Chapter 32:newly discovered

Chapter 32:newly discovered

In that quiet village, Li Shaofan's reputation had always been a mystery.Some said he was a lazy fellow who only knew how to play all day and ignored the farm work at home; others said he was a young man with ideas, but he was not very good at expressing himself.But no matter what, there is no denying that he is a handsome boy with a pair of bright eyes and a sunny smile.

That night, Li Shaofan did something that made the whole village explode. He sent Zihan home.That's a big deal, especially in this conservative village.The next morning, Mother Li looked at her son with excitement in her eyes.

Shaofan, did you send Zihan back yesterday?"There was a hint of excitement in Mother Li's tone.

Li Shaofan felt uncomfortable under his mother's gaze. He touched his nose and couldn't help but ask," Mom, why are you looking at me like that? Is there a flower on my face?"

" Son, you've finally enlightened yourself. You know how to take the initiative to send girls home."Mother Li said with a smile.

Li Shaofan suddenly felt dizzy. Wasn't it just sending Zihan home? Mom, where were you thinking?

"Mom, do you have to be so excited? I don't even think there's anything wrong with it?"Li Shaofan looked speechlessly at his excited mother and said," What are you thinking?"

" A man sending a woman back at night. If those gossipy women in the village saw it, do you know what they would say?"Mother Li glared at Li Shaofan fiercely." They would say that you, Li Shaofan, have fallen for Liu Zihan."

"They can say whatever they want. I don't care."If he cared about everything, there probably wouldn't be many people alive in this world. At least that was what Li Shaofan thought.

"Don't you care? Liu Zihan doesn't care? Do you want the village to be filled with gossipers?"Mrs. Li said angrily," What are you thinking in your heart? Tell mom more or less. You've made me feel better."

"Mom."Li Shaofan placed his hands on his mother's shoulders and said with a serious expression," I really don't have the mood to think about this right now. The things in the field are enough for me to worry about. When it's time, I'll think about this matter, okay?"

"Sure, why not?"Mother Li nodded and smiled." At least give me some time. I can't just wait like this. This is definitely not possible. I won't be able to explain to your ancestors when the time comes."In the field of youth, I, Li Shaofan, twenty-two years old, shoulder the expectations of my family and my own determination.I promised my mother that I would bring my beloved Zihan home before I was twenty-five years old.Although my classmates are still in the ivory tower, I have embarked on a new journey in life.

My mother was eager for me to have a family and even wanted me to have grandchildren next year.I laughed and interrupted her, telling her I needed some time to deal with my own affairs.I know that all she wants is to see me happy.

I promised my mother that as soon as I dealt with the matter at hand, I would take Zihan home.Mother looked at me and said firmly in her eyes that Zihan was the ideal daughter-in-law in her heart. If I brought someone else back, she might not accept it.I understand her concern and expectations for me.

As night fell, I lay in bed thinking about my mother's words.Many of my rural peers are married or have partners, but I am still single.I knew that if I didn't hurry, gossip might come flooding in.

So I made my decision.I will wait until the vegetables in the garden are sold out, build my own house, and then propose to Zihan.This is the deadline I give myself and my expectations for the future.

Before falling asleep, I always enter a mysterious space.This is my daily habit, as if there is a force calling me.Tonight, however, I discovered something unusual.Something seems to have changed in this space, and I am confused and uneasy.What was going on?How do I deal with this unknown change?In the chaotic space, Li Shaofan keenly sensed a strange aura. It was a fresh and full of vitality.This aura did not come from the soil, nor did it come from the spatial water. Instead, it was a unique, plant-like flavor.

His eyes fell on the grass and apple trees. He found that the smell emitted by these plants was somewhat out of place with the surrounding environment.He thought,"Could it be that these grass and apple trees brought about such an aura?"

However, problems followed.How do these plants photosynthesize in this sunless chaotic space?Li Shaofan understood that without sunlight, plants could not carry out photosynthesis and could not survive.However, these plants in front of him were not only full of vitality, but also produced huge apples, which completely subverted scientific common sense.

However, Li Shaofan quickly understood.In this strange world of fiction, where everything happens beyond reason, the existence of photosynthesis seems irrelevant.

