Xaden didn't watch as Jasmine was dragged out of the hall room and down to the dungeon.

He gave all the Alphas present a deathly stare that told them to keep quiet, and they did.

Erik turned to him. "Xaden, you should not have killed him that way. There must have been more."

"You heard her." Xaden said in disgust. "She knew that he was around."

"Something is off about all of this." Erik said. "Do you think Bale would risk his cover of having Jasmine as his spy here? She was ousted out right in the bloody middle of everyone present."

"So what?!" Xaden shot. "Don't forget your place. You're my gamma, but that doesn't mean I have to take orders from you."

"Being your gamma means I prevent you from making rash decisions." Erik said.

"Why are you protecting her? What, you're fucking her now?!" Xaden said bitterly.

Erik's face glimmered in rage. "You will not insult me."