Chapter Four

Morton Casper was an arms dealer whom he had once saved from trouble. Nowadays, the man was living on the straight and narrow or rather pretending to be doing so, but Jason knew people of his kind better than they knew themselves.

“Hello,” he called as he stepped into Morton's store.

“Good day sir,” a voice greeted from behind a partially hidden counter. “How can I... oh shit!”

“Hello Morton,” Jason smiled. “Nice to see you too. You're fatter than you were when I last saw you.”

“What do you want?”, Morton demanded, not looking very pleased. “Thought I told you never to come back?”

“Did you?”, Jason asked thoughtfully. “Hmmm.. Can't seem to remember. I had amnesia, you know?”

“What's that to me?”

“The only memory I have of you is that of someone who owes me something, so.. I'm here to collect.”

He was now comfortably seated on Morton's seat behind the counter, munching on one of Morton's apples with amiable confidence. He seemed like the owner of the place while the real owner watched on in helpless anger.

“This better be the last time,” he mumbled at last. “What do you want this time?”

“Three M16s, three HFC Glocks, you know how I like them and a sniper rifle, preferably an SR-25.. and don't forget three Type IIIs. I'll think of others later.”

“I'll see what I can do, tomorrow.”

“Today, Morton.”

“I don't have those with me now. I'll need to ask around.”

“Then start asking. I'll need you and those things today. Don't forget the night vi...”

“Need me for what?”, Morton cut in, looking worried and suspicious.

“I need three of everything. One for you, one for me and so on, you know. Now, before you think of saying no, lemme tell you this: you have a lot to lose if you back out, but if you help me, well.. you could get a lot o...”

“What are you up to exactly?”, Morton questioned, his arms across his chest and his eyes intently on his guest.

“Nothing much,” Jason shrugged. “Just paying a visit to some crazy guys and escorting someone back home.”

“Why don't I believe you?”

“Maybe because you're a descendant of Thomas. Either way, you're joining the team.”

“You seem so sure of yourself,” he sneered as Jason got to his feet.

“Course I am. The FBI still exists and illegal arms dealers like you should try to avoid them.”

Morton said nothing. He just stood watching as Jason exited the store. What he wouldn't give to get rid of this man!

Jason knew the hard part was yet to come. He still had to approach one other person and he'd be mighty lucky if he made it past the front door this time. But still, he would have to try first and he was surely not going to take no for an answer. Getting into his car, he headed straight for Ron Bauch's tech store. He wondered if his old army buddy still kept the store running, but when he drove past and saw the OPEN sign, he smiled to himself in satisfaction. The next thing was to get Ron on his side. Last time he saw the big man, things didn't end so nicely, but now, he had no choice but to reopen communication lines. He needed one more man for his plan to be effectively put in action.

Jason walked cautiously into the store, making sure to look around for hidden cameras, but he had not gone very far when he was forced to stop. A loud cocking sound arrested his attention. Looking ahead, he saw Ron pointing a shotgun at him, looking serious and uncompromising.

“I'm fine, Ron. And thanks for asking,” Jason smiled, putting his arms up in a show of surrender.

“What do you want here?”, Ron growled.

“Just to seek your services like a normal customer. Can I take a seat?”

“Don't you move an inch,” the big man warned.

“Come on, Ron,” Jason grinned, cocking his head to the side. “You won't shoot an unarmed man.. a friend at that.”

“You're no friend of mine. Get outta my store!”

“Well,” Jason shrugged. “I'm going, but I'll return with FBI agents, colleagues of those ones you helped Randy slaughter, or perhaps some LAPD detectives. I hear you've got some admirers in LAPD nowadays and I think they've been looking for a chance to pay you a visit. They could use an anonymous tip f...”

“What the hell do you want?”, Ron suddenly asked, still aiming the shotgun at him.

“For starters, why not put the weapon away and let's talk.”

“Not a chance.”

“Fine. I'm on my way.”

Jason turned around and started walking out the door.

“Hey, come back!”, Ron called to him. “Fine, let's talk. My weapon is down, see?”

“Good,” Jason smiled. “Take a seat, Ron.”

“No, thanks. Say what you have to say and get out. And don't ever come back.”

“Then I'm outta here.”

“Okay! Okay! I'm sitting. What do you want?”

“Good boy! Now... I need your help.”

“You threaten me and then have the balls to ask for my help. Who do you think you are?”

“A friend,” Jason grinned.

“Friend huh?”, Ron scoffed. “Last time I saw you, friend, you almost choked me to death, threatened to dismember me, arrest me and even waterboard me!”

“What did you expect?”, Jason shrugged. “You were withholding information vital to National Security.”

“Whatever. All I know is I'd be more comfortable if I don't see your trouble-laden self for the rest of my life.”

“That's equivalent to you getting a life sentence and it can easily be arranged, but if you join my team, you might turn up with some amazing benefits.”

“What fucking team's that?”, Ron asked warily.

“Just a three-man rescue squad.”

