When one door closes, another one opens

The rapid "ding ding ding" bell echoed in the campus of The third high school in Leblanc District. 

The University Entrance Examination ended.

The bustling candidates all left the school.

"Lucas." A slightly bald, elegant-looking middle-aged man stood at the school gate and shouted to his son who was walking out of the examination room with a smile.

"Dad." Lucas·Doug walked over with a smile.

"What do you think of the exam?" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Lucas·Doug shook his head and said helplessly: "My performance this time can only be said to be okay, but the math questions are really tough. Especially the five calculation questions, I only made two questions. For the other three questions, I could only try my best to make some of them, and give points according to the steps, which should give me some points."

"Oh?" Lucas·Doug's father, Kevin·Doug, frowned and said, "It seems that your score in mathematics this time will be relatively low."

"It's okay, Dad. It's difficult for all candidates. I'm not the only one." Lucas·Doug said with a smile.

"Oh, right."

Kevin·Doug smiled and said, "Before, we were waiting for you at the school gate to finish the exam, and we learned something in the middle of the exam. The famous candidate named 'Candice·Polynas' in your school, in the middle of the exam, about an hour before the end of the exam, unexpectedly Fainted in the examination room."

"Fainted in the examination room?" Lucas·Doug's eyes widened, "Dad, you mean Candice·Polynas?"

"Yes, Candice·Polynas was taken away in an ambulance, and many people saw it." Kevin·Doug nodded and said.

"Candice·Polynas fainted?"

Lucas·Doug looked around and listened carefully. As expected, a large number of parents and children talked about a candidate who fainted in the examination room. Lucas·Doug clearly heard many people talking about "Candice·Polynas".

"Haha, this poor boy also has this day. Haha." Lucas·Doug couldn't help laughing.

"Dad, you don't know that this guy often made trouble for me when he was in school." Lucas·Doug said angrily, "Because he is stronger than me, he dominates me in everything. This guy will also have this day." Lucas·Doug felt extremely happy, and he was extremely resentful towards Candice·Polynas.

In fact, Candice·Polynas never paid attention to Lucas·Doug, but Lucas·Doug himself always regarded Candice·Polynas as his opponent. Candice·Polynas surpassed him in terms of cultural achievements and military force, which naturally made him feel uncomfortable.

"Haha, this little guy has never seen the world. He is under great psychological pressure and will collapse if he cannot bear it. Leave him alone. Let's go. Your uncle knows that you are finishing the university entrance examination today and has personally ordered a banquet for you. Let's go quickly." Kevin·Doug laughed.

"Uncle?" Lucas·Doug's eyes lit up.

The reason why the Doug family is considered one of the richest in the Leblanc District is because of his uncle.

His uncle is a warrior!

"No way, absolutely impossible!"

Owen, who had just come out of the examination room, suddenly became anxious in front of his parents, "How could Candice faint in the examination room? Was he so nervous that he passed out? Impossible. Apart from anything else, Candice's mental quality is... In the Extreme Martial Arts Gym., he is also praised by the teachers."

Owen and Candice·Polynas can be said to be close as real brothers.

"Owen, is this fake? We saw this with our own eyes. Candice·Polynas's father and his brother in a wheelchair were so anxious that they went to the hospital together." Owen's father said continuously.

"Hospital? It should be the nearest hospital. Dad, Mom, I'm going to see Candice."

Saying that he ran towards the hospital.

Inside Leblanc District Hospital.

Candice·Polynas was forcing a smile to his father. At this time, Mark·Polynas worried that Candice·Polynas would be hit too hard.

"Dad, I'm fine, let's go back home." Candice·Polynas looked very calm. Although he was a little unwilling, Candice·Polynas knew that things had happened and could not be changed. All he could do was accept it!

"Candice, Candice." A voice came from afar.

Candice·Polynas looked up and saw a figure in the distance running towards the hospital gate. It was his good brother "Owen".

Seeing Owen running over in a hurry, his clothes soaked with sweat, Candice·Polynas was a little moved, and then he asked: "Owen, how difficult are the last three calculation questions in this math paper?" 

He hasn't finished the last three questions.

"It's quite difficult." Owen nodded and said, "This year's math questions are very difficult. There are five calculation questions, but the third question seems to be slightly easier. The other four questions are all very difficult."

"It's okay." Candice·Polynas secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I still have a glimmer of hope If most people can't do much.

After the university entrance examination, candidates can check the results online, and the admission cutoff will be released at the same time.

June 16th, around 7 pm.

In Candice·Polynas's home, Candice·Polynas was sitting in front of his laptop, refreshing the web page again and again with the mouse in his hand. The university entrance examination results query was said to be at 8 p.m.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to First Military Academy this time."

"However, for the math test paper, I wrote multiple-choice fill-in-the-blank questions and the first two questions of the calculation questions. Although I didn't fully solve the second question, I also wrote a lot of steps. I should be given some points according to the steps." Candice·Polynas thought in his mind, "If I am lucky, it should have more than 110 points in mathematics."

Because he fainted during the exam and failed to answer several key scoring questions, Candice·Polynas no longer dared to hope to enter the First Military Academy.

Of the two military academies, the First Military Academy is certainly better, but the scores required are very high. Candice·Polynas had given up hope.

However, according to Candice·Polynas's assessment of the Second Military Academy, there is still some hope.

"Huh?" Candice·Polynas's eyes lit up.

The university entrance examination results query page was refreshed.

"God, please help me and let me pass the admission cutoff. As long as I pass the admission cutoff, I can enter the Second Military Academy." Candice·Polynas felt anxious and entered the university entrance examination query page, entering his name, and ID card number, and then clicking on the word 'query'.


The page flashed slightly, and a table appeared.

