Become a junior warrior

After dinner, Candice·Polynas was in front of his computer

"They say that once you officially become a Warrior, you can enter the internal network of the Free Warriors Alliance. Let me see what's special!" Candice·Polynas was a little excited.

Candice·Polynas logged into the official website of Free Warriors Alliance and then clicked to enter the internal network.

Suddenly, a verification box appeared on the screen, prompting for a password, and fingerprint verification.

"Dip." Candice·Polynas verified his fingerprints.

Candice·Polynas's personal page appeared on the screen. There was a photo of Candice·Polynas on it. The following is the specific information:

Name: Candice·Polynas

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Address: Lyon Base City, European Union

Warrior ID number: LY530801

Warrior Level: Junior-warrior

Contribution Points: 0 

Currency balance: 2,000,000

These terms represent different levels of proficiency or rank within a warrior system:

1. **Quasi-Warrior**: A beginner or entry-level warrior. (Finished "Quasi-Warrior Assessment")

2. **Junior Warrior**: The next level above Quasi-Warrior, indicating some progress and experience. (Finished "Warrior Practical Test")

3. **Senior Warrior**: A more experienced and skilled warrior, likely with a higher level of expertise than a Junior Warrior. (Killed 10 B-level monsters/killed 3 A-level monsters/killed 1 S-level monster)

4. **Elite Warrior**: An exceptional warrior who has reached a high level of skill and accomplishment. (Killed 10 A-level monsters/killed 3 S-level monsters/killed 1 SS-level monster)

5. **Master Warrior**: A warrior who has achieved a mastery of their craft, often considered an expert or leader among warriors. (Killed 10 S-level monsters/killed 3 SS-level monsters/killed 1 SSS-level monster)

6. **Legend Warrior**: The highest rank, reserved for those who have achieved legendary status, possibly due to extraordinary feats or contributions to the warrior community. (Killed 3 SSS-level monsters)

At the top of the web page, there is a row of buttons.

Candice·Polynas's eyes fell on the "Email" button with the number "2".

Candice·Polynas opened the mailbox.

The first email was a video.

A middle-aged man in a black suit appeared on the screen and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Candice·Polynas. I am Viral Shah, HR Manager of the Freedom Fighters Alliance, welcome you to join our family. This email is to confirm with you the 2 million signing bonus. If the amount is incorrect or you have any questions, please reply to my email within a week. Thank you."

After that, the video ends.

Candice·Polynas clicked to open the second email.

There is also a video in the email.

"Hello, dear new Warrior 'Candice·Polynas'. On behalf of the Free Warriors Alliance, I welcome you to join our family." A sweet-looking girl with wavy hair smiled and said, "This is your first time entering the internal network of the Free Warriors Alliance! Let me introduce to you the rights you will get:

First of all, you can purchase various levels of weapons, body skill books, and attack methods such as knife skills, spear skills, and sword skills. Wait, there are thermal weapons, vehicles, protective gear, communication systems, special bombs, special medical potions, Evolution potions, and even some special material treasures. As long as you have enough money, you can buy them. Once after completing the payment, the goods will be delivered within 24 hours. You can also ask an Elite-Warrior, or even a Master-Warrior, to provide one-on-one teaching with you through the Internet."

The girl in the video smiled and said, "You can also use contribution points instead of money to complete the payment! Of course, contribution points have many uses, not just the benefits of purchasing items. For example, if the contribution points reach a certain level, you can even call the leader of the Free Warriors Alliance 'Leeon·Karte' to teach you, or do you a favor." The girl in the video smiled and said, "The higher the contribution points, the higher your status in Free Warriors Alliance, the greater your power, and the better the benefits."

"There are two main ways to obtain contribution points."

"One type is to hunt monsters and collect materials from the monster's body. Sell these materials to the Free Warriors Alliance! You can get money and contribution points."

"The second option is to donate to the Free Warriors Alliance. The more money you donate, the more contribution points you get. The current ratio is that if you donate 10,000€, you can get 1 contribution point! The minimum donation is 1 million€, and the maximum donation for Warriors is 10 billion€. In other words - through the donation system, the limit of contribution points you can obtain is 1 million points!"

