Selling Materials

The starry sky was dotted with stars, and a figure was moving forward like black lightning in the dilapidated county town. Sometimes walking along the street, sometimes jumping through the residential area, it took only a moment to arrive at the six-story residential building where the Rampage Ax Team members stayed.

"Candice is here."

"Well, it doesn't seem to be hurt."

The Rampage Ax Team members used binoculars to watch Candice·Polynas enter the stairs of the residential building. After a while, Candice·Polynas came to the rooftop.

"Captain, Elara." Candice·Polynas shouted with a smile.

"No injuries, not bad. How's it going? Did you hunt down that Silver Moon Wolf?" Captain Batir·Catalin couldn't help but ask, no matter how calm he was.

Elara·Thorne, Sunil·Naik, and Dileep·Nambiar looked at Candice·Polynas with excitement and anticipation.

"Candice's backpack is bulging a lot." Elara·Thorne said in surprise.

"Elara, your eyes are really poisonous. Yes, I just luckily killed that Silver Moon Wolf! I dissected it and collected everything in my backpack." Candice·Polynas laughed.

"Really killed?"

Everyone in the Rampage Ax Team stared wide-eyed.

Silver Moon Wolf, the king of wolves! Wolf monsters are rare to begin with, let alone "Silver Moon Wolf".

"I was also lucky this time. This Silver Moon Wolf's body moves at the speed of sound! The attack power is also ridiculously strong, and the fur on its body is even more terrifyingly tough. If it hadn't been seriously injured from the beginning, there would be a big hole in its abdomen. Wound. I want to kill it, it's very difficult!" Candice·Polynas couldn't help but sigh.

"Moving at the speed of sound?" Elara·Thorne glared.

"It's so perverted! He's the king of the wolf clan, comparable to an A-Class pig monster." Sunil·Naik couldn't help but exclaim.

"Not good." Batir·Catalin's expression changed drastically.

Candice·Polynas was shocked by the captain.

"Captain, what's wrong? What's wrong?" Candice·Polynas asked.

"This Silver Moon Wolf has been seriously injured. He must have fought with human warriors before. The team of warriors that fought with it may have left marks on Silver Moon Wolf's fur. Once this team catches up, we will be in trouble. !" Batir·Catalin said anxiously.

"Yes, we can't mess with a team of warriors who can seriously injure Silver Moon Wolf. They must have a Master Warrior, and probably even a Legend Warrior!" Elara·Thorne was also surprised when she heard this.

"Captain, don't worry. Before entering the wilderness area, I checked a lot of information and knew some basic common sense. After killing Silver Moon Wolf, I checked and found that Silver Moon Wolf was indeed marked, but it was already marked. I eliminated it." Candice·Polynas said confidently.

Batir·Catalin and Elara·Thorne breathed a sigh of relief.

What they are most worried about is that Candice·Polynas, a newcomer with little experience, will steal the prey hunted by others. Once others find out, it will be troublesome.

"Everyone, have a good rest tonight. We will return to the military base early tomorrow morning." Batir·Catalin said.

"Yes, Captain."

A group of people responded with a smile.

Early the next morning, Rampage Ax Team quietly left City 021 and headed towards the military base along the dilapidated highway.


Three days later, in the military base.

"Have you found out who stole our Silver Moon Wolf?" a tall middle-aged man with a 5cm long scar at the corner of his left eye said in a low voice.

"No, there is no news at all. The captain is smashing the wine bottle angrily in the living room." The one-eyed middle-aged man said with a frown.

"In my opinion, we didn't catch him on the way back. Now there's no hope of finding out who stole our Silver Moon Wolf." A muscular bald man shook his head and said. Suddenly his expression changed and he stared into the distance. The gate of the military base. The other two people turned their heads and looked over when they saw this, and then their expressions changed drastically!

Only six people, including Batir·Catalin, Dileep·Nambiar, and Candice·Polynas, appeared at the entrance of the base, and then walked past them.

Villa A9, in the temporary resting place of the Rampage Ax Team.

"Let's process the monster materials we hunted this time. Although we didn't go out for a long time this time, we hunted 2 C-Class monsters, namely a Bloodthirsty wild boar, an armored bull, and a B-level monster Silver. Moon Wolf! But if we sell Silver Moon Wolf's materials, it will be easily discovered by the warrior team who seriously injured Silver Moon Wolf in the first place." Batir·Catalin said cautiously.

