Xaden's wolf could hear the whispers as he howled and ran off down the halls.

He was so fast, it was like someone was calling him.

Like he was meant to be led elsewhere.

The God was the one in full power, Xaden was merely used as a medium.

He howled as he looked for his goddess, Selene.

He had never been in the parts before, but it was like he knew them with the back of his hands.

He raced down the trees, pushed past the path that led into the forests until he came to a swamp that radiated of the moonlight.

And then he saw her, in the water, swimming perfectly.

He howled and then she was startled and turned to gasp.

Once she was the large wolf her heart began to beat quickly.

She wanted to flee, but it was like something made her not to.

The giant wolf growled and majestically walked towards where she was.