
"RING!!" The school's bell rang as swarms of students scattered out of their classrooms and into the cafeteria.

We see a boy with curly black hair as he eats alone at a table. Elijah Jones has been bored at school ever since his friend Wendy stopped going. He sighs and takes a bite of his food. His eye is caught by a girl with shoulder-length dark purple hair as she leaves the room.

Sadie McCarthy, the coolest girl Elijah's ever met besides Wendy, of course, joined the school a couple weeks ago and already left her mark after she punched the math teacher, Miss Jilani, in the face. A scraping noise would snap Elijah out of his thoughts as he turned to see a girl scraping her food into the bin.

Elijah would take a deep breath as he got up and left. Time would pass as the school day finally ended. It was a Friday, so Elijah was happy. Outside the school, he got his bike from the rack, put on his headphones, and started going. It was five or ten minutes into his journey when he would see Sadie on her roller skates. Elijah had tried it before, and he hated it. Distracted, he took the wrong path and tumbled down the hill.

'Is this where I die?' He thought as he continued rolling and turning. 'It was a good life.' He closed his eyes, ready for the worst. Finally, he stopped rolling, opened his eyes back up, dusted himself off, and looked for his bike. The boy turned only to see his bike totaled as it lay bent on a rock.

"Fuck." Elijah muttered under his breath as he began walking.

The journey was long on foot; first he had to make it back up the hill, and he had an idea.

"Amplify speed." He takes a breath as a slight green glow emits from his irises as he begins sprinting faster than before. This was his ability, Amplify; it was only a minor grade, but Elijah didn't mind as it was useful. He ran up the hill and towards his destination, making it there quicker than usual. He chose not to use his ability all the time, as it took a lot of stamina and gave him a killer headache.

He sighed and held his head as he winced. After regaining himself, Elijah entered the building, seeing a woman inside. It was Wendy's aunt talking to one of her clients. She ran a music studio; it was where Wendy spent most of her time.

"Hey Rita, where's Wendy?" Elijah waved towards the woman as she turned around.

"Good afternoon; Wendy's downstairs." Rita gave a smile as she turned back to the man in front of her and continued talking.

Elijah would walk down to the basement as he saw a black-haired girl through a glass; she was wearing headphones. He knocked on the glass and got no reply. He knocked again, louder this time, but got the same result, so he decided to go in. He entered the room.

"WENDY." No answer. "WENDY!!" Still, no answer. He sighed and tapped the girl on the shoulder. She turned around and took off her headphones, seeing him.

"Oh, Eli, why didn't you say anything?" Wendy said, receiving a scoff from Elijah. She got up, and the two did their secret handshake. I would describe it, but it's a secret.

"You want some snacks? I've got drinks." She continued as she went towards her fridge.

"Thanks, I'll take some." Elijah replied as he sat on the couch, catching a drink thrown at him by Wendy.

"So, how have you been?" Wendy would sit opposite him.

"Bored, there's not much to do; I just go home and help at the restaurant. What about you?"

"I've been editing some of the videos for the band. I would say we're like ten times better."

"Hah, ten times zero is still zero." Elijah remarked.

"Surprised you can do math that complicated with your smooth brain." Wendy replied as the two burst into laughter.

Elijah sighed and looked up at Wendy. "So you changed your mind about school?" Elijah asked

"I already said I'm not coming back any time soon." Wendy changed to a serious tone as she rolled her eyes. "It's not like I'm learning anything there."

"Yeah, but still, it's boring without you; you're pretty much my only friend." Elijah smiled as he got up.

"I don't know if that's something you should be proud of." Wendy stared at him with a smirk. "And if I went, I would have to see Miss Jilani."

"Good point; she's still a pain; she tried campaigning to make classes an hour longer as this generation is "falling behind"." He put that last part in air quotes.

"Well, I gotta start going; make sure you think about coming back." He opened the door and went to leave.

"I won't; I'm fine here." Wendy waved as she went back to her music.

Elijah left the building as he began walking home. He would've used his potent to get there faster, but he was still tired. After a while, he would make it home as soon as he opened the door.

"I'm home!" Elijah yelled as he put his bag down.

"You're late; you know I need you to be here earlier. We need to get everything ready for the restaurant tomorrow." His mom would shout back.

"I know; I broke my bike, so I had to walk." Elijah replied.

"You what?" Her head snapped back towards the boy, but he was already gone.

"NOTHING!" Elijah ran upstairs and jumped into his bed. He picked up his remote and started watching. He didn't know what he wanted to watch, but he was bored, so he didn't mind whatever was on.

Luckily for him, it was something he enjoyed. We move to the scene of a bank.

"BOOOM!" An explosion shakes the camera as a wall blows open and debris flies through the sky. Two big men walk out.

"We're the Demolition Duo; get out of the way if you don't want to die!" The duo shouted in unison, they started exploding anything in their way as the blood and flesh of civilians scattered the streets. Screams were heard as people started running, pieces of brick and metal flew fatally injury the people they hit.

The Demolition Duo were notorious villains with medium-grade explosion abilities. They're dangerous and spend their time robbing banks and breaking out of prisons. They're a great annoyance to S.P.E.A.R., as they're actually smart criminals.

They begin running with bags of money in hand and loose bills flying in the wind behind them. They laugh as they look behind them until they bump into something; it felt harder than steel, though when they looked up, they realised this was something—no, someone—stronger than steel.

"Where are you two going? I don't think that money's yours." A woman in Viking-like attire would chuckle, staring down at the men.

