Chase the dream in hot pursuit

After being successfully (mislead?) by Bae to having a stop at the mall, the quartet was suspiciously strolling around the plaza whit a fountain in middle, peaking at gift shops. 

Gawr finally decided to walk whit them on her own feet, because be princess carried by the blonde caused a to much trouble for her heart.

Takanashi on other hand fully swallow Hakos bait and was quite generous to buy gifts for everyone in the team as a memento for becoming a friend. She even obtained a magnified glass for Watson joking that this will improve her detective skills. But then she mentioned her (darling Calli) and instantly switched the discussion, (Ehm! From that point her monologue.) on this dear friend of her. But then she concluded that she had already a gift for her and memento shall be picked when both are there. There was no point to question of why this one wanting to enter the Academy.

Watson whit a drop of sweat on her cheek, wanted to back out from this party. She silently and secretly make a single step back, when Gawr standing next to her (on reflex?) take her hand connecting theirs palms. The Yellow girl thought that her intentions were discovered but as she glanced at the white haired girl she noticed that the little one is sweating a lot whit slightly terrified expression while watching that energetic girl living her life. 

The Shark ignoring the monologue of the Phoenix, turned her attention to the Rat. "Okay… Spill it out! Whats yours agenda on solving this mess?"

Hakos on other side of the blonde, was sweating similar as the other short girl. But after she realized that she was being asked; make confident pose (obviously only looking like confident), as she uttered: "I have faith in the world." Then as for calling one of her mouse ear on top of her head twitched as if it detected some noise in far distance. Seconds after that she twisted on spot facing outside of the shop. As if it was her save event she shout. "There is the opportunity window!! We must hurry!! Everybody, let run!!"


Like a skilled leader, she hasty lead the team out onto the small plaza inside the mall. When they were running toward the fountain she shout across the area in friendly manner. "Hi~i!! Chloe~e!!"


Of course the red haired girl was calling on another schoolmate from the academy. It was again a white haired girl whit aquatic accessories wearing a pajama like black hoodie under her school uniform. In high contrast toward the short duo, this girl, on her chest, hidden under the shirt; she had a quite big woman pride. Massive to the point that she dint bothered to even try to close her body thigh jacket. [Chloe Sakamata – the clumsy (genius?) orca.] This girl was running in panic (crying?) that she is late. She was literally a disaster on legs and everyone who knew her commerce quick evade maneuvers to get out off her way. The moment she noticed that someone calling on her whit a friendly manner, she look into that direction whit big happy smile full of expectation.

And her foot conveniently slip.

In fast pace; she rammed some random stand that dear to stay in her way. She flow through the second. And crash landed head down into a fountain pool in the middle of the mall. So catastrophic fail that only her legs in V-shape were pointing straight up from the water.


Watching how the legs were slowly sinking into the pool Gura in dry manner mentioned that: "This can actually work." 

Hakos knowing that Gawr meaning something else that the transfer duo trying to archive [To use an accident to get someone out from the Academy.], she quickly tried to reason whit the Shark. "If you think that this will work, you are more crazy that she is." It was possible that Bae was referring to Takanashi, but as Gura starts mentioning other crazy students: ("Yea like a…") Rat quickly interrupted the Shark, silencing her: "Point taken!"


Only now the Phoenix finally realize the offered opportunity. "Ame!!, this is our chance! Its a rescue mission to save a maiden in distress. Lets hurry."

And both girl help Sakamata to get out of the fountain and (save?) her from (drowning?) in the shallow water.

As the Orca's girl head, was picked up from the water, she instinctively release the intake water from her mouth. So from certain perspective it looked like if she was a part of the fountain, sprinkling a stream of water from her mount as if there was a water pipe. But when she finally got out of the fountain, she quickly recover as if nothing serious happened to her and she is actually fine. No! She remembered: "Oh no! I am late!" She dint even bother that she is soaked wet and in panic she got up onto her legs. 


Hakos was quick to say a goodbye to the group as if her role of the guide the team was done, successfully finding a suitable replacement. "Well, this is the point where we diverge. I wish you a good luck." She tried very hard to not react onto Shark pricing stare that says: (I see what are you trying to do!)

Orca big smiled back at the Rat, "Bie~e.", while she reached for Gawr and picked her up, under her armpit like if the shorty was a little girl. It looked as if she was just picking up her (big?) school bag, big sport bag, sheep or something else. Without any question she starts to running in her original direction. 

From certain point it maybe looked like an honest mistake. But… … 

Chloe Sakamata knew very well, what she is doing. [In the wildness of animal kingdom, even if orcas are buffed up dolphin's, they hunt sharks for snack.]

And when Gawr realized it too, in anger she shouted back at the party. "Hey!!-- Don't dare to abandon me here!! Freshmans!!, If you two dummies valuing yours life's, then you will pick the dam rat!! Pick her up!! And don't dare to left me alone whit this one!! Don't forget about yours ticket!!"


It was quick, but as Bae was in shock from how funny it is, that Sakamata just kidnapped Gura without blinking an eye. "He?" [surprised: What?] But a similar thing happened to her. "Hee?" But the duo realized from start that they was no match for Orca's athletic performance, if just one of them will carry the rat. In order to catch Chloe, they picked stunned Hakos like a log. "Heee?" Caring her under theirs armpits they entered the hot headed pursuit. And whats more, whit loosing the meaning to thinking about the reason of why they doing this; the red team quickly catch up onto the white haired team. "He~e??"

Of course the kidnapper noticed the pursuers and as she glanced back at them she pulled out her eyes shouting. "Nande~e??!!" [Why~y??!!]


In all ridiculousness, turning behind corners, taking stairs up, park tour slide down, and an (elevator?) or it was a (cable-way car?). No, wait! That elevator thing where they must together ride the same cabin in silence, where runners were breathing heavily while listening to elevator music,... actually dint happened. 

Or did it?...


And so after one spectacular chase, that caused an uproar, not knowing how or when, the racers reached the gates of Harp Academy.