Belle watched in humiliation as Xaden attacked another Alpha over a mere slave.

First he had turned down her offer to be with him and gone after the slave.

And just as she stood watching him leave with her, she felt ashamed.

She turned around and saw that all eyes were on her.

He had disgraced her and all because of that mere servant!

Alex groaned in pain as his men came ti his assistance.

She had never really liked her cousin Alexander so she didn't feel so bad that he was hurt.

What she fluke have wanted was for Xaden to take someone's life for her.

The way he had done it for this slave!

She bent down to Alex. "You're so weak and useless!"

"Better a weak Alpha than a jilted woman." Alexander said. "You would never have him."

Her face went ashen white.

"How dare you?" She started.

His men assisted in lifting him up.