"And I gladly appreciate the offer my lord." Red said. "But there are so many other servants like me who had suffered cruel fates. I am no different. Please understand where I am coming from my lord."
All the pleading, all the pretense and all the fake attitudes of being genuine and modest only made Maria more jealous and enraged.
she turned and saw that all who were in the room had seen how he had barely even regarded her and then felt it was shame and then rage.
"So what would you desire?" He asked her.
She shook her head. "Something simple my lord. Not too much. Something that regular servant would have."
He seemed to be deep in thought and no one said anything.
Eventually he sighed heavily and gave in.
"Alright." He said. "But I will give you a room not with the other servants. A simple room as you have said."
Red curtseyed. "Thank you my lord. I am truly grateful."