"Shit, it's the Valkyrie." The two decided to run in the opposite direction, blowing up a wall in an attempt to stop her. They continued sprinting, fearing for their safety, until they were stopped by a ring of fire surrounding them.

"Oh no." They both whispered in unison. This was the moment they realised they weren't just up against one Protector; they were up against all of them.

The two stumbled back, looking around in fear.

"You should probably put the money down, mate." They looked around to see the source of the voice. They would see a man in a purple and black uniform. He stuck out his hand as the duo yelled in pain, falling to the ground. They felt hundreds of times heavier, coughing out blood and wanting the pain to end.

Their breathing grew rugged, and they felt the floor break around them as they created a crater. Suddenly, the area around them changed as a portal opened up underneath them, and they looked around, seeing a massive man.

"Night, night." He smiled at them before grabbing their heads and slamming them together, knocking them out instantly as they fell to the ground with a thud, bruised and bleeding.

"Another successful mission from our very own Protectors of the Planet." The reporter would smile towards the camera. "But why would your team help with a simple bank robbery? Why not leave it to a smaller group like the Teenage Troupe?"

"All of you remember this: whether it's a simple bank robbery like this one or the assassination of the president, the Protectors of the Planet will always be here to help."

"There you have it, folks: The Impenetrable, Valkyrie, Firestarter, Gravi-Shift, and Nightblood. The Protectors of the Planet." The reporter beamed as the camera cut. "

We cut back to Elijah's room, who fell asleep halfway through it, snoring loudly.

The Next Day

Elijah would've been walking home from the store; normally he would ride his bike home, but he could not due to him breaking his bike the day before. He walked without a care in the world until his attention was caught by voices in an alleyway as he peered around the corner.

"Stop screaming, I said hand over your money. Put on a smile; you wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face." A deep voice would chuckle.

"Didn't you hear him? Hand over your purse, or I'll show you what this knife can do." A skinny man with a squeaky voice would mutter.

'Shit, what do I do? You know what? It's not my problem.' Elijah would try to continue walking until he groaned.

"I said hand over the purse b-." The squeaky-voiced man would be cut off by a plank of wood smashing into his head, knocking him out instantly. The man fell to the floor his head bleeding.

'That was easy, now for this guy.' Elijah thought to himself.

"What the hell?" The deep-voiced man looked towards Elijah as the boy swung the plank at the big man, but it broke as soon as it made contact.

"Ha, kid, you really think that you could hurt me... with a plank of wood?" The man sounded insulted as he glared at Elijah. A vein would appear on his head as his arms grew in size. He reared his fist, hitting Elijah square in the face, causing him to smash into a wall.

"I'm a medium-grade potent, and you're just some high school kid." The man grunted as he looked at the boy, who was bent over. The big man would turn back to the woman, whom he continued to threaten.

Elijah groaned as his face was bloodied and bruised.

'Shit, what have I gotten myself into?' He turned, seeing that the wall was broken. The blow would've killed him if he hadn't activated his potent in time. Turning back to the broken wall, he got an idea.

"P-P-Pussy." He groaned as the man turned back to him with an angry look.

"What the fuck did you call me?" The man stomped over to him as he picked up Elijah and slammed him into a wall, causing him to cough out blood and groan in pain.

"I don't know how you survived my first punch, but now you're dead kid." The man walked away as Elijah picked pulled something from the broken wall and stumbled up.

"Hey pussy, behind you."

"YOU FUCKING -." The man turned around, only to see Elijah with a brick in his hand. He threw a punch which Elijah managed to duck underneath.

"Strength amplify." Elijah stood up with the brick above his head striking it against the man's jaw with his full strength causing his head to flick back the man spat up blood like a fountain as he stumbled back. Elijah smirked weakly as he hit him one final time on the side of his head smashing the brick into pieces on his skull, denting the man's skull as he fell to the floor unconscious and bleeding.

"Shit, I did it." Elijah stuttered quietly as he turned towards the woman, who was frozen in fear. "Are you ok?"

"Y-Yes, thank you so much; please take this." The woman bowed, handing him some money. "

"Oh no, I can't." Elijah shook his head and hands.

"Please, I insist; you almost died because of me." The woman insisted until Elijah took the money. "Thank you; you're my hero." She smiled and ran away.

Elijah carried on going home as he picked up his groceries, as he suddenly got a sharp and painful headache and a feeling that his stamina was drained. He tried his best to power through it and made it home.

"Elijah, what took you so long?!" She turned only to see the young boy bruised and injured.

"Did you get into another fight? Are you okay?" She began checking on him as she rubbed his bruises, making him wince a bit.

"Did you win?" His father chuckled from the couch, receiving a glare from his mother.

"Go upstairs and rest; Aaliyah can help around the restaurant instead." She would say as Elijah went upstairs and laid down, though his peace was not long as his sister burst into his room.

"I heard you got into a fight." His sister, Aaliyah, asked with an angry look on her face.

"Yeah, I did." Elijah smiled.

"Thanks a lot. Now I have to help serve food." She muttered, throwing her weighted pillow at the boy but missing him and hitting his shelf. She then slammed the door behind her.

Elijah would roll onto his back as the pillow caused some comic books to fall on his face. After removing them, Elijah would stare at one of them for a while. On the cover was a group of heroes.

'Shit, I guess I was like a hero back there.' Elijah thought as he continued to stare at the book. 'I know what I'm going to do; I'm going to start my very own hero group...'

'How the fuck do I do that?'