
Power System

The power system in this novel is called potent; it is measured through the potency chart and potency grades. Those who have awakened their abilities are called potent.

Potency Grades

While most potents could beat the average human, within potents, the strength of their powers varies drastically. Some could be uber-powerful fire abilities with enough strength to level buildings, and others could be snake-like tongues.

To make measuring potent abilities easier, S.P.E.A.R. implemented grades to accurately measure the strength of potent. When a potent awakens their abilities, they are able to go and get assessed; they are given a potency grade from minor to elite and have their names put on a private registry to help them protect the individual. The grades are the following:

Minor Grade

The minor grade makes up most of the potent; it's made up of weak abilities, the type that wouldn't make that much of a difference in your day-to-day life. These people rarely join the Hero Registry or become villains, and if they do, they die quickly on the battlefield. Around fifty percent of potents are in the minor grade.

Medium Grade

The medium grade is made up of pretty good abilities. If they do choose to join the Hero Registry, they make good heroes, and if they choose the opposite path, they can make very good villains. Around thirty percent of potents are in this grade.

Major Grade

The major grade consists of very powerful abilities. If they choose to do so, they make incredibly good heroes and deadly villains. As heroes, lesser villains fear them, and as villains, they are made a high priority by S.P.E.A.R.

Around ten percent of potents are in this grade.

High Grade

The high grade is composed of uber-powerful abilities. They make top heroes and feared supervillains. If they choose the Hero route, they are made close allies with S.P.E.A.R. If they choose the hero route, they're incredible and trusted, and if they decide to choose the villain route, they're top supervillains feared by even S.P.E.A.R. themselves. Around five percent of potents are high-grade.

Elite Grade

The Elite Grade are gods amongst humans and immortals amongst mortals. Very few are in this bracket; they make only the highest-ranked heroes and villains that strike fear of God into those who thought they felt none. Heroes in this grade work very closely with S.P.E.A.R. Less than 0.01 percent of potents are in the Elite Grade.


Very little is known about the origins of potents, but they arrived sometime in the 20th century, over two decades after the end of World War II.

Potents can be gained through a potent person having a child (though the child doesn't have a 100% chance of being potent), or you can gain a potent through experiments as well, though this is illegal to perform, very difficult, and mainly done by villains.

Some theories as to the origin of these abilities are natural human evolution or government experiments, though none of these have been proven correct. After the outbreak of potents, an age known as the Doomsday Era would arrive.

Dangerous criminals, psychopaths, serial killers, and war criminals were now able to escape their cells with their newfound abilities, and they did just that. Using their powers, they wreaked havoc on the society that imprisoned them; these were the first potent empowered villains.

During the Doomsday Era, society would be in a state of fear, watching their every step and rarely going outside. Many people died, and no one was safe. But a glimmer of hope would arrive with the arrival of vigilantes. Previously, ordinary people, inspired by the comic books they enjoyed or just wanting to do good, decided to use their potent abilities to combat the villains that made society a living hell. And after a constant and gruesome war, they succeeded in bringing down the villains, and though many died, these vigilantes were given positions as legendary heroes and statues in the city. Though the potent people did save them, many without potent abilities feared their safety and saw all potently empowered people as threats and menaces.

S.P.E.A.R. (Syndicate of Potent Empowered and Archetypal Relations)

Years later, around 1974, S.P.E.A.R., or the Syndicate of Potent Empowered and Archetypal Relations, would be formed by Grover Roberts and would later be passed down to his son Hank Roberts. They outlawed vigilantes due to potent powers being unstable without training and could either get others or themselves killed, and they brought a better system to managing the potent in the Hero/Potent Registry. Those who have potent abilities can choose to become heroes and train their abilities. With this, many heroes and hero groups arrived.

S.P.E.A.R. monitors these hero groups, those on the hero registry, and potently empowered individuals. Alongside S.P.E.A.R. is an incredibly powerful superhero group made up of those S.P.E.A.R. sees as powerful, The Protectors of the Planet.

They are a group of uber-powerful heroes who are directly funded by S.P.E.A.R.