“What the hell are you rescuing?”

“A United States Senator.”

“How's that a business of mine or yours?”, Ron fired back.

“It's very personal. I don't know much myself, but I'll fill you in ASAP. Are you in?”

He thought for a while and then turned to Jason.

“On one condition... After all this, you'll crawl back to whatever hole you crawled out from and stay outta my sight for the rest of my life.”

“Deal,” Jason nodded.

“I'm not kidding,” Ron warned. “If I see you around here, I'll shoot without warning and I'll shoot to kill!”


“Great. So you talked about benefits, what are those?”

“We'll discuss that later. For now, just stay reachable. I'll be in touch.”

Without giving his friend time to reply, Jason left and made straight for his car. Things were going good so far and he prayed they would remain so.

Still in his car, Jason decided to call Tony. He wondered why his friend had been silent for so long.

“Forgotten me, Tony?”

“Not really. I just don't have anything useful.”

“You're slow today.”

“Gimme a couple seconds.”

The line clicked off and Jason dropped the phone. But he soon picked it up again. Tony had sent everything he could gather about the terrorists and as Jason went through it, Tony sent more. This time, with the details of the mystery woman who had disguised as a man. The information was sketchy, but at least there was a photo and a last known address. Turning the car around, Jason headed for the residence of Mina Carling.


It was a nice little house, clean and neat. Warm colored and serene. Manicured lawns and all. Tony's info stated that she was a widow with four children, but the house was very quiet and Jason imagined that no one was home. Even though it was quite clear enough, he still fancied that there was no direct line linking the woman and the terrorists that abducted Lynn. He would like to catch her in a more direct act first, but for now, he was keeping an open mind. He parked quite far away from the building and watched it, wondering what tactic to apply.. what next to do. But he wasn't allowed to think for long. The Carling lady was coming out of her house, dressed as a woman this time. She went straight into her car and backed out of her compound. When she had started her journey down the road, Jason let her pick up speed and decided to tail her.


The Assistant Director bustled quietly down the steps and glided to an analyst's station. He stood behind the young man, watching him for a while before finally speaking.

“The list, Bunson.”

The young man had not noticed him earlier and was quite shocked to find him standing there right behind him.

“Sir, I.. I.. I was just about to bring...”

“Never mind. Just let me have it. Thanks.”

Though many had noticed the assistant director's presence by now, not all were yet aware. The man scrutinized the list as he walked past Tony's station. His eyes shot up and returned to the list again, but they soon went back up, this time focused on Tony's screen.

“Aurello, hard at work? What are you working on? What was that on your screen?”

“Oh it's just the...,” Tony began, but was cut off immediately.

“No no. I mean, what was that on your screen just a second ago? I thought I told you to leave the Webbs abduction alone?”

“I did.”

“Then what was that you just took off your screen a second ago?”

“Nothing, it was just...”

“Caught in the act and lying about it. Why not go cool off in a holding cell.. or do I have to call security?”

“No, sir,” Tony murmured as he exited his station.

“Galvin!”, the assistant director called to another analyst. “Take over Aurello's station.”

The young man did as ordered, but he had hardly finished studying what was on the screen when he glanced at Tony. An answering glance from Tony and he turned back to face the screen.

“Pull up the last thing Aurello was working on,” his boss ordered.

“Thought as much,” he murmured when Galvin had done it. “What did he do with this?”

“Sent it to someone.”

“Who? Trace who he sent it to.”

“Jason Raids,” Galvin said after a few taps on the keyboard.

“Can you get a location?”

“Working on it... aaa..and got it.”

“What's the address there?... Get me the Captain of the nearest precinct.. now!”

Though he was quiet, Assistant Director Bellam was hardly comfortable. He had heard of this man Raids before. He knew his reputation and how he messed things up for his predecessor and he wasn't going to let him destroy his work.

Soon, the Captain was on the line. The assistant director hurriedly identified himself enough to satisfy the Captain, but he was more relieved to find that the Captain was driving and was actually not very far from Mrs. Carling's. The result was that the Captain eventually agreed to do him the favour of going over to the house to see if Jason was there.

“Do be firm, Captain,” Bellam urged. “The man has a reputation for taking laws into his hands, grossly disregarding law enforcement agents in the process.”

“Well, I'm not there yet,” the Captain replied. “If I find him there, I'll let you know.”

“No need, Captain. I'm sending someone over right now. I just need you to hold him down for a few minutes max.”

“I hope your guy moves fast enough.”

“He's on his way now (covering the phone and whispering to Galvin) Send Bryan now!” “Thank you Captain, I owe you one,” he said into the phone before disconnecting the call.

“We'll get him,” Bellam sighed as if to reassure himself. “Can't afford a parallel investigation by that lawless rogue. (then he turned to Galvin) Call me when we have him.”

With that, he went back to the interrogation room to continue in his strategy to pry out valuable information from Mrs. Bland that would help him run down the abductors of Senator Webbs.