Want I had seen could have me killed. My head on a plate and worst of all they knew that I had seen them together.

I hurried out of the room and attempted to go on my way.

"Wait!" A masculine voice called when I had barely gone far from the Queen's bedroom

I stopped short.

My heart was beating so fast It was like I would have a heart attack.

I slowly turned around and saw the King walk up to me.

I swallowed heavily, my entire body was reverting in fear

Then I heard his footsteps stop behind me.

"Turn around." He instructed.

I did as he said and I came face to him.

I heard a soft gasp from him and then he instinctively took a step back away from me.

He seemed dumbstruck and then he recovered.

"W-what's your name?" He asked me.

"Jasmine." I said quietly and then I curtsied. "Your majesty."