But when all girls in the bathtub look at that direction, there was no one standing there.
The first one to break the silence was Watson. "Whats now? Are you going to tell me, that this house is hunted?"
It was not clear if Ninomae is happy or devastated, but she make a short commentary. "What an irony."
Still holding phoenix above her head Mori with expression of movie critic, redirected her priorities. "Give me a sec I will fix that."
But the girl in a role of weightlifter dumbbell protested. "Calli, that can wait! No working in onsen!" [Natural (sometime open) hot springs are numerous and highly popular across Japan. Every region of the country has its share of hot springs and resort towns, which come with them.] She instantly got bad glare by the tall girl. Then Mori made statement that she can see what Takanashi trying to suggest and there will be no trip to hot spring. But because the pink girl glanced at the pictured wall as if she thinking about another throw, and on quick note from priestess "(That's not a window.)" answered (I know.): The orange haired girl urgently changed the topic. "Gura!, are you going to tell me; that flying ducks bite to you tail when you join them on a migration journey?"
Gawr don't believed what nonsense she heard and complain. "No~o!… I will got to the point of landing, so stop interrupting me!" After saying (Dang it!) in half voice she return to her story. "So, after that international flight; I was going to splash onto an ocean on north. I told to myself: (Okay, wast deep water surface.)" She take a deep breath before dealing with nonsense she must spoke up. "But then guess (Who?), right on the crash landing spot, decided to pour out its head from the water surface, to look up on (Whats going on?)" She tuned her voice to sound annoyingly cute, carefree, happy and curious, but birdbrained. "Oh, what that? Its a falling bird? A free-fall food?" In instant her carefree and happy tone changed onto regretful realization of pinch situation. "Oh shit!..." Then this shark (strongly?) smashed her hand onto the bath water to simulate splash or explosion. When she was asked it the hit was hard she slowly turned her head toward them as if she was on shock. "Do you heard the noise that made a rock thrown onto a canyon? Or the rock thrown on smooth boulder? A sound of one skull hitting another skull and none are smashed onto pieces? The noise of one bone head directly hitting another bone head, head to head? Heck no??... The impact was so spectacular; that the sound-pressure shock wave it created, vent across the north part of the ocean. Freaking anybody around on instant knew, that the alien like interspecies contact was occurred." In this questioning she decided to add another trivia or gossip. "Be the way; there was a lot of complaining, so I managed to convince them to redirected the noise complain ticked toward Calliope Mori."
Weightlifter Mori (actually working out by weightlifting the Phoenix) was at first confused, or just overload with all of those information. "What noise complain?" Then she finally remembered and feel the urge to angrily scream. "Are you F* serious?! It was you?! To this day I though that someone tried to prank me! I actually showed up to complain and they quickly withdraw the ticket." Then she got more tick off. "Wait!! Are you trying to suggest: That I in my anger, I tracked you down and still angry, I sink my teeth onto you fin?! Are you F* serious!!?"
But for the first time during the bath the Shark shown sign of loosing a patience. "No~o! It was Chloe! I crash landed on Chloe, the Orca! Head to head. When I awake, she was still half-knock-out, but her instinct kick-in and she chomp on my tail in her sleep talking."
Takanashi still in role of dumbbell looked comfy while up there. "An Orca you say? Gura, how did you survive?"
We finally got onto the awkward part of short girl story, so the speaker got restless. "Well, with loot of panic, blabbing nonsense and random screwing around... I managed to convenience Chloe that what she done to me in her sleep was a marriage proposal. Then i make a lot of argument pressure pointing on our statuses and difference in species. (The tribes will not accept this!) (What will we say to our families?) (How kind of monstrosity our children will become and what will be their look?) (This can lead onto international incident! Maybe a tribe wars.) and such. Then…" She sight. "Then someone actually pressed up on the nonsense I made and try to push the marriage. They were like: (Its okay. Just take her with you as a compensation from our side. Just take her a leave!) I got the feeling that they actually tried to get rid of her and she ding get it." She make a desperate giggle, after which she continue. "Actually when I mentioned that this was all due Calliope Mori intervention, I finally managed to talk myself out of the weeding and they drop the engagement." She grabbed that tail onto her hands and while looking at the fin she cried-shout. "If not for Calli, the bite marks will not be there."