"Well, Silver Moon Wolf's body materials should be sold after returning to the base city. The other monster materials should be sold here." Elara·Thorne nodded in agreement.

"Everyone has a meal and a rest, and then we go to sell materials." Batir·Catalin said with a smile.

After the meal, the six members of the Rampage Ax Team found the person in charge of the Free Warriors Alliance and directly sold the monster materials they hunted to the other party. Except for the Silver Moon Wolf materials, everything else is sold out.

In Villa A9, a group of people from the Rampage Ax Team were gathered around the computer to share money.

"Candice killed more E-class and D-class monsters and scored more than 120,000 points."

"Sunil killed all D-level monsters. There were 12 of them in total. The average price was about 8,000, and the total price was about 100,000."

"Dileep, acquired D-class monster"


The six-member Rampage Ax Team quickly divided the money gained from selling E- and D-grade materials.

"Okay, here is the distribution of C-Class monsters. All the materials of an armored bull were sold for a total of 1.2 million." During the hunting process, I played the main role, so I should take 40% of the money of this armored bull. However, during the hunt, they were attacked by a herd of beasts, and it was Candice who rescued everyone! So for this C-Class monster, Candice gets 20%, and Sunil, Leon, Dileep and Elara all get 10%! "Batir·Catalin looked at everyone.

"No objection, right?" Batir·Catalin said.

"No objection."

"So, of the 1.2 million, I get 480,000, Candice gets 240,000, and the four of you get 120,000 each."

"The last one, Bloodthirsty wild boar, sold the most, reaching 1 million. Elara contributed the most, killing with one shot, accounting for 60%! Others contributed equally, Candice, Sunil, Dileep, and Leon each received 10%. I didn't take any action, I just helped. You've dissected the monster's body and don't want it anymore." Batir·Catalin said with a slight smile.

Batir·Catalin is usually the main force in hunting monsters. Over the years, Batir·Catalin has made twice or even ten times as much money as other people! Therefore, Batir·Catalin is usually very humble when he doesn't exert much effort.

"In other words, Elara will get 600,000, and Leon, Candice, Dileep, and Sunil will all get 100,000. Of course, we also have Silver Moon Wolf's body materials, which can definitely be sold at a good price when we return to the base city!" Batir·Catalin Said with a smile.

That afternoon, Candice·Polynas and his group took the train back to the base city.

"The train is about to enter the station. Passengers leaving the station, please prepare your belongings." The recorded voice of the conductor echoed in the carriage, and with a bang, the carriage door opened.

"Let's go!"

Batir·Catalin, Candice·Polynas, Leon·Shahd, Elara·Thorne, all walked out one after another.

"A lot of people." As soon as Candice·Polynas got out of the train, he saw a large number of passengers coming out of the train station at a glance, and through the glass of the train station building, he could see a large number of people waiting inside. You know, the main urban area of ​​the base city with a population of over 1.3 billion, you can imagine how noisy and lively the train station here is!

"Guys, thank you for the weapons in your hands. We have returned to the base city alive again!" Batir·Catalin said with emotion.

"came back."

"Back to the human city."

Candice·Polynas himself was also shocked. Although he was only in the wilderness area for seven or eight days this time, the wilderness area was desolate and dilapidated. The cities in the wilderness area had long been in ruins. A large number of monsters were entrenched, and Candice·Polynas and the others had to be careful when moving forward, lest they be surrounded by the beasts.

Only base city! This is the safe living zone for humans! This is where civilization exists!

"Base City is the last base of human society. Even for this base of human society, warriors with stronger power should indeed stand up! People like me can easily be hunted down D-Class monsters and even junior warrior beast C-Class monsters can be killed easily. But for ordinary humans, even if they are equipped with weapons, facing D-Class monsters is extremely dangerous."Candice·Polynas had a hint of realization in his heart.

Why does the country give privileges to warriors?

In the whole world, why are warriors encouraged to hunt monsters?

Because the more monsters you kill, the safer the human base city will be.

Candice·Polynas dialed his home phone number.


"Mom, I will be home late at night today, you don't need to wait for me to have dinner."

"Late tonight?" The mother was obviously very surprised, "Okay, okay, your dad is outside, I'll ask them to answer the phone."

"No need, I'll go back tonight." Candice·Polynas felt warm in his heart.

This is home, the place he, Candice·Polynas, protects.

"Candice, let's go to the Free Warrior Alliance." Batir·Catalin shouted, and the others had already started to set off.
