No matter what he did, Luc couldn't get down the tree. Underlings kept throwing things at him and yelling at him. In the distance, he saw the bridge was cut too. Even if Melina showed up here, he couldn't get to her. He sailed back up the tree as quick as he could.
What was thirty minutes for her was less than five for him, and he remembered the area around where he came up last time from her house. She had to be at home with school cancelled.
Melina headed toward the tree, but looked at the cut bridge. There wasn't going to be a way to reach Luc. Even if she did make it to the tree, how could she get to him? Being out there made her feel exposed, what if someone figured out the truth?
“He's not coming back.” Thomas showed up beside her. “No way. Not Luc, not anyone.”
“Luc didn't do this,” she said, “and you know it.”
“It doesn't matter. Three underlings are dead,” Thomas said to her.