Chapter 2: Lyon Base City

As a low-rent housing community, Nance Community's land use efficiency is almost close to the limit. Each residential building is like a huge square cement column. The spacing between residential buildings is designed without considering sunlight exposure at all.

Candice·Polynas's home is on the 32nd floor of a 36-story residential building.

"Candice, are you going to the martial arts gym tonight?" Owen walked towards another residential building.

"I'm going out to tutor tonight. After the tutoring is over, I may go to the martial arts gym. It's hard to say when. So don't wait for me tonight." Candice·Polynas smiled and waved his hand, and then quickly walked up the stairs. Running at full speed, took four steps at a time, like a swift leopard. He reached the second floor in the blink of an eye twice.

third floor, fourth floor

"Tap! Tread!"

Candice·Polynas was running very easily and nimbly, occasionally giving way to residents climbing the stairs on other steps.

"Candice, school is over?"

"Yes, Mr.Hansen." Candice·Polynas's breath was not disturbed at all. As a senior martial arts student, climbing stairs at this speed is not much different from walking.

According to the overwhelming opinions of the residents, the low-rent housing complex does not have an elevator. Because once the elevator is built, residents will need to pay more rent. Secondly, for most people nowadays, even climbing dozens of stairs is very easy.

For them, building elevators in residential buildings is a luxury.

After all, electricity prices are very expensive, because the energy source of the entire city's 'defense system' is electricity, and the entire country is in urgent need of electricity.

32nd floor!

There are eight households in total on the 32nd floor, and Candice·Polynas's family is among them, which has a two-bedroom, one-living room with an area of 38 square meters. They have been living here since he can remember.

"Click!" Taking the key, Candice·Polynas opened the door.

"Chi Chi" plugged in the electric kettle, and Candice·Polynas sat on the sofa with a history book in his hands, memorizing some key points from the book.

Suddenly "Drip!"

The electric kettle boiled, Candice·Polynas put down his book and poured water into the thermos. he poured a large plastic cup of hot water and put it on the table.

"In the year 2041, the 'Battle of Geneva' took place in Lake Geneva. Well, it was 2041." Candice·Polynas remembered each historical event. Among the various subjects of cultural education, Candice·Polynas was the strongest in mathematics. But he is most interested in history. 

Because whenever he looks at the history of the 21st century, he sighs endlessly.

This is a history of human change!

 "At the beginning of the 21st century, several viral influenzas appeared in the world, from the SARS virus influenza in 2003 AD to the 2009 A.D. Type h1n1 influenza, and the emergence of the new coronavirus in 2020, finally in 2028, the more terrifying C-type virus occurred. During the spread of the C-type virus, it evolved into more than 200 variants, making the virus epidemic prevention work more difficult, and deaths occurred in all countries around the world."

"With the progress of epidemic prevention work, the epidemic has been controlled."

"However, in January 2030 AD, the C-type virus evolved into its most terrifying variant, which was called the Super C-type virus!"

"Many variants of the C-type virus in the past were spread through body fluids, and some variants could be spread through water, but their survival time in water was very short. But this Super C-type virus can be spread through body fluids and water flow. The most terrifying thing is that it can Spread through the air! It can survive in the air for an astonishing two hours!"

"As soon as the Super C-type virus appeared, it quickly spread around the world. All life in the world, whether human or birds, as long as they need to breathe, are infected with the Super C-type virus."

"By the time humans discover the existence of the Super C-type virus, it will be too late."

"After Super C-type virus infection, the mortality rate is extremely high, reaching nearly 30%. In just three months, according to subsequent statistics, in addition to the death of a large number of animals, the global population dropped by nearly 2 billion! In these three months, a nightmare three months. Scientists around the world are helpless in the face of this virus!"

"There are nearly five billion human survivors, and those who survive naturally produce antibodies in their bodies!"

"After these nightmare three months, the world is immersed in endless grief."

Candice·Polynas said slowly, "During this process, the five billion human survivors discovered that their bodies had become better. Almost every human's strength, speed, cell activity, and skin toughness had more than doubled. ! Even an ordinary person can easily break the previous world records in weightlifting and 100-meter run."

"And then disaster begins!"

