Leaving the glory stage for Takanashi for her to grab all the fame caused by the (rap battle), Gawr took Watson back to the town. She was heading to her one room Apartment and told the rest that she need the blonde to help her grab the stuff.
Both of them entered a small student dormitory room for one. There was one window directly on opposite side to the entry doors. That imaginary line divided that room on two parts. On one side was bed with drawers under it and tall clothing cabinet, plus between them a pile of piled-up clotting that someone don't bother to put away or on place. On the other side was study desk and wide shelf for random stuff… (like a trophies?)… and between them was this newer closed chest [ship's trunk]. The interior of that chest seems to be newer organized to the point, that it look like a treasure chest where the supposed treasure is actually a pile of book and other school related stuff that peak from it.
Whats seemed to be newer used was the stove in the kitchen niche corner opposite to the bathroom corner. Even if there was some (not a trash) stuff spread on the floor like if someone don't bothered to collect its stuff, toys or magazines that falls out from hands; the room don't seemed messy at all. Plus for the short girl, this room look spacious enough.
Those two were already discussing something on they way here and the blonde make a summary of the last topic. "So~o, what you saying is: That someone thought; that having a prestigious academy, that is a practically a brawlers musical, is beneficial for the entire education system."
The white haired girl just shrug her shoulders as she stroll into the room. "They collected the biggest protagonist material weirdos from around the world that had a possibility to make an impact on society. (Or what ever you can call a bunch of brawlers.) But none of them are you typical fairy tale character that you will put on pedestal as national hero."
"Suddenly it feels like a (B) class."
"I knew what you means. They said that even the biggest brute, who wasting its life by slacking around can be a beneficial if its passion is directed in the right direction. Anyway, talent without a burning passion to fuel it is just a mediocre trait. Like turning a campfire into a beautiful lantern. When I head that; I cannot helped myself, but continued to laugh for a while. I dint take them serious even when I actually got onto academy. Then the first brawl come."
This information honestly surprised the blonde. "A what?"
Shark seeing that the detective catches on this give a proudly smile. "A free for all melee, until the time limit went up. I thought that the school will make a fuss. But they give us a surgery level analysis of the entire fight; our abilities and combat style, pointing out the areas that needed to improve if we wanted to be unstoppable. I was like: (Wha~at??) (Whats going on?) (What the heck is this high-performance sport competition approach?) They dropped us on dedicated intense training to honest our combat ability, so I don't needed to bother with anything else. In other words I don't had a time for anything else. Step by step; they were methodically changing this and that. And before I realized… the bone head of me… was assimilated into a students body of the academy… Literally, I was in class, doing a study and girly stuff. Then a sudden realization hits me: (What the heck I am doing? This is not me?! An apex predator was turned into a proper storybook princes. How the heck I become like this?!) Those dam wizards knew very well what they are doing."
"Hm. Its sound like they satisfy you cawing for adrenaline? So you done with brawls?"
"Don't be misled by the cute face of me! I am shark. If I fells like it, I will still jump head on onto any brawler that come under my nose. It just the realization, that around here are individuals that are stronger that you, make the trill from the fight so much valuable. On other side one shall be aiming for a high quality fight demeaning a certain standards during brawls."
That topic surely make the Detective to feels like out of place. "Question: What quality you can found on a brawl?"
"Brutes are one thing. But big brain trickster are other. Plus there are those who make you fall asleep whit they prolonged pick up fight monologues." Shark seemed amused by the insecure reaction of this (normal person?). "Oh don't worry! Even if the combat training is part of the curriculum. The fighting is actually not mandatory. You can get credit from all kind of stuff. So I think just the you stuff making thing can carry you through. But those people are crafty, they will lie to you and make you feel that itself its not enough. By the way, any musicals events crediting a lot. Bands doubling it."
Suddenly Watson thoughts that it really sounds like the upperclassman [senpai] filling the freshman [kohai] a bunch of useful or random trivia.
Or it look like Gawr just spreading a spicy gossips. "I heard that one weirdo was capable to sleep its way through the entire curriculum. Allegedly that person had a speeding issue to the point that the entire world around seems to be on slow-motion."
Blonde raised her eyebrows questioning truthfulness of this statement.
But the white-haired already pull out another. "I even heard that there was this (one) who had been really good at fighting, being a disciple of multiple master, having a style where anything goes. And the entire group was constantly getting into fight between each others, if they at that moment were not in a team fight. But there was this (MC GF) [main character girl friend] and she was capable to pacified any of them by just singe face slap. So don't believe when someone try to convict you that slapping is not a martial art." And she pick up another gossip. "Even freaking black belt on jelling on the entire house is called a lion's roar martial art. What the heck."
Seeing how much is the short girl into this chit chat, the taller one cannot helped but smiled. "Somehow it start to feel like an east comedy movie where everybody is actually an expert or master of some random most unheard martial art."
