"I'm not the one who is naive, it's you who is a pathetic coward," Darcy spat, no ounce of fear on her resolute face, and Kobe did not like it at all as he bared his teeth at her.

"You could have earned a thing or two during this whole ordeal but look at you, don't even know the basics. Don't run your mouth when you can't afford to," said Kobe sarcastically and charged the gun at Darcy.

Darcy was ready to duck down but a gunshot from behind her stopped her from doing so and made the gun fly out of Kobe's grip for the second time today. Darcy thought it was Dominic again but to her surprise, it was Cayden who now stood directly behind her, with a lot of worry scarped all over his face.

"Here, take this," said Cayden, handing his gun to Darcy who did not understand if she should be scolding him for coming out of the closet or thanking him for stepping in.