Melina reached into her pocket and pulled out a five in her new world's currency for her favorite bar. Well, it wasn't exactly new. She'd lived there almost her whole life but she was treated like new by any of that town's original residents. She was so young when her family moved there, she couldn't even remember what her other dimension had been like.
Her parents said that was a blessing and never discussed it. They weren't the only ones who found a new home, and she'd heard around to know she was blessed not to live through it too.
The ending. There was no other word for it, her dimension came to an end, and now she lived there.
They were treated nice and things could have been worse, but many underlings believed they weren't treated the same. They claimed that everything for an underling was outrageous in cost. Yet, hardly anyone could substantiate it because the overlings didn't live there.
The underlings lived beneath the overlings. Melina was considered an underling.