The only rule of the world

The capital was very active, the bar was full, the casino was noisy, and the dancing hall was alive. Everyone was celebrating the venue of the Queen of the Shadows. Jäwell had nothing to say that the gossip spread by itself. Lëilana laughed as she took his arm while they were walking in the animated streets. 

Everyone was looking at the magnificent woman and her very long raven hair following them like the shadows themselves. The couple followed the main alley, enjoying the food and a few drinks before ending in the pleasure house for a night of debauchery. Dante and a few pirates of his crew were already here for quite a long time and they were drunk. 

Dante tried to step in the direction of Jäwell and Leïlana's table staggering. Dante wanted initially to ask Jäwell for his payment. He had visited one world and made a full report about the conflict situation and was about to leave for a new expedition.