(Thank you for being patient with me. I had complications from my surgery and I had been away. My work was on schedule and I had no idea that I had not uplaoded my mass release. I have returned and even though I'm still healing I'll give my best to you. Thank you. I love you all so much and please Help me get to win1 of win win!)


The King pointed his arrow, aiming right at the bird that flew in the horizon.

He pinned his eye and then let the arrow free and it hit the bird taking it down.

The men cheered and the King turned around with a smile.

"Old but I can still fire a shot with a birds eye view." He boasted.

A servant rushed ahead to find and pick up the dead bird.

Xaden rolled his eyes at the king.

"Xaden is there a problem?" The King asked him. "You think you can perhaps do better?"

They were out on the training grounds where they frequently had sports of haunting down birds and animals.