But that only confused the other one. "What the heck are you talking about? Whats hard to do something simple as a punch? Give it a name and you have your own technique."
This seemed like a good opportunity to change the topic as Watson looked around the room once again. "So~o, anyway?… Will be the two of us just standing here and talk? Or I will help you pack?"
But on that honest question Gura laughed. "Nah!!" [Not at all!] She turn toward the study desk, from its drawer and shelf, she swiftly moved a few items into her pockets. In one particular moment she give of a vibe that she wanted a certain particular object/object to not be seen by the blonde as she hide them into corners of her clothing. During that swift pick up, she was continue to talk. "Actually I cannot care less about this moving from room to room. For quite a while, I was capable to escaping the teaming by saying that the rooms on team dormitory are to big for me and uttering other nonsense. But with that show we put on see before, there is no way that the entire school will not-be hooked on the news for a few days. Its better to not let the wizards get involved. The lights of the reflectors can be a to much blinding for the newbies." Suddenly she shake her head as if she was pushing out of her mind an unwanted memory. "If just a fragment of things that I heard about that crazy girl Kiara is true, right now, you don't want to be near Calli. Trust me, even if the others will practically touching and carrying all of her stuff from her place to the dormitory, she will definitely tried to drop her scythe on someone neck. A quite troublemaker duo if you trying to get rid of some publicly unpopular evidences." The shark step close to the window and look out as if she was giving that window view a last glance. "But keeping you alive for another day is not the only reason why I invited you to this soon empty apartment."
From the perspective of the detective behind that white-haired girl, its seemed like the short girl was looking out the window as if out there was her culprit who awaits for her signal to act. It nearly look like a scene from crime book story where (not jet revealed culprit) is cornered by a detective and time window to take an action is running out. So, the cold drop on Watson check was on place. "What are you want from me?"
Shark slightly turned her head as if she tried to glance at the girl behind. Then suddenly... Gawr closed the distance between them and from close range; she stared directly onto Watson face. Her eye pupils were shining with beautiful azure blue glow.
That make the blonde girl to jitter in surprise. Maybe she though, that (This is it! Her attack!), and she will meets her doom. She even on reflex starts to reach into corner of her clothing (for something), but she stopped, because...
Because the white-haired girl was happily grinning with a big wide smile, observing the taller girl face. "You are such a treat. How had you been able to survive in this world when you don't know something so trivial? Had you been living from the utter age with some crazy scientist grandpa on some isolated place in middle of nowhere?... Nah. I don't care!... Everybody here had an origin story that sound somehow messed up. Its a cultural difference; (They says.)" It was not clear if she was teasing her or just observing her as pet. "I can tell, that probably nobody will bother to explain you anything. They will just stay around to see how it will all went. That's means, that one day a look onto yourself in a mirror, will be a quite interesting event for you." She giggle in a rascal way. "They will eat you like a desert." The blonde make a step back, but that only amused the Shark. "Rela~ax! Truth to be told; I want to reward you. You see, even if you had a doubts and considered to back off, you stayed with the team to the very end. That's marked highly with me." For a moment she averted gaze. "Also you help me with Chloe."
Watson right on spot jumped onto that topic. "Oh right. Whats about her? She doesn't seems to mean any harm. Then why?..."
That glow disappeared from her eyes and she suddenly slide on slight panic. "Eh… ehm… I cant… dealt with her. That's the topic on another time!" Gawr hasty approached the wardrobe and wide opened both doors. As response a lots of random junk stuff falls out of it, pilling up to her knees. Not a trash, just a stash that was put away to not be in a way. One will though that this furniture will be for clothing storage only, but most of the stuff there was just a junk that was trow in to the point it pilled up.
Blonde saw how the white-haired stunned for a second. "You dint had much visits here. Don't you?"
She dint bother reacting to that and leaned into the wardrobe searching for something. "It was somewhere here." After throwing some stuff out, she manage to pull out a quite expensive looking trident. As she backed into the room and stand in front of the other girl; whit a victorious expression on her face, she make a proud stance with that weapon next to her. As the bottom part of the trident like spear hit the floor; That solid sound it produce, was a clear testimony that this weapon is real. After seeing, that her gesture left an impression on Watson, Gura make a big grin. "I am Shark."
Anyway there was nothing more for the two to stay there any longer. They were ready to leave the apartment and when they opened the door: They were meet by a big trade smile from certain rabbit girl. "Delivery and transportation at you service." [Pekora Usada a (high-society?) mischief (not expelled?) from (Pekoland?)]
Gawr makes this thug grin of someone who smelling a mischief to happen. "How amusing. Do you have the (stuff)?"
A trained eye can notice that a sling change appeared on the rabbit girl smile, that was going to turn into an evil grin. That expression told a clear message that the mentioned (stuff) is something that don't belong onto inventory of proper lady. Heck it must be something dangerous and probably illegal. But what really revealed a bad intentions was this (sinister?) glow on that rabbit eyes.
