Chapter 18 : Noodles today.

Chapter 18 : Noodles today. 

In the hot summer, Li Shaofan faced his mother's doubts and firmly expressed his determination.Fertilizer, he can accept, but pesticides, it is resolute can't touch.He knew that once the use of pesticides, their pollution-free signs became empty talk, it will bring great damage to the reputation of the family.

He smiled gently and comforted his mother, saying,"Mom, it's not just the fields that are the ocean of knowledge now.The online world is full of wonders, and any question can be answered in it.Even earthworms are hard to find in that saline-alkali land, let alone those pests."There was a determined glint in his eyes."Just let me handle this, I promise."

Li mother although some concerns, but in front of Li Shaofan firm, she gently nodded his head.She knew that this summer, their cold noodles would become a unique scenery.

Garlic fragrance overflowing, noodles, shredded cucumber and beans interspersed.When each bite of cold noodles slides into the mouth, as if the summer wind also becomes cool and refreshing.The voices of doubt were insignificant in front of the delicious food.This is their cold noodles, simple and delicious, just like their attitude to life, firm and enthusiastic.In the bustling city, there is always some delicious food hidden in the corner, waiting for the discovery of the predestined friends the human.Li Shaofan, a vibrant young man, has his own unique views on life.He once shared a point with his classmates at school: "If everyone lives according to the advice of nutrition experts, what fun is there in life?"In his view, the heavy and complicated dietary taboos let a person feel one hand tied behind your back, as if what all can't eat more.

On an ordinary afternoon, Li Shaofan peeled garlic cloves while recalling the authentic cold noodles he had eaten in the city as a child.The unique taste and spicy smell made him intoxicated.He skillfully put the garlic cloves into the mortar, added a little salt, and then began to smash them.Garlic fragrance overflowing, attracting people to linger.

Smashed garlic, add vinegar, sesame oil, if you like, you can also put a little soy sauce.Li Shaofan scooped out the delicious seasoning with a spoon and prepared to enjoy it with cold noodles.

Li mother just tao good cold noodles, Li Shaofan eagerly picked up a bowl of, it also with two spoonfuls of he just hit a good garlic.Cucumber silk, garlic and noodles smooth interweave in the tip of the tongue, as if to tell the taste of home.He ate two bowls of food, and his stomach was a little full.

"Mom, you know?I went out to eat cold noodles with my classmates many times in school, but those were just warm noodles, which were not as delicious as the cold noodles in our house."Li Shaofan satisfied to touch the belly said.

"Since you think it's so delicious, why isn't anyone selling it?"Mrs. Li asked.

Li Shaofan smiled: "People who want to eat naturally know its delicious, but people who want to sell have no conditions."Can't play well in the city to sell noodles?"I'm going to have to go."

Life is like this, some delicious food may not be obvious, but they can touch people's inner feelings.And shao-fan li and his mother, it is in this city know treasure the taste of life.In the vast countryside, there is a kind of delicious food, that is cold noodles, down-to-earth rural flavor.If lucky enough to taste, will let a person excited, just this opportunity fleeting.

Li mother nodded in agreement,"indeed, eat too full, go to lie down for a while.Later we go to town, I'll wash the dishes."

Shao-fan li should be a sound, lying on the bed.He felt a little bored, picked up the remote control turned on the TV.

Youth idol drama?I can't see it.

Variety show?Haven't fun activities in our village, don't look at.

A sports program?What are you playing this smelly ball, change channels!

News?Ok, just don't go in.

Li's mother came in, looked at the constantly changing channels of the TV, smiled and said: "You ah, this problem when can change?"How many times has your dad scolded you for this? Why don't you just listen?"

Li Shaofan explained helplessly,"Mom, this is not bad for me. Look at what kind of TV program this is. It's so sparse."

"It's a good idea to be on TV," he said."You don't want to see it, you don't want to see it."

Li Shaofan smiled and handed the remote control to his mother." You see, I'll sleep for a while."

Mrs. Li took the remote control." This brat, it's already good to have a TV to watch. He's so picky."On a warm afternoon, Mrs. Li found her favorite variety show and watched it with great interest.When the afternoon sun gradually tilted, Li Shaofan woke up from his nap, riding a motorcycle tricycle, carrying his mother to the town.

"Mom, this time we're going to town, what seeds do you think we should buy?"Li Shaofan asked, his heart filled with anticipation.

"You plan to farm, don't you know what seeds to buy?"Mother asked with a smile.

"Eggplant seedlings, chilli seedlings, cucumber seeds, beans, loofah and so on. We can't just buy cabbage now."Li Shaofan thought for a moment and then replied,"Mom, why don't we try it with a few points?If it's successful, maybe we can sell it for a lot of money."

"You're planting cabbage at this time. When can you harvest it?"Mother asked some reluctantly.

"It's been a while."Li Shaofan replied indifferently,"Isn't this how many cabbages are grown now?"

"Do you think that kind of cabbage tastes good?"Mother asked again.

"Not bad."Li Shaofan answered without thinking. In his memory, the cabbage he planted as a child could not be harvested until winter.At that time, every family will dig a hole in the garden, the cabbage packed well.When you want to eat, take one to stew vermicelli, steamed stuffed bun, dumplings, delicious.

However, the cabbage on the market today is hard for him to accept.The cabbage tastes sweet not to pull a few, completely lost the cabbage should taste.He has tried many times to express his ideas to others, but each time ended in failure.

"Then you still need to plant it. If the cabbage doesn't taste good and people don't want it, then what should we do? We'll just throw it all in our hands."Mother said with some concerns.

"It's all right."Shao-fan li muttered in a low voice.He understood his mother's concern, but deep down there was a voice telling him that he had to try.Perhaps, he can grow the delicious cabbage as a child, let people know its taste again.How to keep those vegetables that taste and quality in the cold winter months is a tricky problem.I've been thinking about, whether can use space and black soil to solve this problem.However, this remains a mystery.

That day, I accompanied lee mother in the farmers 'market to buy vegetable seeds and seedlings.Seeing that she had bought so many, I couldn't help but ask her curiously why she had grown so many dishes.Smiling, she explained that there was a bit of open space at home, idle and idle, and that planting a la carte could not only enjoy the fun of planting, but also harvest some fresh vegetables.

I admire lee's mother's state of high, but more to my surprise, she refused to fertilizer and pesticides.She said there was still some leftover fertilizer in the house, enough to use.Moreover, her son insisted on growing pollution-free vegetables.Such determination and persistence, really let a person admire.

After buying the seeds and seedlings, we began to look for chicken manure.Li Shaofan plans to go to a nearby chicken farm to buy some chicken manure as fertilizer.On the way to the chicken farm, Mrs. Li told me that she had prepared some money for a rainy day.Seeing her pockets bulging, I couldn't help but wonder how much money she brought.She smiled and replied that there are more than two thousand yuan.

This experience has made me realize that it takes patience and persistence to grow vegetables and raise children.Only in this way can we cultivate our own rich fruits on the land of life."Oh, mother, you take so much cash is not afraid to meet the robber?"Shao-fan li was speechless.

"As long as you do not say, I do not say, who knows me with so much money?"Li mother stared his one eye, tone with something of discontent," here is the country, people familiar with each other, pick up money may be no one saw, but dare to rob, that he don't want to mix up here."

"Well, then I set out."Shao-fan li reluctantly shrugged, he really don't know what to say.If it were in the city, there would definitely be people eyeing him. Did he think that he wouldn't be noticed just because he didn't say it?It's a fable.

So, two people driving a motorcycle tricycle, set foot on the road to Huang Zhuang.