Chapter 26 : Third sister's request

Chapter 26 : Third sister's request 

 Hey, mom, you know what? This is called investment in advance. Grass carp, but pure natural wild, let's cooperate with the blue sea and blue sky a lot later, de-xiang zhao is the purchasing department manager, little not to deal with him. Good relations, the benefits of the future can be more than a grass carp. 

 "Oh, kickbacks?" His mother smiled." You're quite a scheming kid. I was worried that you would be cheated, but now it seems that you can handle it." 

 "Mom, do you have some confidence in me?" I touched my head."At least I'm in my twenties." 

 "What's wrong with being in your twenties? You still have to call me Mom when you're fifty!" Mom glared at me."The apples are selling well this time. I'll save them for you to marry your wife." 

 "That money, let's not save it first." I scratched my head."We have a lot of money to spend next." 

 "Where is the money? "It's just a little bit more when you plow the field, and you can owe it to Uncle Wan Lin first, and then give it to him after planting wheat." Mom looked at me in confusion."What else do you want to do?" 

 "Mom, I want to buy a computer, and then pull a cable." I looked at her seriously,"Now is the Internet age, it is very important to understand the information outside." 

 "Buy a computer? How much is that?" His mother frowned."I heard in town that a computer costs thousands." 

 "Yes, that's a lot of money indeed." I understand my mother's pain,"but it's worth it for a better future." "Mom, now is the era of rapid development of high-tech, computer can let us see the boundless universe outside, maybe can also find any chance to make a fortune. Why don't we try it? It's just eight thousand dollars." Li Shaofan said with a smile. 

 "Eight thousand dollars? "What are you going to do?" Mother a face of surprise. 

 "Of course," he said. Li Shaofan explained,"It's not just about buying a computer, but also the network cable, the network fee, etc. The miscellaneous things add up to about 10,000 yuan." 

 "What's a network cable?" Mother a face of confusion. 

 Shao-fan li had a lot of trouble to let mom understand computer is how to return a responsibility, and how to get outside information on the Internet. "That's why we have to buy this computer. There are many things we can do online in the future." He said confidently. 

 "If you think it's useful, then buy it. I don't know much about it." Mother said with a smile, but the expression of flesh pain or betrayed her heart, suddenly took out tens of thousands of yuan is not a joke. 

 "Don't worry, Mom, I won't let you down." Li Shaofan said with a smile,"Tomorrow I will go to the city to buy the things I should buy, and then find someone to connect the network cable. Everything is ready." 

 "You go to the city tomorrow, I have something to do." said the mother. 

 "What?" Shao-fan li asked curiously. 

 "The corn in the field needs to be fertilized, so I'll go to the town to get some urea compound fertilizer. We'll go and fertilize together when the vegetables are finished." Mother smiled and said,"When the time comes, you can be an old cow." 

 "Ah, I'm most afraid of this fertilization."" Li Shaofan said gloomily. After a morning of toiling in the sweltering corn fields, the smell of fertilizer was breathless, but it was commonplace for cultivators. Shao-fan li is no exception, he knew that this kind of hard work. Every time he came out of the ground, he would leave a lot of little red marks on his body, and even some people would get allergic pimples, but he was glad that he didn't have this kind of situation. 

 "Don't be afraid, we don't have much land at home. It'll be over soon." Mrs. Li comforted her nervous son. Seeing the red marks on his body, she decided to deal with them later. 

 Li Shaofan touched his stomach and was a little hungry."Mom, I want to eat cold noodles." 

 "Yes, you go to peel a few cloves of garlic first." Mrs. Li smiled and pinched his face. She turned around and started preparing the ingredients. 

 In the kitchen, Mrs. Li suddenly remembered what Second Uncle had mentioned today."Son, what do you think of Zihan?" 

 "Mom, you give me a break." Li Shaofan quickly interrupted,"Zihan is only 20 years old." 

 "What's wrong with 20?" She said,"I don't know how many people are married now, but I'm not sure if I'm married." If you let the people of other villages get ahead of you, you won't have time to cry." 

 "Do you like Zihan so much?" Shao-fan li asked helplessly. 

 "Of course!" she said. Lee replied without hesitation,"I think she's a good girl, and she likes you." "I don't know." Hey, Li Shaofan, if you're interested in catalpa han, you'll have to act quickly. You know, time waits for no man." Mother Li reminded with a smile. 

 "Oh, Mom, how can I be anxious about this?" Shao-fan li response with a smile, the in the mind have some whisper. 

 "Come on, I don't force you. If you don't want to be my daughter-in-law, that's really unacceptable." Mrs. Li smiled and shook her head. 

 After lunch break, Li Shaofan set out with a shovel. Today's task is still the wasteland. 

 He already had a plan in his heart. If he wanted to completely change the soil of the wasteland, he had to start from the root. This requires the use of the vibrant black soil. His plan was to mix black soil with chicken manure, and then take the mixture down when plowing, using the power of black soil to improve the soil environment. 

 But it's have to tread carefully, can't start work on the day of the plough, or throw soil on chicken manure will certainly arouse suspicion. If you then betrayed, are disqualified. 

 "Oh, why is this chicken manure so smelly?" Li Shaofan unbearable frowned, shovel the black soil with a spade to throw out, while still have to endure the stinking chicken excrement flavor. 

 Soon, a small pile of black soil was dug out by him. He sprinkled all the black soil on the chicken manure, the other a few pile also do the same thing. A little every day, I believe that when the time comes can achieve the desired effect. 

 In order to prevent the soil from being blown away by the wind, Li Shaofan also specially brought half a plastic bucket from the vegetable field, poured a lot of water on each dunghill. 

 "It seems that in a few days, these vegetables should be almost done." Look at the vegetable growing well in the eggplant, chili, cucumber and beans, shao-fan li made a merry heart. In addition to their own food, this is all money! Li Shaofan couldn't help but laugh, to mind the university students, they are probably at home now enjoying the air conditioning, TV, games, or chatting with friends. And he himself, has begun to make a lot of money, this let him feel very proud. "You are still in school, I have already started to make money, or make a lot of money. "I'll see you later." He laughed in his heart. 

 To vent the emotions of the heart, shao-fan li feel feel better a lot. He shouldered his shovel, humming a ditty on the country road. Just walked into the village, he was stopped by a man. 

 "Little Fan." Turned out to be three sister-in-law Feng Guifang. "What's the matter, Third Sister-in-law?" He asked the shovel on the ground, see her, he couldn't help but think of her husband chang-zhu liu, small liuzhuang dionysian. 

 "I want to talk to you about something, but I'm afraid you won't agree." Feng Guifang was a little embarrassed. 

 "Aiya, Third Sister-in-law, we're from the village. If you have something to say, how do you know if I agree or not?" Li Shaofan said with a smile,"As long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse." 

 "It's not." Hearing Li Shaofan's words, Feng Guifang had the courage to say,"Your apples are growing so well this year. I'll discuss with your third brother and want to cut some paper strips for grafting. What do you think?" 

 "Is that it?" Li Shaofan surprised looking at Feng Guifang said, originally thought what big deal, unexpectedly is about apple seed improvement of grafting. This is normal for him. Hey, Feng Guifang, look at this Li Shaofan expression, seems a little hesitant. Well, if he doesn't want to do, we won't force him. No problem, it's just to me! By the way, when it comes to three elder brother, he didn't come to zha? Drink up again?