"Human beings who have been living comfortably have increased their physical conditions so much. The birds and beasts that have also survived the Super C-type virus have always followed the survival of the fittest in nature. This time the physical changes have increased the strength of various birds and beasts. Humans are amazingly many. And some of the terrifying monsters are even more intelligent!"

"In September 2030, starting with the attack by endless creatures in the ocean, countless birds and animals transformed into 'monsters' began to attack human settlements!"

"Bloody and crazy!"

"In the war between humans and monsters, people were shocked to find that the thermal weapons they had always been proud of were only effective on low-level monsters. The powerful bird monsters and beast monsters were not afraid of bullets and artillery fire. Bullets hit them. , even unable to break through the scales! The missile attack was easily avoided by the monster with quick nerve reactions and fast speed."

"Even if humans use nuclear bombs to attack, they will be shocked to find out in the end"

"The monster defense is too strong. Only in the core area of the nuclear bomb attack range, did a large number of monsters die, but in the larger scattered area, the monsters did not die. The power of the nuclear bomb is far less powerful than human imagination. Although a group of monsters was killed, however, nuclear radiation gave birth to even more terrifying beings among the monsters. The most famous one was the most terrifying 'Blood Demon Sirius' at that time. The Blood Demon Sirius had the ability to fly and killed more than a million humans. Only then did humans know that nuclear radiation can cause some monsters to mutate! Extremely terrifying existences appear."

"There are extremely terrifying beings among monsters, and strong ones have also emerged among humans! Eventually, the original blood demon Sirius was seriously injured and escaped by a super strong human being 'Moshim' who could also fly, and is now the second-ranked in the world. 

"These strong men, at critical moments, saved a large number of ordinary people, assisted the army, and resisted the monsters. During this period, a large number of touching stories emerged."

"And the human scientist Crow Desener, based on the material of the monster corpses and the 'blue gold' metal found on the moon, invented an alloy that is harder than diamond - Crow alloy! This allows strong human beings to not have to use their bare hands. Fight, and have a terrifying weapon that can crack the fur and scales of monsters."

In Candice·Polynas's mind, he clearly remembered this part of history recorded in the book.

"During the course of the war, large numbers of cities were destroyed."

"In the interior of Europe, the Union urgently built six major bases and transferred a large number of people to the six major bases."

"Because China has the spread of internal strength methods and India advocates ancient yoga, these two countries have the largest number of human superpowers! The United States and the European Union are technologically leading."

"Because there are countless monsters in the ocean, almost every island nation has been destroyed!"

"To this day, the ocean is still the territory of monsters."

"In the war between monsters and humans, the only five countries on earth that can protect themselves are India, the United States, the European Union, China, and Russia. Other countries have long been fragmented."

"The war between monsters and humans began in September 2030. With the successful development of ultra-high frequency laser cannons in March 2036, more than ten S-class monsters and two SS-class monsters were killed one after another. Monsters and humans The large-scale war is finally over."

Candice·Polynas sighed.

Five and a half years of war, the most terrible war! In this war, nearly one billion people died. Only the five countries retain the "national" system, and the surviving populations of all other countries have entered various human bases and lived together in a mixed manner.

Until now - humans have had the upper hand. But there are too many monsters in the ocean, and the ocean is still the territory of monsters!

"The eight years from 2028 to 2036 are the Great Evolution Era in human history!" Candice·Polynas sat on the sofa and said slowly.

 "So, now there are five countries in the world with 29 cities, the European Union has 6, India has 6, China has 6, the United States has 5, and Russia has only 1. There are also 2 human base cities established in South America, and 3 in Africa, for a total of 29!"

Candice·Polynas's home is in Leblanc District in Lyon Base City.

The entire city is protected by a wall that is 30 meters high and 20 meters thick. Only the outer wall is 3 meters thick. Every 1,000 meters there is a watchtower with a height of 40 meters. The interior is hollow and troops are stationed there. Made of concrete, with a wide moat outside the city wall, the center of the city is the parliament and government agencies, and the periphery is the five major colleges: First Military Academy, Second Military Academy, Darwin College, Academy of Sciences, and Theological Seminary.

The population of the entire Lyon base city is close to 130 million. In the past, Lyon's population was less than 1% of its current population. Who would have thought that it would now reach 130 million people?

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang

The sound of the bell echoed.