Watson once again proved her detective features when she spoke up her theory. "If asking me: I though that you bite yourself in a sleep. When you been curved on your pile, you put yours tail too close to you mouth and while dreaming about eating something yummy: You make a chomp."
The shark jerked herself as if she got a direct hit, that exposed her claptrap. [1:Absurd or nonsensical talk or ideas. 2:Silly talk that means nothing and should not be believed. (wiki)]
But suspiciously even the rapper body jerked (again), but she quickly covered that detail. "Okay, enough! That will be so silly that I suddenly willing to accept the story that the bite mark is my responsible." After averting her glance she made rumbling a complains. (Another one onto the screw list.)
Orange haired dumbbell was to smug up there. "Did something similar happened to you, Calli?" Little Takanashi expected, but Mori glanced up onto her face, and in next moment the tall girl let that Phoenix to free fall onto the bath. And a splash occurred.
Then priestess add another (proof?) onto the pool. "If you want to solidify this story as a valid character backstory, then I can give my testimony: She throw even me."
Mori obviously not liked that the priest joining that topic. "Okay, stop! It was different!"
It was not Shark but Detective who asked the ice breaking question without thinking: "What happened?"
If it was not for Watson, Ninomae will maybe not say anything more onto the topic, but she got encouraged by the blonde. "A different you say? Okay Calli, then I giving you an opportunity to explain it itself."
The tall girl instantly regret to even touching that topic. "Oh no… Well, listen… It was like this: I got angry. And I throw her away. Far, far away."
Gawr with expression (This can be a whole story. Right?) wanted to know more. "Where did you send her?"
Pink one really dint want to, but she must say something. "Not important! But, a major (BS) happened a few days latter."
Purple on other hand was jelly with relaxed expression of someone in a sauna. "For the record you (trie~ed), to throw me onto the sun."
We don't need to mention this but eyes on white one got wide open. "Holly shit!…"
Finishing the circle the fire haired girl was already siting with them like if it was a girl night out, talk show. She shown a high interest in the topic. "Talk about an overkill. And? What happened next?"
At this point Mori face was sweating as if she was on the sauna. But the sweat was not from the warm water. She really was uneasy from Ninomae happy expression of expecting a good story. That's why this tall girl was set to make it short as possible. "She overflow the planet."
Priestess was just adding some extra notes between the lines of the main story. "The serenity up there, near to orbit, was so~o relaxing."
Rapper wanted the story telling to have it already behind herself but she still find it hard to talk. "And even if I walked away, and was doing my shit… Days later… I forgot… But still I feel that something is odd. Then... At first, I heard that something is falling from quite high."
"It was the wind drag." [Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that is caused by air, the force acts in the opposite direction to an object moving through the air. It is where air particles hit the front of the object slowing it down. The more surface area, the more air particles hit it and the greater the resistance. (Wiki)]
"I don't know what that was, until it was to late to react. In a blink of the eye... She crashed directly onto me. Like a meteor."
To make the finishing move, the purple girl make a system narration message. "Delivery of package failed: Returned to sender."
Gawr was back in her smirk mood. "Yeah. That why nobody messing whit Ina. She will get on you. Sooner or later."
Watson on other hand spoke up a technical term. "Tell about advanced guidance system."
We cant be sure if Takanashi knew what her fellow transfer student is talking about, or she just make an assumption, but she react to her statement. "Magic has nothing to do with it. You can always deal with magic in some way. But this clearly belongs to the gut feelings. You don't think, you feel it, you believe in it."
Pink haired finally sit back onto the bathtub. "Maybe you are right… But here you have it, the cringe past is out. Are you all happy now? Dang it! Who shall knew that she will return like a boomerang?! The crater was a clear abstraction."
