as she heard her words. “No, it's impossible.” Choosing to be locked up?

“Hero has never asked much of anything of anyone. Now, I don't know what happened between the two of you exactly. Frankly, I don't want to know.” Her mother stepped away. “But you've got to remember. Hero is not here just for you, he has to protect the whole world! What if he is out fighting something bigger when the projects come back for you? You've got two choices, Roxie. Hero or whatever fate those wolves want with you.”

As her mother closed the door, Roxie thought about what she said. It was true, she hadn't always acted like a normal person. Roxie hugged herself tight and lied back on her bed.

Roxie heard a growl at her window. Oh, not again. She hit her window, hoping it would make them take a hike. Some projects were closer to dumb animals, easy to frighten away, but a lot of them were also smarter than that. This one wasn't and took off in a hurry. Easiest wolf so far, she thought. But, it was just beginning.


“This can't be happening.” Hero bumped his head at his computer. He was looking at all of the information on Project Z's he could find.

“Hero.” Bose nodded as he came over to his computer. “What did you want to see me about?”

“Bose, you've known me since I was a wolf cub. You are the closest man I can trust.” Hero gestured to the computer. “I've been looking into these past confidential documents. Anything related to project Z and the doctor. It doesn't sound good.”

“I doubt it would. He was changing people,” Bose agreed. “Hearing it in a report can't be easy.”

“This isn't a report, these are documents of the doctors. I stole them when I was smaller. I'm sorry, but you humans don't need that information. I couldn't risk someone becoming another doctor..”

“Understandable. We do have some sickos out here.”

“I was too small to read when I found them. I just kept the files for myself. I didn't take all of them, at five years old, I was lucky to sneak this off. I haven't wanted to look, but Roxie's situation tempted me..” Hero tossed him a folder. “He speaks of wolves, without the words project in the beginning. They are matching Roxie's description better than project Z.”

“I don't understand, what is the difference?” Bose looked through the folder. “Similar.”

“Similar but not. When I rescued her from a den of wolves, she suddenly seemed less docile not more. She looked like she could and would fight. Project Z does not work like that.” Hero gestured to the computer. “They succumb quickly so there is no rejection. Dropping them in a den is most efficient.”

“She's a little slower on the uptake?” Bose said.

“No, according to the folder, the wolf the mad doctor wrote about was only in heat during maturation. He writes about wolves that aren't wolves yet.” He tapped the folder. “Wolves that can't change until maturity. Her scent too, it's too powerful. If she is this original wolf the doctor keeps addressing, then she is bound for trouble. More than a den. It will last a week, but it will be hell unless she sticks with her mate.”

“You're right, they sound similar, but they are different.” Bose nodded. “Why does he keep using the term original and not project?”

“I don't know, but I need to tell you something I've never told anyone.” Hero gestured around him. “This is the first time I have ever let you near my den. You are near it.”

“Of course.” Bose seemed offended. “Forget the fact I've taken care of you since you were five, or that you were almost killed if I didn't step in. I've never been worthy of being in your den. Only the outskirts.” He shook his head. “I know, I know. Wolf thing.”

“I don't let anyone near my den. Anyone.” Hero took a deep breath. “I found a boy one time deep inside it. He was confused as I was about him being there. He told me that I would meet a strange woman that would take me to another dimension. Then he faded away like a ghost. He seemed to think he was a ghost until I touched him. I wanted to rip him into shreds, no one intrudes on my den.” Hero couldn't help a small growl. “I never saw him again but there is no way anyone comes near my den. Even if someone saw it, they would walk right by. It's camouflaged and only I can open it. There's only one way he got in. Have you heard of the fairytale, Apocalypse Sun?”

“Yeah, the messenger that warns people about the end of the world,” Bose said. “Cute story. I've got it at home, read it to my niece just last night.”

“Truth is stranger than fiction.”

“You really believe that could be him?”