The clock on the wall rang five times, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Now, It's already 2071 AD, and more than 30 years have passed since the Great Evolution Era. In human society, going to a martial arts gym to practice is a must for almost everyone. Human beings Society is much stronger than it was 30 years ago."

In the past thirty years, there have indeed been many more powerful people among humans, and technology has also advanced. However, many terrifying beings have also been born among monsters.


The door of the house was opened, and a middle-aged couple walked in. The middle-aged man's clothes were soaked with sweat and stained with paint and other stains. He looked tired. The middle-aged woman was not tall and was carrying a basket in her hand. There were some vegetables and meat in the basket.

"Dad, Mom." Candice·Polynas stood up immediately. This couple was his parents.

His father is Mark·Polynas and his mother is Jessica·Polynas.

"Haha, um, Candice, how's your day?" Mark·Polynas said with a smile. His son is about to take the college entrance examination.

Mark·Polynas lowered his head and saw a large plastic cup of cold water on the table. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. Every time he came back, there would be cold water ready. After a day's work, he picked up the large plastic cup and took a deep breath. He drank it all and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and take a shower. Look at the stinky sweat on your body." Mother Jessica·Polynas said with a smile.

"Haha." Mark·Polynas smiled and immediately went to grab a change of clothes and went to the bathroom.

Jessica·Polynas looked at her son with a smile: "Candice, mom will make steak for you today!"

"I like eating the most." Candice·Polynas shouted immediately, and smiled, watching his mother put on a scarf to cook dinner. Candice·Polynas knew very well that his mother always went to buy vegetables in the evening after getting off work, because the price of vegetables and meat at this time was much cheaper than in the morning, but in the evening, the vegetables, and the meat is not fresh as the morning.

Candice·Polynas looked at the bathroom again and said silently in his heart: "I will obtain the 'Warrior Title' as quickly as possible. By then, my mother will not have to go shopping for groceries in the afternoon, and my father will not have to do the hard work of decoration."

Candice·Polynas has always been eager to let his parents rest and enjoy the sunshine and delicious food quietly.

"Candice." Father Mark·Polynas came over after taking a shower, "Dad has something to tell you."

"What was that?" Candice·Polynas looked at his father.

Mark·Polynas smiled slightly: "That's it, Candice. I haven't asked you about your plans after graduating from high school. Can you tell me some?" Mark·Polynas rarely talks about this with his son because he doesn't want to put too much pressure on his son. He knew that his son had been working hard. Has always done very well.

As soon as Mark·Polynas said this, his mother Jessica·Polynas, who was cooking, also moved a little slower. Parents are very concerned about their son's future.

"Dad, that's what I think."

Candice·Polynas said directly, "Based on my academic performance, I believe it will not be difficult to enter the 'Lyon First Military Academy' in the college entrance examination. Now that I have obtained the title of 'senior student' in the martial arts academy, I will be directly regarded as the 'Lyon First Military Academy' Training of military officers."

Being a soldier also has levels.

"What if you fail to get into the Lyon First Military Academy?" Mark·Polynas said, "Candice, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"There are two military academies in Lyon Base City. If I didn't perform well in the college entrance examination and couldn't get into the first military academy. However, there is absolutely no problem in getting into the second military academy." Candice·Polynas is very aware of his grades. He usually gets scores higher than the undergraduate score line a lot in exams.

"In the Second Military Academy, senior students from the martial arts gym will also be trained as officers. The salary will not be much different." Candice·Polynas said with a smile.

"Yeah, as long as you are sure, Candice. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Your mother and I just want you to be healthy." Mark·Polynas nodded slightly, "You kid, you just put too much pressure on yourself."

"It's nothing." Candice·Polynas chuckled, "I don't have any pressure. As a young man, we just have to be a little aggressive."

Candice·Polynas said this but secretly said in his heart: "Mom, Dad, you will be able to live a good life soon after I finish the college entrance examination. When I get the title of 'Warrior', you won't have to do hard work anymore."

"Dinner is ready!" The mother urged with a smile.

"I'm coming." Father Mark·Polynas stood up with a smile and went to get the plates, and forks.

"The green vegetables are so fragrant." Candice·Polynas sniffed and said.

A family, enjoying themselves happily.