A new idea flashed through his mind: "Can I build my own super farm and livestock base here?The products here must be incomparable to those in the outside world. Can I achieve a leap in wealth?"

Recalling the high price of the Super Apple, he felt a stronger desire.If he could cultivate other extraordinary products, he would obtain even greater wealth.

However, the space was so vast that it took hours just to measure it.He knew that digging through the soil was not a realistic solution.The external environment is very different from here. He cannot rely solely on ripening and improving the quality of agricultural products.

Therefore, Li Shaofan began to think about how to use this chaotic space to create his own mysterious agricultural and livestock products base.The change in body shape is insignificant

In the vastness of the universe, size is not everything.As I have seen, even small creatures can display amazing power and charm.However, some people's vision is too limited, focusing only on the external size, while ignoring the internal value.

Let me share an interesting story that may shed light on this for you.

Li Shaofan, a rich and fastidious customer, had extremely high standards for food.He once said: "lobster is delicious, but in terms of taste and quality, crayfish can not compete."In his eyes, those who choose spicy crayfish are simply unable to taste higher-level delicacies because of their limited financial ability.

However, a wonderful experience completely changed his mind.

By chance, Li Shaofan came into contact with a mysterious space.This place was filled with dense life energy. Any living creature could be revived here.He tried to bring the two puppies into this mysterious space.

Amazingly, these two puppies opened their eyes in space, as if they had been reborn.They explore their surroundings curiously, wag their tails happily, and even leave unique marks in space.Li Shaofan looked at their lively appearance and his worries disappeared.

He began to wonder if plants could thrive in space, could animals also benefit from it?A bold idea popped into his head: he decided to try using space water to raise fish.

Soon after, Li Shaofan placed fresh fry into the spatial puddle one by one.He looked expectantly at the fish swimming in the water, his heart surging with endless excitement.

The two dogs seemed to be interested in this new sight.They surrounded the puddle and cried happily, vying to taste the delicious water from the mysterious space.Li Shaofan looked at them dotingly, his heart filled with warmth.

But he did not let them drink.After all, he remembered how helpless and vulnerable those two puppies had been when they had just left their mothers.He cared for them as if they were his own children.

Over time, Li Shaofan established a deep emotional bond with the two puppies.They accompanied him through countless happy times and witnessed all kinds of adventures in the mysterious space.And the fish that were raised in the spatial water became delicacies on their table.

The lesson of this story is that body shape is not everything.In the vastness of the universe, every creature has its own unique value and charm.As long as we carefully discover and care, those seemingly insignificant creatures can bring us endless surprises and touches.Li Shaofan was thinking hard on his way to dressing up in the chaotic space when he was suddenly interrupted by a storm in the blue sea and sky.It turned out that the restaurant was famous for the super apples given by Li Shaofan. Every day, customers came like clouds. The super apples on the dining table became a must-order product for everyone.

"President Zhao, why did the supply of apples suddenly stop?"One guest questioned,"Do you think we don't deserve such a big apple?"

Zhao Mengyao shook her head repeatedly, her face apologetic." We have no intention of belittling you."It's just that super apples are indeed scarce. There really aren't any left now."

"CEO Zhao, this Apple is now the trademark of the Blue Sea and Blue Sky. Is it a hunger marketing campaign?"Another guest guessed.

"Not really.If you are interested, we will inform you as soon as we restock."Mengyao Zhao explained.

At this time, a curious guest asked: "President Zhao, where did this apple come from?"Let's go and see."

Mengyao hesitated for a moment, then nodded." I'm Li Shaofan from the village."

She knew that it was only a matter of time before these guests investigated and found Li Shaofan.Instead of asking them to look for it, it's better to be honest with yourself.Behind this enthusiasm and confidence is her firm belief and incomparable love for the Blue Sea and Blue Sky Restaurant.They are not experts in our field, but they know the secrets of business.I have already entrusted Zhao Dexiang to pay attention to the dynamics of Xiao Liuzhuang. Once the fruit there is ripe, we will immediately acquire it.For us, there is no loss, but it may bring unexpected gains.

"Very good. When we have time, we must personally go and see this amazing person who can grow such a large and delicious apple."