Heaven’s not enough, but the Ombrae is

This was a vision of chaos spreading onto the world. Slowly, the Ombrae turned into a nightmare and the shadows were flooding the streets of the capital, taking a liquid substance and a crimson color. A man went out of his shop when he saw the wave coming. The power of the shock ripped his leg out as his upper body held the door of his building. 

Soon, the buildings were starting to turn into a liquid substance too, everything that was made of shadows. The core of the Ombrae was falling apart. 

Archanium looked at it and chuckled, the woman next to him placed a finger on her mouth, thinking about the situation. 

"Did you know what was going to happen?" She asked genuinely curious.

Archanium shook his head, "Not at all. I honestly thought he would succeed in transferring his powers to the dragon and leave but this is a spectacle I am glad to see."