Candice·Polynas took a breath of cold air when he heard this.

"Mr. Candice·Polynas, let me remind you that hunting monsters is the best way to get contribution points. You can get contribution points and earn money at the same time." The girl in the video said with a smile, "You now have the start-up capital, please do not immediately buy something. You can enter the information area of the warrior forum and carefully check some basic knowledge of warriors. This is very beneficial for you to choose methods and purchase weapons. "

"Finally, congratulations to Mr. Candice·Polynas for being able to reach the pinnacle of warrior in our big family of Free Warriors Alliance."

After saying that, the video girl bowed and the video ended.

Candice·Polynas was amazed when he heard this

The internal network of the Free Warriors Alliance is indeed very useful. What attracts Candice·Polynas the most is that he can directly use money to invite an Elite Warrior, or even a Master Warrior to provide one-on-one teaching through the network.

Although he owns 2 million €, Candice·Polynas is not in a hurry to buy weapons and other items, but wants to familiarize himself with this internal website first. The website has many functions and is divided into many sections, including accepting tasks and publishing tasks, a separate chat function for meeting guests, a cultivation section, and a donation system.

But what attracted Candice·Polynas the most were the 'forum' and the 'mall'.

The mall is full of everything, including all kinds of body skills secrets, sword skills secrets, hot weapons, cold weapons, Evolution potions, etc…


Candice·Polynas clicked to enter this forum and then entered the 'Basic Knowledge Database for Warriors' sub-forum. There were no replies from anyone in this sub-forum, only a large amount of basic information.

The first post is about the definition and explanation of warrior:

Warriors are divided into ordinary warriors and special warriors (Psychokinetic).

"First of all, warriors are divided into Junior Warrior, Senior Warrior, Elite Warrior, Master Warrior, and Legend Warrior, a total of five levels!"

"Ordinary warriors can only improve their physical fitness through continuous training or fighting monsters. Of course, there are also special cases, that is, taking evolution potions, special technological drugs, or substances containing energy in the bodies of certain special monsters to improve their physical fitness. own physical fitness. "

Evolution potion: Divided into four levels: S, A, B, C, and D. It is a potion made by the Academy of Sciences using transparent crystals found in monster heads. It can improve human body functions, but it has side effects. If people with low physical fitness use it, the probability of death is extremely high.

----Ordinary people who do not meet the physical fitness of quasi-warriors take the lowest level, D-level evolution potion, and the probability of death exceeds 99.999%!

There are two types of warriors (Psychokinetic), one is called "object controller", they can control objects!

For example, control some spikes, flying knives, etc. to perform long-range attacks! Much more powerful than some heavy sniper rifles. And the bullet's attack trajectory is straight. The weapons controlled by Psychokinetic can be changed at will!

The second type is called "Soul Controller". This one is more mysterious and directly attacks the monster's soul. Once successful, the monster's body will not be hurt at all, but it will die directly! However, it is more difficult to attack the soul. It is said that there is only one Psychokinetic who knows the method of "soul attack", which is "Moshim·Khan·Mathai" the Grand Priest of the Theological Academy.

Generally speaking, the strength of a "Psychokinetic" has a period of rapid improvement!

Because they are born with very strong 'Psychic Power', but they are always lurking in the awareness space! As the body gets stronger, the more latent 'Psychic Power' is revealed. The stronger the body becomes, the stronger the 'Psychic Power' becomes. Until one day, all the latent 'Psychic Power' is unearthed. At this time, the Psychokinetic's strength began to improve very slowly.

Candice·Polynas couldn't help but be startled.

It turns out that the improvement of the Psychokinetic's strength is actually to tap out the latent Psychic Power. Only if you have a strong enough body can you withstand enough 'Psychic Power'!

Therefore, the potential of a psychic depends on how much Psychic Power lurks in their awareness space.

Some of the latent 'Psychic Power' exists in liquid form, while others exist in solid form!

Candice·Polynas suppressed the excitement in his heart and kept reading until he had read all the content of this post.

"It seems that the drop-shaped blue gem in my mind is actually a solid form condensed by the Psychic Power."

"How much Psychic Power it contains." Candice·Polynas guessing.