What happened to the shadows (Part 12)

"There was a time, we loved each other more than anything in the universe. A long time passed when there was only Archanium and me, and we were happy. We were looking like adults but we just were born, and we knew nothing about the world we were in except that Archanium had golden hair and was living on the sunshine side while I was made of shadows and living in eternal darkness. 

I remember the border between the eternal day and the eternal night where we were meeting. We were not speaking yet, we didn't even know about it. We only looked at each other from one side to another and we were observing.

I loved him, I always loved him. Knowing that he was here, another alive being on this lost planet, was making me hope. I was happy to come to meet him as often as possible, I was happy to fly with him in the vast sky without clouds.