Chapter 6 – I Want to See You Again

Chapter 6

I Want to See You Again



Clarity came into Goldie's heart and cleared the fog that attempted to cloud her mind. The princess's neck squeezed, and she coughed and gasped for air. She looked about, trying to find out who was doing such a horrible thing to her. Frightened, she pleaded for help in hoarse whispers as she tried her best to see her would-be murderer. But Goldie's heart sank as the princess realized…

That nobody was there...

The stories Ada taught her came back to mind. The demons that the Kingsman faced weren't people. They were sins and devils hidden in the shadows. There wasn't anything she could do to them. This spirit latched onto her and planned to kill her like in the stories. Fear crept into her mind as she thought about the demon, using her body as it saw fit.

Goldie gave the demonic sin a way into her soul…

And now it was going to take her.

"You're doing the spell wrong. Channel all of your energy into your heart and push your mana outwards. That's how you do it."

 As her vision grew faint, the princess recalled the tips from the woman within the Grimoire. In her weak heart, Goldie prayed for help. She called out to that strange woman in the Grimoire of Reason.

("Madalyn, help me.")

The last of her breath was labored. But with all her might, she channeled her weak mana into her heart and pushed it outwards just like Madalyn berated her about within the Grimoire. The grip lessened around her neck, and her mother's voice rang out. It sounded like she harmed her mother, but the princess knew this was a sick trick. 

Her heart pounded harshly against her chest as whispers of her mother tried to assault her, tempting her into taking her own life. Her eyes darted around the room as she breathed heavily, afraid of another attack. Her eyes stopped on a page full of dark letters. Everything clicked in her head.

"I-I can see the writings. J-Just like Madalyn and mom. T-This choker lets me see these writings?!"

Goldie knew she had to get back to Madalyn. If the notes were accurate, the Overlord still reigned in this world. Meaning when it was ready, everyone would be consumed like in the stories. 

"Ah... Ahh..."

Fearful, the princess ran. The spirit grabbed her foot, causing her to fall to the floor, but the princess broke free using Madalyn's brief teachings. She raced out of the darkroom, crying and holding her searing neck.

The guards were getting together, likely ready to go into the basement and remove the Grimoire of Reason as the king requested.

("I need to get in there… if what mom's paper said is true, then the overlord is still ruling, isn't he?")

The stories Goldie taught in class were becoming a reality, which frightened the princess. Wildly, she raced on, praying in her simple mind that the truth she discovered was a sick lie.

"Ah, Princess Goldie. Your father is waiting for you for breakfast."

A knight intercepted Goldie suddenly. He didn't comment on the tears rolling down the princess's face. That was the first sign that something was wrong with her people in Goldie's head.


Goldie shouted. She knew if she was caught, the Grimoire would be lost forever. Everything was coming together in the princess's mind. She knew if Madalyn wasn't the true Overlord, as she said… then the only person who knew the truth would be locked away forever if she didn't make it in time.

"Ah, princess!"

Goldie ducked under the knight's feet. Thankfully she was small and occasionally nimble enough to use that to her advantage. She could hear footsteps chasing after her, though.

"Don't let her get to the Grimoire!"

The knight's voices were distorted, unlike what she'd heard before. It echoed uncannily like someone was putting their voices through a hollow space as they screamed and yelled for their princess to stop running.

Her heart was racing, knowing that her deductions may have led her to something beyond frightening. Goldie knew she couldn't outrun the knights; they were trained, unlike her. Her sloth-like type, not wanting to do anything that caused her discomfort made for weak stamina. She wasn't disciplined enough to even use essential magic. She grew up in a world that had no problems and felt that everything tiresome was below her.

How she regretted her choices at this moment.

A knight grabbed her shoulder.

"Princess, that's enough."

He ordered in that distorted voice.

"Let me go! Please, let me go!"

Goldie pleaded.

"I have her! She's resisting, though."

"I need to get back to Madalyn! Don't you get it?! Please! Please!"

But the knight held on to her shoulder. The others approached. She would never understand who this Madalyn was to her mother. Why did this world not feel right anymore? What this mysterious choker was, and why did her mother and Madalyn share it? There were so many questions that she wanted to know…

She didn't want to stay sheltered and enjoy life in ignorance for the first time. A fire lit inside her when that name echoed through her mind.


The mysterious hermit who berated her for everything… and was right. Her deadly sin was gluttony, pride, and maybe even sloth… Goldie wanted everything… and gave nothing for it.

It was then that their rebellious nature of hers came back.

"I… I want to see Madalyn!"

Her major sin was gluttony. To want more, no matter how much she had. Her drive… to discover more about what was truly going on outweighed her desire for this simple life. Goldie… was gluttonous for more.


She struggled with all her might causing the soldier's hand to slip. By luck, Goldie took this chance and rushed down the corridor. A knight intercepted her, but it was too late. She pushed her shoulder on the wall, revealing the secret passageway to all.

"Ahh, ahh."

Goldie raced down the white steps as soldiers were on her tail as she reached the bottom. There lay the Grimoire of Reason on the pedestal. Every second mattered. The faster she got in, even a second, would equate to more time within the Grimoire. So, she ran and touched the Grimoire like before.


Nothing was happening, and the footsteps were getting closer. Goldie could hear the demons draw more intimate as they possessed the knights above. Goldie's heart began to pound as she screamed at the Grimoire of Reason.

"Why…. Why aren't you opening?!"

The princess struggled and shook the book, but nothing was happening.

"Madalyn! Madalyn! Let me inside! Let me in!"

But nothing came from her screams, and the book stayed silent. The steps were drawing nearer by the second. Her chest began to burn as she pleaded.

"I… I want to see you again! Please! Please open up!"

With her forehead to the book, the enviable was coming. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pleaded.

"I… I want to see you again so bad. I'm… I'm sorry."

A light tear raced down her cheek, causing the Grimoire to light up again like before. 

Soldiers turned the corner and spotted the child crying into the Grimoire.


A whisper came from the Grimoire, and soon the world was gone as Goldie was engulfed once again.