As if it was a good time for another note, the purple added: "To clarify, we were politely asked to discuss our dispute over dinner.
White on other hand just said something to not stay silent. "That must be awkward."
Then it was again the fire-haired girl who push the discussion further by stating to this point an unseen fact. "Actually, Ame can be the only one of us who stricken a clear victory against Calli."
Even if Mori uttered in sarcastic tone; "How terrifying." she look onto the blonde and soon every other girl do the same.
Watson feeling they stare on her skin quickly steer away the discussion onto another topic. "Wait. Gura, you keep saying that you are a shark. Plus you said that the Chloe is Orca. But aren't Orca a dolphin? So, are you on hundred percent sure, that you are a Shark?" And she turn her glance onto the short girl.
This was a little bit to much for Gawr to chew at once as she make a deep sigh. "You only luck is that you are so green, that you really need a crash course to make through this alive. From all things you can come up; you called me a dolphin. (Dang it!) So, let me correct you ignorance with a contra question. Do I look to you as a hip hopper?" Of course an instant answer from the blonde was (A what?)
Once again it was the chilled out Ninomae who add a note. "In general, its quite easy to mistook one for other. Especially if you never saw dolphin or shark."
But Shark between them was offended by the lack of distinguish sign as she raised her voice. "Is it the case?! Its all they do: (Hip-hip, hop-hop.) The entire music genre was named after them. You humans things how cool they are. But you fail to notice that half of time they just are rude, making a fun of you. Don't believe in they joly, happy faces. I can do the same and I am the Shark. (Dang it!)"
To calm the shortest of the team Phoenix decide to spoke up. "Well If we are talking about how we meet Calli; then I suppose that is my turn to reveal that fateful meeting. I can thank to this destiny for everything I have. Or to be more accurate; I thank Calli for who I am now."
An eye of observer can notice that the rapper in question had an unhealthy tic in her eye. She needed to shout. "For the love… (Aghrr!!) Shut up!! I get it! There really it's not that much to explain here. Its a worst example of karma. No mater how much we clashed, you always ended on the defeated side. A total defeat every time, but you still hanging around." The flame girl mentioned that she is about to win the entire campaign to claim a certain heart. But the pink one, know better to not let the orange one to spill any more embarrassing memories and both handed grabbed Takanashi by her shoulders and shout to her face. "Shut up!" As if she was pushing her onto the bed, she just pushed her torso under the water, so Takanashi back was pressed onto the bottom of the bathtub. Like a murder, Mori watched how air was leaving the lungs of her victim in a stream containing bunch of bubbles like a foam.
Maybe because it was looking like a final moment for the Phoenix, Ninomae finally stand up and move close to Mori. With a bucked of cold water in her hands and she poured it onto the bend over rapper. Instantly that pink girl stand up and backed a step, fully confused of what is going around as if she was not herself a mere seconds ago. This give the purple one an opportunity to help the orange girl to get above the water and cough out. But priestess was calm as if all of this was a (normal) for her. "Now, everyone of us had an awkward backstory of how they meet Calli. But because the hot steam is really getting into our heads, I shall suggest to cut the bath time short. Additionally because this will be an errand shopping, we shall make a shopping list. I too have a few things that I need to get for myself. I kinda too arrived with light package."
This was like a throwing a bait in front of Gawr. "Do Kronii force you to get shipped in that coffin? So like Ame here, you don't have anything? Wait, don't tell me that Kronii force her way with you to the point that after the initial exchange of words, there actually was nothing left to grab, expect the limbless body."
And of course Watson reacted on that. "Aren't that just terror raid kidnapping?"
Because they wanted the answer they stared at the priestess. But both of the girls were forced to silence by Ninomae stone stature like smile, that look happy, innocent and soft. But something… something about that (blind stare?) and smile was broken and dark to the point that the duo take back all they questions.
Anyway, Mori had enough of (bonding in mutual bath) so she hurried them to change. "Pack it up ladies, we rolling out!"