Early the morning Jasmine woke up to herself still in Xaden's bedroom.

She slowly got up and rubbed her eyes.

When she remembered the events of the previous night, she felt her heart sink instantly.

The serving girl who had been found almost dead in the middle of the room without her eyes in its socket and the Xaden's small opening up to her.

She wondered if the girl was okay.

She hoped she was okay.

Witchcraft Xaden had said, but how sure could they be?

And how come she herself had slept off through the entire ordeal without waking up.

The only thing that had set her apart from being a suspect was the fact that she could never become a wolf.

And Xaden had claimed that it was also sneered with the blood of a wolf.

Jasmine's thought of how he had told her about what had happened to his family and her heart leaped for Joy.

He had opened up to her.

It had not been much, but it had been a start.