Story telling Photo Frame 4/5

[Fourth photo Frame]

Under the blue sky, detective Watson in her travel coat outfit was standing motionlessly, staring forward onto far distance, but not actually looking because her mind was absent. A seconds were passing without nothing to happen and a gentle breeze was playing with her hairs.

But… a certain shark-girl standing right behind her got impatient (of this traffic jam) and shouted at the blonde. "Hey, Stinky!! How long do you intent to procrastinate!? Mo~ove!!"


This awake the detective from the daydreaming and just turned around with an obvious confusion in her face. But as she dint payed attention to where she was standing at this moment, her feet slipped on the tree trunk and she was about to fall onto side. It was instant, but as her eye moved to side, she realized that those duo was passing a (mountain forest?) canyon/ glen hollowed out by a fast passing river under. So they found a big massive three trunk fallen over to the other side. And now she was falling down from this natural bridge, right onto that turbulent river.

Shark bare legs were fast; she not just ram the blonde head first. She grab the detective torso, pushing it forward through the bridge and kidnapped Watson from the fall onto the cold water. But, there was still this side moving momentum. So the white haired girl legs instinctively moved and ruining Gawr, quickly finished passing the natural bridge. They were going to fall from the trunk anyway; so In the last step, even on a blind, the white-haired girl kick the (tree under her feet) and jumped to the side.


Both of them fell to the side onto a bunch of branches, leaves, bushes and tree junk. Watson back hit the fallen tree crown, but blonde's coat soften the crash.

Gawr head was still pressed against blonde chest so, her fall was fully stopped by the body of the girl in a coat.


They fall make several leaves to flew onto the air and scare small lizard. As the leaves were slowly descending, a few second passed until Watson opened her eyes and groan in pain. "Ouch… Thanks Gura."

But the shorter girl dint answer or release her grip onto blonde waist. She dint even raise her head from that developed chest.


Blonde glanced at the motionlessness girl that hold her down and then returned her gaze toward the peaceful sky. She sighed in defeat with a soft smile on her face. "Forcing you to read that dictionary clearly bit me back at the most inopportune moment."

In contrast the white-haired girl dint bide the bait to let the captured girl go as she state opposite argument. "Is this one of the dumb thing?; like a reflection on your life; past, present and future? I really cant let my eyes from you? Don't I?"


Watson still looking up continued. "True. But we cant stay here forever. You saw how far it was. We shall move before the night catch us. And I am neither resilient as you, fast as you, or have that amount of stamina as you. I am glad to have you here with me." A few second passed and she put her palm onto Gawr head to pet her. "Lets go!"

After a few more stroke the shark girl finally lose her grip. After a short 'Hmm' of agreement, she stood up and help the other girl onto her feet.


This duo traveled through the forest following a path that looks like something that was carved onto the dirt by many step of animals of any size.

Then they finally get onto a cliff. From there they managed to have a view onto not so far valley. A rising stream of white smoke from a certain chimney lead they eyes to locate a cottage down onto a meadow near the stream/ rivulet. Even from where they stand, they were capable to notice a glimpse of an actual pathway, leading from the meadow further down from the hill, toward the civilization.

Gura got excited seeing that sing of civilization that she nearly started to jump around like if she had a zoomies, hurrying Watson to continue. [ZOOMIES: the act of an animal running around, sometimes in circles, in a very energetic way.]

Of course the detective as response smiled wildly and quickly decided on the direction, pointing with her finger where they shall go.

And so, after a difficult journey, they finally reach they destination for that day.