“I don't know, but Roxie Malone is a strange woman.” Hero looked toward the screen. “I never would have followed that scent enough to become affected if it wasn't for his words. She was a strange woman. She makes no sense.” Hero sighed and continued to stare at the screen. “These original wolves. They aren't around anymore. Her parents don't exactly know where Roxie comes from.”

“From another dimension? Is there really such a thing?”

“I can't be sure of anything.” Hero stood up and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. “I am almost certain this is the case though. I'll find out soon.” He zipped up his jacket.

“How?” Bose questioned him. “Hero?”

“The original wolf scent got stronger to strange wolves, but soon after would lose it's strength around the same wolves already exposed to it. If she is one, then I can get closer without losing myself.” Before Bose could argue, Hero was out the door.

“Roxie!” She heard her mother scream from downstairs. Roxie tried to go toward the door but she heard scratching at it. Not just one pair of claws, tons of scratching. She went toward her window and looked out. There were ten wolves on the roof and more were trying to jump up. There was even one up on the chimney.

This wasn't going to take a simple beat on the window that made them go away. Roxie heard her mother scream again but the door burst open. There were at least ten wolves in the hallway, all of them were eyeing her.

“Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” the first wolf said as he entered her room, “and don't bother thinking Hero will show up this time. We've got him entertained with some heavy projects right now. Nothing like the amount here, but enough that it distracted him first.” He growled as he approached me. “He won't interfere this time between us, Roxie.”

“Why don't you fight it out? Where are the alpha's?” Roxie knew that had been a problem once, and she was hoping it would buy some time.

That wolf just smiled. “You forgot? That's okay, it's natural. We'll get that fixed. The alpha would be me, Kane, and that's settled.”

Settled? “It's not settled!” Roxie felt herself start to seethe. She felt something different inside of her. Kane was attractive, but he just made her feel dumb. “I'm not dumb, I'm not settling for you.”

“You aren't settling, Roxie,” he encouraged her. “You will be second to lead.”

“A stupid docile Z cannot lead,” a female project said near him. “She isn't any better than me or the other women here.”

“Jealousy doesn't suit you, Kitana,” Kane teased her. “Only the best will lead the pack with me.”

“I will not lead a pack!” Roxie insisted. “You can't lead a pack either. Choosing a defenseless woman who cannot even fight. Terrible leading, what a joke.”

“You see? She is getting there,” Kane said to Kitana. “A little less docile, but she will come to me once again.”

“No, she won't!”

Roxie watched as Hero came right through the vent. Right beside the bed growling at Kane had been Hero.

Hero bared his teeth and snapped as the wolves fled. Others that stayed growled and barked back, but it didn't deter him. He ran to Roxie's window and broke it, then came back over to the bed. “Come on, there isn't much time. They are gathering fast.”

She understood him. Her adrenaline pumped as she came out of the window. Several wolves tried to grab her, but Hero shot out of the window.

“Climb on.”

Could a wolf hold her? The wolves had surrounded her house and even more were coming from the block. There was more than just Kane's pack. She had no choice. She climbed onto Hero's back and held onto his fur.

They rode like the wind. Hero jumped toward the chimney and to the next house. Some of the higher wolves followed but Hero had been faster. They stayed on the rooftops until they ran out.

By the time they hit the street, there were hardly any wolves on their tail. After another block, it was over. Hero continued to run until he hit the police station doors.

Roxie's head was dizzy from the ride, and even though she held on for dear life, her body was about ready to fall off. Her whole body actually felt different. She felt so funky. No, it was dizziness. It was something. . .

Hero watched it with his own eyes. Roxie had transformed. Her fur was not normal though. It was not white, nor grey. “She has the colors of a tiger.”

“What the hell?” Bose drew back. “She changed. She transformed?”

