"My healer Urma had always spoken of her in high regard." Jasmine mentioned.
The women went mute and a pregnant silence hung in the air.
"You know Urma?" The lady who had led them in asked.
Jasmine nodded. "She was the healer of our pack. She raised me."
"We haven't heard from her in years." The other woman said to the bar lady.
"You said was? Why do you refer to her in past tense." The lady with white hair asked.
Jasmine sighed in heavily. "Urma died a few days ago."
The women went quiet once again .
No one said a word.
And then together all three women said. "Goddess lead the departed to her way home."
There was a heavy sigh and then. "She lived a good life."
The one in white looked at Jasmine, her eyes glowing. "What do you want with the one called serpent?"
Jasmine swallowed heavily and looked up at her.