Once Maria had Red thrown into the dungeon she was able to breathe in properly.
She walked back to the main pack and ate all the meals she had been unable to and drank wine to her feel .
It made her feel so much better to know that her enemy was under her feet.
She was so cold and wicked that she did not care that she was heavily pregnant.
She had given her the opportunity to leave, but she had not listened.
Her plans were going smoothly.
By the time Bale returned it would be too late. She would tell him that she was a thief, call the guards who had gotten the necklace from her bedroom.
And she had simply followed the rules of the pack.
There was nothing he was going to be able to do about it.
She was his mate and his wife.
Maria was the one who had planted the necklace in Red's bedroom.
It had all been her plan and Red had fallen right into her trap.