Candidate: Candice·Polynas

Sex: Male

ID number: LY530608321167

Life and Earth Sciences: 128 

Physics-Chemistry: 126

English: 120

Engineering Science: 123

Mathematics: 116

Total score: 615

admission cutoff: 620

"615 points, the admission cutoff is 620?" Candice·Polynas took a deep breath.

Just 5 points away! With just 5 points, he would not have the chance to go to military school.

"can't go to the military academy, I can not go to the military academy…."

"Fine, what's the big deal?" Candice·Polynas's eyes narrowed, and He raised his right hand to imitate the shape of a knife and cut it straight forward. The air suddenly trembled due to the extremely fast moving passing through it, making a heart-wrenching sound. 

"This coma has improved my strength a lot! Perhaps, my current physical fitness has reached that of a warrior. I can pass the 'Quasi Warrior Assessment'."

"Even if it's a little bit off, it's not a big difference. If I work hard and practice hard for a month or two, I should be able to pass the 'quasi-warrior examination'."

Candice·Polynas has a strong ability to adapt. This time, his university entrance examination results did not meet the undergraduate level, which was a big blow to him. However, the 'coma' caused his physical fitness to improve again, which also gave him confidence!

"Click!" Candice·Polynas opened the door and entered the living room.

In the living room, parents Mark·Polynas, Jessica·Polynas, all turned to look over, with concern in their eyes. Jessica·Polynas stood up and walked towards Candice·Polynas: "Candice, It's okay, this is not your fault."

When Candice·Polynas was checking his scores in the house before, his parents also checked and found out that Candice·Polynas's university entrance examination scores were only 5 points short of the undergraduate level. Although they were a little disappointed, they were more worried about Candice·Polynas.

Candice·Polynas smiled: "Of course, I won't be hit. Parents, don't blame this headache. To be honest, we need to thank this headache?"



Mark·Polynas, Jessica·Polynas, were all stunned. The university entrance examination is a major event in life. Now that Candice·Polynas has been ruined by this headache, but he still want to thank this headache?

"Mom, Dad." Candice·Polynas said with a slight smile, "When I was a child, I had two headaches that made me faint. In fact, after waking up both times, I felt that my strength had increased a lot and I could run faster. This time It's the same! I feel that my physical fitness is much better than before, and I think I can pass the 'quasi-warrior examination'."

"What?" Mark·Polynas, Jessica·Polynas looked at each other.

"Is it true?"

"Of course it's true." Candice·Polynas smiled slightly, "After passing the quasi-warrior assessment, I can apply for the 'Warrior actual combat assessment'. I am very confident in my actual combat ability, and I may be able to become a warrior this year!"

Father Mark·Polynas, mother Jessica·Polynas were all shocked by the news.


What does that mean? That represents a group of people with the most transcendent status among human beings, and represents privilege! Represents a superior status!

"Candice, that's great!" Mark·Polynas also excitedly patted Candice·Polynas on the shoulder.

Seeing his parents so happy, Candice·Polynas chuckled and said, "Mom and Dad, we haven't passed the test yet, so we can't get too proud too early."

At five o'clock the next morning, it was dark.

Candice·Polynas left home and rushed to the Extreme Martial Arts Gym.

"There are really few people at this time." After Candice·Polynas entered the Extreme Martial Arts Gym., he found that only about a hundred people could be seen on the grass and roads of the entire martial arts gym. You must know that there are as many as 30,000 to 40,000 students in the entire martial arts gym. "Every time the martial arts teacher teaches at night. So the night is when the martial arts gym has the most people."

Walking on the road, Candice·Polynas rushed directly to the teaching building for senior students.

The spacious martial arts training hall was empty, not a single person.

It's only around five o'clock in the morning, and even at night when there are the most people, there are usually no more than twenty people here.

"I want to see how much strength I have reached now." Candice·Polynas walked over, plugged in the plug of the boxing strength tester, turned on the switch, and turned on the 'speed tester' in the distance.

Stand in front of the boxing strength testing machine.

"Let's get started!"

Candice·Polynas took a deep breath, with his waist and hips as the center, strong force was emitted through the waist and hips, and then his spine suddenly arched, like a big python, generating a strong force through his arms, running through each joint, and then Candice·Polynas's fist was like a bolt of lightning, and suddenly hit the target with a "peng" sound.

"Beep, beep, beep!" The boxing strength testing machine made three consecutive beeps.

Candice·Polynas's eyes lit up. Normally, boxing strength testing machines would not make such a sound. Making such a sound means that the punching force exceeds 1,000kg.

"Huh?" Candice·Polynas stared at the display screen of the punching strength testing machine -- '1085kg'.


Candice·Polynas felt ecstatic in his heart. The physical requirement for a warrior is that his boxing power must reach 900kg. now it has reached 1085kg, far beyond the qualifying line.

"Ha ha."

Candice·Polynas's excited fists punched out like lightning, his whole body shaking from side to side, and the sound of "peng" "peng" was heard constantly. In almost the blink of an eye, Candice·Polynas punched more than twenty times. The screen of the boxing strength testing machine also showed a series of numbers - '954kg, 985kg, 920kg, 960kg'.

"I'm going to test my speed." Candice·Polynas turned and walked towards the runway, "As long as my speed passes the test, plus my nerve reaction speed, I have already reached the standard before. Then I will definitely pass the quasi-warrior assessment!"

Candice·Polynas adjusted his breathing.


The whole person seemed to be shot out suddenly like a cannonball, passing quickly along the runway.

"Dip, drip, drip!"

Candice·Polynas was standing in front of the runway and then flew past.

"Haha! 28.1m/s, I actually exceeded the test standard by 25m/s, and 3.1m/s more. Now I will go to the Free Warriors Alliance to apply for a warrior test tomorrow." Candice·Polynas's mouth almost reached the base of her ears!