Once Jasmine had her conversation with Princess Belle, she went on her way to Loren's quarters.

Her heart was heavy and weak.

She had had more than one confrontation already with Princess Belle and then she had been avoiding it all along.

She slowly opened the door and stepped in.

She pressed her back against the door and closed her eyes in deep thought as memories of her encounter with Xaden came flooding.

What had she truly been thinking? That someone like him would want to be with her?

She was a nobody.

She had simply been day dreaming.

"Had a rough night didn't you?"

She jerked and opened her eyes to see Loren reading his book.

She hadn't even noticed him when she had stepped in.

"O-oh I didn't even know you were in." She stammered.

He laughed. "Where else would I be? I'm an old working man who doesn't have to be out during the halo festival."