She looked at him. "Sometimes regardless of bloodline a child may come out different from the parents."

He looked at her in awe unable to comprehend that she was questioning him.

It had never happened before.

"Your uncle said it." She said. "He said that you are not what your parents would have wanted you to be. Yet you are their blood. Does that not tell that you came differently? You saved me from being killed."

He scoffed. "If you truly believe that was me saving you from being killed then you do not know what is the truth and what is the lie."

She swallowed heavily.

"I know that you only saved me because I am tethered to you." She said. "Because If I die, so would you."

She breathed in heavily once again and when she looked back up at him, it was not fear or submission that hung in her eyes, but resilience.