Shark only make a single: "Nice." of approval.
The obvious choices of uncertain naming, was playing a known melody on the strings belonging to detective senses. So the blonde shall starts to think that they planing a crime. But as far she can tell; Somebody probably uttered her self proclaimed profession to correct ears. And right now they must trolling around, turning some trivial things onto terms and scenes from detective novels. So she roll around her eyes and just stay silent.
But who can expect that the exotic big girl from the students council will show up? Whit a curious expression she lean from the side onto the scene. "What nice do you have? Something tasty, to celebrate?" Those trio of girl was taken aback as if they were caught on hand planing a mischief. The rabbit girl went so much onto shock that not just the glow in her eyes was done, but her eye pupils shrink onto pear size. But that big girl dint seems to care. "Oh. You wanted it to be a small private celebration? Then I think that I show on wrong moment." As she step closer the height difference between them… the wide difference… the volume difference… between the Gawr and Sana was just big. That person, was a big girl, but she smiled softly and warmly.
Gura stepped out of the apartment looking positively surprised. "Sana~a, what are you doing here?"
Even Watson silently passed the door following the Shark.
Sana Tsukumo gesticulate with her point finger as she though how to put her toughs into a words. "Hmm. Calliope invested so much into her effort to stay... Solo?… It will be a short-seeing from our side to assume that she will simply not try anything under the table. She is not bad girl, but thing will get fast out of hand when she loose reins. In any case; we shall play safe and cover all bases. For that, I went to give a hand to help you two move in. So~o… you stuff is?"
Like before, Shark laughed. "Nah! All I actually need is already in my pockets."
The big girl give that statement a hmm and walk onto the one room apartment. Mere seconds after that a noises of (moving stuff around?) echoed from inside.
Watson who was aware of the clearly awkward expression on the faces of those two girls, lean closer to them and ask in whisper voice. "Whats wrong?"
Gura feeling that close stare from the blonde averted her eyes. "Lets imagine a situation where you brought a pack of fire-works from shop to have a small night party on a beach. But then Sana will show and turn that onto fire-works event worth to be placed during city supported festivals that can be observable from the entire town."
The detective raised her eyebrow. "Something telling me that somebody wanted to say bay-bay to certain place with a loud bang." Those two girl give the blonde a worried glance, but then something must amused Watson because she giggled. "What a coincidence. My lab blew to pieces. When my experiment exploded to my face."
As Shark give the blonde (Are you serious stare?), the rabbit girl eyes lit up with starts as if she found a soul mate.
Sana, after making some noises in that room, returned carrying that closed chest under her armpit as if it was a cardboard shoe box. "Okay, I collected it all." As she pass the door she pass a single trash bag onto the rabbit girl.
This statement surprised the detective. That line was so out of place for her, that curiosity wins and she went in to check. So she entered the room and it was… clean… No stuff was lying on the floor. The clothing pile was gone. The pile of junk from wardrobe was gone. The desk and shelf was empty and clean. The bed sheet was tightly made with pillow puffed up. Watson opened the wardrobe and it was empty. In mere two minutes; the one room apartment had been cleaned and prepared to welcome a new resident. So the blonde runs out where the trio was waiting. She bark a single word question. "How?"
But the exotic girl tilled her head on side. "I put everything in." And she pointed on that chest [ship's trunk] under her armpit. "If I recollect correctly, you two will share a one room. When the other will be... (repurposed)? I think? Anyway it can seem sentimental to left everything behind, but we must look at things from practical aspect. So no to leaving stuff behind."
The detective was thinking and asked while still trying to process that information, or just tried to accept this fact. "That's not what I was asking to know. I was thinking that you travel packing ability seems to be unbelievable convenient." Then she give that trunk a frown look. "It will not blow out its entire content onto the person who will dare to opened it? Will it?"
The rabbit girl looked happy as if she like Watson way of thinking.
But once again the speaker from space program dint pay that attention. "I can make it that way. But I was warned to not do it on boxes that are this big. Actually the council was against my help with packing of other students luggage during school trips. So, my help this time is exceptional. But if you are worried, when we get onto yours new room, I can pour-drop all the content of the chest onto the floor."
On other side of coin the Shark manage only to make a dry commentary. "And by moving my pile, once again, my return policy got swept from the ocean floor."
This starting to be overwhelming for Watson to the point she got tired and sighed in defeat. "So no cleaning was done to this point."
This seemed to be a call for Sana to end this delay. "Now now girls. I think we gave Calliope enough time for her shenanigans. We shall move. The cart is waiting."
The blonde on final rise her last question. "You meant to say a car? Right? Right??..."
But no direct answer arrived even when Tsukumo giggled. "You are a funny one." With just a hand gesture she ask the girls to follow her as she began to walk.