Xaden followed her like an innocent child and then she led the way for them.

"Where is this place." He asked.

"Just a bit far ahead." She replied. "Not so far. Only perhaps two minutes away."

He looked back at where he was coming from.

There was silence except for the gentle wind that blew across.

Then his eyes went back to her as she led the way her hand firmly in his.

Then he pulled her back to him and resumed kissing and caressing her.

Touching her neck and blessing them with sweet and hungry kisses.

"We do not need to go anywhere." He said through the kisses as his hands went over her breasts and rummaged them.

He rubbed the tip of her nipples and trailed his tongue down her neck.

"I desire you here as you desire me here." He said.

She managed a smile. "But Xaden be patient. What I wish to show you is magical. Let me take you there."

He was not happy as he felt her withdraw again.