Eleana just glared at her sister.

"And if he has a child from love?" She asked her.

"Then it would be broken." Marie said. "He would gain his heart. But I assure you it was him who wanted this. Not you or anyone else. He made the decision by himself."

"And what about the fact that you've changed him?" Eleanor asked him. "What about that? I met him on The floor already changing into that….that thing!"

"It was the consequences of his actions." Marie said without even twitching. "I warned him there will be consequences. He said he wanted them regardless."

"He needs something of he is going to turn to a monster." Elena said. "I know what he turned him to. You know what he was turned into but he doesn't."

"Like I said, it was a price for him to pay and he willingly accepted it. You know that no one can receive a hex from me unless he or she is willing." Marie said.

"How can I stop it?" Elena asked. "You better tell me."