She opened the door for the men and Damian and Erik came rushing in with the carpeted body.

Loren jumped up.

"What in the name of the goddess is going on?" He demanded rising to his feet as they brought in the wrapped up object.

They dumped it on his long desk.

"Hey!" Loren complained. "What's going on? What's this for?"

"It's good to see you loren." Elena said with a smile.

Loren then looked up and acknowledged Elena.

"Elena." He said softly. "What are you doing here? And you didn't stop by?"

She gave a smile. "Surprise surprise."

At that moment Jasmine came out of her room.

"Loren." She started. "I was thinking of going down to get some other treatments for the men who had come for-

She stopped in her tracks when she saw the people who were in the room.

"Jasmine." Elena said with a radiant smile. "It's good to see you alive and well. How are you?"