“When the originals reach maturation, they gain transformation.” Hero came nearer to her. “Never transforming in her life, this will not be easy on her. Make sure everything is sealed.” He drew even closer, curious about the colors. Why did she have colors of a tiger? Black. Orange. He did not see that in any of the documentation. As she stirred, Hero went on alert instinctively. She half groaned, half growled. “Roxie. Don't be afraid, but . . .you've changed.”

“Huh? Changed?” She groaned again. She started to sit up, but quickly noticed her paws. “What?!”

“You've changed. I was wrong about you being a project Z. You're not a project.” He stood next to her, almost the same size. “You are something else, and I strongly believe you don't belong in this world.”

Roxie bent down on all fours, not moving. “I-I-what?!” She stuck her paw out, and brought it back inward.

“Walking on all fours is not hard. Remember back to your childhood when you learned to crawl, it may help.” Hero stuck out his own front and back paw. “Left side, and then right.”

Roxie trembled as she stuck out her front paw and tried to move her back leg too.

“Complete left side. Move both your paws on your left side and then the right.” Hero showed her. “See?”

Roxie caught on this time, although stumbling some, she held steady. “I-I'm a wolf. I'm a wolf.”

“Something like that. Your colors are different.” He held his paw out toward her. “You have the colors of a tiger.”

“My scent.” She looked toward him. “You rescued me anyhow.”

“It's not half as overbearing anymore to me. I've grown more used to you. I've been reading up on certain documents I haven't looked at for a long time.” Hero walked around her. “I've come to the conclusion that I believe you aren't from this world. I think the scientist that created the projects was playing with DNA, but from another dimension, not from the regular wolves of this world. We are similar, yet so different. Some DNA mixing up, and you get projects. Becoming wolves from birth. Experimenting with controlled scents. A jumble between strong and weak points. I'm almost sure of it.”

“I'm not. . .even from here?” Roxie looked away. “I don't even belong here. Then where?”

“Where did your parents find you? Who gave them to you?” Hero asked.


Roxie's mother stared at her in disbelief. “Roxie? Is that really you?”

Roxie nodded, but looked back at Hero. Now that she had transformed, her scent wasn't nearly as bad. “I need to know who gave me to you.”

“No one from around here,” her father confirmed. “Just someone.”

“Do you know who someone is? Someone is someone that doesn't want to get into trouble. You are protecting someone,” Hero accused him. “Where did Roxie come from, I want to know!”

“From my sister, okay? She knew we wanted one, and she attained her.” Roxie's mother continued to stare at Roxie. “Can you change back?”

“I don't know,” Roxie confessed. “I don't even know how I changed.”

“Not right away. She is getting used to enough right now.” Hero couldn't teach her to change yet. It was something deep inside that he would help her trigger, but not yet. She might reject her wolf side and never want to transform again. “This is a part of her and it's natural for her species. Respect it. Now, Roxie, where is your Aunt?”

“My Aunt?” Roxie looked at her mother. “My own Aunt?”

“We never wanted her involved. She swore that she would help us find a child only if we kept quiet. She's a good woman,” her mother pleaded to Hero. “You can't send her to jail.”

“Come, Roxie.” Hero moved slow as he had done before. Roxie would not be ready for running yet. She was finally getting the hang of walking. He jumped out the broken window the other wolves had caused, wanting her to give it a try.

She placed her paws by the side but only looked at the shattered glass.”Can't we go out through the front door again?”

“You need to work on jumping. Come on.” Hero urged her. “You don't even need a running start, it's not up that high.”

“For you.”

“Try it,” her mother urged her. “Tell your Aunt I'm sorry that I couldn't keep the secret any longer.”

Roxie didn't answer back. She took a few steps back. Whether Hero thought she needed a running start or not, she would take one. If she messed up, she would end up with glass in her feet. Roxie ran and leapt out, arching her back and front feet upward. Her bottom chased after it, bringing her rear up enough to launch over.

She shook her head, trying to clear it afterward. She heard Hero chuckle.

“I told you that you could do it. Now, let's go see that Aunt of yours.”