"Maria." Bale said in annoyance. "You are not to say things like that."

Maria fumed. "She is a servant and she knows her place. How dare she sit down with the rest of us? A bloody servant."

Bale seemed very annoyed and Maria knew she was testing dangerous waters but she didn't really care anymore.

"She sat down here because I was the one who asked her to." Bale said obviously with a irritated tone

Maria saw Red shift uncomfortably on her seat and was brimming in anger. 

"And without me?" Maria blurted out. 

"I apologize." Bale said. "She was famished and tired. I insisted that she come and have some meal. She protested but I insisted. I said you wouldn't mind."

Maria wanted to explode and lose her mind all at once. 

She just stood there transfixed and uncertain of what exactly to say. 

"Please stay and eat." Bale said to Maria. 

Maria flared her nostrils at Red who was simply picking at her table.