Chapter 4: Choices

"It becomes more difficult the further go to improve my strength." Candice·Polynas thought, "It will probably take a year to increase from 23.8 meters per second to 25 meters per second. And it will probably take a while to increase the punching power from 809 kilograms to 900 kilograms. It will take longer. If I want to obtain the title of 'Warrior', I probably have to wait until enter university."

"If I fall into a coma again, my physical fitness will probably meet the requirements of a warrior."

Of course, the 'coma' he wanted was not to be beaten unconscious. Instead, he had a severe headache and passed out.

Candice·Polynas has a headache.

Every day he would have an occasional headache, but every time he could endure it, it would pass. But when the headache reached an extremely high level, he would fall into a coma!

Since childhood, Candice·Polynas has been in a coma twice.

After falling into a coma twice, his family took Candice·Polynas to the hospital for examination, but nothing could be found wrong. After all, even now, the brain is still a difficult problem to overcome in medicine.

"However, the two comas have strangely improved my physical fitness a lot." Candice·Polynas looked forward to it. "At the age of eight and twelve, after waking up from these two comas, my strength, speed, and nerves have improved a lot. This is why I passed the intermediate student assessment directly when I entered the martial arts gym at the age of sixteen and was awarded the title of 'Intermediate Student'. Because of my good foundation, I was awarded the title of 'Advanced Student' when I was seventeen years old."

"If I can be in a coma again, my strength will definitely rise again!"

Coma is actually the body's self-protection and is not entirely a bad thing.

Candice·Polynas had suffered from headaches since he was a child, but after he fell into a coma for the first time when he was eight years old, he found that his headaches were relieved a lot each time. When I was twelve years old, I fell into a coma again. Each time the headaches subsided again.

"According to this trend, if I can go into a coma again, the headache will be relieved once or twice, and maybe the headache will disappear forever." Candice·Polynas was eager in his heart. After all, he had a headache once he was in a coma. Just reduce it. And there will be a leap in physical fitness.

However, coma is not something you can just have if you want it.

It only happened twice since childhood.

"My head hurts to the extreme, and my heartbeat speeds to the extreme."

Candice·Polynas lowered his head and looked at the watch on his wrist. This was a watch with a 'pulse test' function.

"However, even if I run to the extreme, my heartbeat does not exceed 120 times a minute." Candice·Polynas looked at his watch, "It would be great if my heartbeat could reach more than 200 times a minute." The sign before coma is a very painful head. , The heartbeat is very fast.

Unfortunately, no matter how strenuous the exercise was, his heart rate could not be fast enough to cause him to suffer from a headache and pass out.

In the martial arts training hall, David·Kora, who had a scar on his face, stood in front of the boxing strength testing machine. He didn't really prepare his momentum, he just hit the target with his left and right fists very casually.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

A series of low boxing sounds sounded, and a series of numbers flowed on the screen of the boxing strength test machine - - "956kg, 912kg, 936kg, 981kg"

David·Kora punched dozens of times before stopping.

Candice·Polynas, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but feel envious. One punch with his full strength only weighed 809 kilograms. If he punches quickly and continuously like David, it would probably just exceed 700 kilograms.

"David, one day if I punch with all my strength, it will be as powerful as your casual punch. That would be great." Candice·Polynas said with a smile.

"Yes, you can." David·Kora came over, smiled, and patted Candice·Polynas on the shoulder, "You are only 19 years old this year, only 18 years old. When I was your age, I was only an intermediate student in martial arts gym. With your rate of progress, you can definitely meet the physical fitness requirements of a warrior in two years. A 20-year-old warrior is really enviable."

Candice·Polynas smiled.

"By the way, Candice, are you going to take the college entrance examination? What will you do after preparing for the college entrance examination?" David·Kora said with a smile.

"I'm going to take the military academy exam." Candice·Polynas smiled slightly, "General military academies accept students who only serve as junior officers in the ordinary army after graduation. As for me, it shouldn't be a problem for me to join some special forces after graduation."

"Oh." David·Kora curled his lips after hearing this, "It's good to join the military academy, but I feel that personal freedom is restricted. When you graduate from the military academy and join the special forces, of course, you must obey military regulations in the army! Anyway, I am subject to No, it's better to be a free warrior."

"Freedom warriors are good." Candice·Polynas shook his head and said, "However, I don't want my parents to worry. Enter the military academy and join the army after graduation. At least the safety level is much higher than that of freedom warriors."

Warriors generally have three paths.

The first way is to join the army and become a member of the army. The advantage is that the security is high, and the state cannot easily let warriors take risks.

The second way is to join a certain conglomerate, a certain family, a certain big force, etc., which is the kind of guard.

The third way is to become a free mercenary and accept tasks in the Free Warriors Alliance. This is a kind of life and death. It is the most risky and freest at the same time.

"When you join the army, you are safe. However, I don't want to live a life without freedom." David·Kora shook his head and said, "This year, I will probably take the 'Quasi Warrior Assessment' again, and I should be able to pass. Once I pass, I will be able to pass the test this year." I will immediately take part in the 'Warrior Practical Assessment' and strive to become a warrior this year."

Candice·Polynas's eyes lit up: "David, are you sure you are able to pass the quasi-warrior assessment?"

"Haha." David·Kora smiled, "I have already passed the three quality tests, boxing strength, and neurological reaction. My weakness is speed! However, now that I perform well, I can barely reach 25 meters per second. These days, I can barely reach 25 meters per second. Work hard and you should be able to pass the test when the time comes."

"David, congratulations." Candice·Polynas was happy for him. After all, David has been struggling to become a warrior for many years. "David, what are you going to do after you become a warrior?"

"Of course, I'm going to be a free mercenary and accept tasks in the Free Warriors Alliance." David·Kora smiled, "The system of the Free Warriors Alliance is very relaxed. Moreover, Free Warriors Alliance is located all over the world. There are many Warriors, which is also beneficial to my own development. Moreover, I can rest as much as I want. , If you want to go out and hunt monsters, go out and hunt monsters, how free you are."

Candice·Polynas nodded.

"Candice." David·Kora looked at Candice·Polynas, "You are crazy at heart. I won't misjudge you. I think you are very suitable for taking the path of a free Warrior. How free is it to be a free warrior? And the Free Warriors Alliance will also help us a lot."

"I will see." Candice·Polynas was a little hesitant.

Seeing this, David·Kora shook his head and smiled: "Candice, free warriors often go through life and death, training between life and death. It is more dangerous! But also, just because they often fight on the edge of life and death, their strength improves the fastest! Look, no matter what in this place, most of the strongest warriors are free warriors."

At night, the street lights are on.

Candice·Polynas left the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and walked alone and silently on the sidewalk. What David·Kora said to him before had indeed had a considerable impact.

"There are actually two paths that suit me." Candice·Polynas said silently in his heart, "One is to enter the military academy, graduate smoothly, and then join the special forces. The second is to become a free warrior. which can freely hunt monsters."

"The first of these two paths is to enter the military academy. It has high security and good family welfare. Even if I die in battle, the country will take good care of my family."

"The second choice is to become a free warrior. Kill frequently between life and death, and your strength will increase quickly. You can also exchange huge amounts of money for hunting monsters, and you will make money quickly. This road is dangerous, your strength will increase quickly, you will make money quickly, and you will be free. The only drawback is that it is dangerous. ." Candice·Polynas kept thinking. In fact, he had often thought about this issue during his senior year in high school.

My parents are getting older, and I am the only child they have. What will my parents do if I die?

"Let's go to the military academy."

Did Candice·Polynas go to the military academy if he wanted to? Everything depends on the college entrance examination in June.