Chapter 42 :Golden mantis

Chapter 42 :Golden mantis

"Five hundred, just like didn't give a minute less."Shao-fan li said after thinking," the price should be more appropriate.".

"This is you want to raise chickens?"Looked at shao-fan li chicken field, with a wry smile on his face," if not see you that piece of land and give me the apple, I almost thought you were to rob my business.".

"Of course not."Shao-fan li immediately explained," before I come to you here, found that there are many bugs in chicken manure, I think let the chicken to pluck the worms, such a thing may often happen in the future.".

"Direct medication to solve not to go, once and for all."Chicken field suggested.

"This time I'm going to kind of pollution-free vegetables, pesticides and fertilizers, I won't use."Shao-fan li said firmly," it may be difficult at first, but as long as successful, everything will be ok.".

"Well, it's a good thing that young people have motivation."Chicken field nodded with a smile," that I give them a call, let them send to you.I'll give you a call, you have to do is take money to come over to take chicken seedlings.".

"Thank you, uncle.".

"You're welcome, you are now my big customer, I have to treat.If we have sinned against you, I this is not the broken income?"Chicken field to say that finish, both of them burst out laughing.

Fix the chicken seedlings, shao-fan li returned home.

"You do not go to town to buy things?Why didn't you buy anything?"Mother see Li Shaofan empty-handed, li asked doubtfully," don't you go to play?".

"Of course not, the town is not what I want to buy, when I have time to go to the county seat."Shao-fan li explained," the computer camera pixels is a bit poor, I want to change a better one.".

"Are not the same?"Lee mother asked doubtfully.

"There's a big difference."Shao-fan li answer with a smile."Oh, this thing, I don't want to tell you."Shao-fan li smiled and said," now, it seems, yulin second brother is no longer zha zha shout."

"You see, I told you before right?"Li mother looked at shao-fan li smile on her face, and then said," that boy is not a thing.The two fish, shouldn't even give him."

"To give, it's not a big deal.If you want to eat, I have time to give you catch a few."Said Li Shaofan stoutly.

"Catch a fish which have so simple, do you think is to catch a cricket in the field?"Li mother turned supercilious look," by the way, son, how do you catch fish so easily?Don't snakeheads usually stay in deep water?"

Now, I'm afraid it's not just lee mother, the whole village are curious about how Li Shaofan fish catch up.

"How do I know?Maybe god don't want me to be misunderstood."Shao-fan li vague," why don't we NianLia son find a time to go to the river, for achelous, ask his old man's house is how to return a responsibility?"

"You this smelly boy."Li mother scold a way with a smile," maybe you really just good luck.If you catch fish this skill is useful, we also kind of what ah, directly to catch fish to sell fish.These fish are all wild, sure to fetch a good price."

"Mom, you don't want to, unless our family is a fish, or you don't want to do such a thing."Shao-fan li said," mom, I'm hungry."

"I knew you would say this sentence, chicken stew is ready, the pot for dinner."

Chicken is delicious, chicken soup is mellow, shao-fan li ate with relish.It's just...

"Small any, you see a big black and leopard is how to return a responsibility?This is broth, how they refused to eat?Don't start a vegetarian?Seeing that the two puppies were not interested in the fragrant chicken soup, Mother Li said doubtfully,"It's strange. This is the first time I've seen a dog that doesn't like meat."

Shao-fan li looked down at the leopard and a big black, the two little guys have no interest in chicken soup, lying lazily.He understood that the two little fellows missed the space water. The taste there was much better than chicken soup.

"Then let's leave it there first. When they are hungry, they will naturally eat it."Mother Li smiled helplessly."If others knew that our dog doesn't eat meat, I don't know what they would think."

"Mom, I didn't go to the apple orchard. I'll go tomorrow."Li Shaofan a busy, to go to the apple orchards and vegetable irrigation space water things forget.

"No need to go, I just went to see, is still the same.After we're done with the vegetable patch, we'll just pick the green apples and get rid of them."Li mother said easily.

"Well," he said.Shao-fan li nodded, and didn't say much.

After dinner, shao-fan li to play with the computer for a while, feel bored, went back to my room.

Woof, woof, woof!

See shao-fan li left, two dogs chased out immediately.A big black run too hard, and fell back.

"These two little things."Shao-fan li smiled and held a big black and leopard to the table, shut the door, and bring them into the chaotic space.There are they like the grasshopper can chase play, just can exercise.

A big black and leopard immediately excited, smell smell here and there, a pair of curious baby.Under the careful care of Li Shaofan, the fish in the puddle finally have their own space.He looked at the lively fish with satisfaction, and an idea came to his mind: "If you have a cat at home, it must be very smart."However, he knew that this was just a distant dream.

They had a cat in their family, and it was a disastrous experience.Cat's greedy nature exposed, everything in the home is not escape from its clutches.It is because of this lesson, mom just banned pets in the home.

Li Shaofan looked around, the scene before is still lush, in addition to the fish are cheerful dance, no other signs of life.He couldn't help but disappointed, does he cheated again?

"Since you don't tell me, then I'll dig."He picked up the shovel and began to widen the puddle.He wasn't looking forward to digging up the treasure, but he wanted to provide a more spacious space for the fish to move about.

Half a meter from the puddle, he began to dig.He carefully around the puddle, afraid to muddy the water inside.After more than an hour of hard work, the project was finally completed.

However, after a short rest, the puppy's scream broke the silence.Shao-fan li hurried over and found a mantis had climbed to the leopard's nose, with big pliers tightly clamped in it.Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but laugh out loud."Have you ever heard of the mantis and dog fight strange thing?I was the first time seen this scene."I exclaimed.In the past, I only know that there will be a struggle between snakes and mantis, but this is a mantis and dog fight, is really surprising.

See shao-fan li nothing happened, the leopard's situation worse.It widened its eyes as if to say,"Are you blind?Didn't you see I was bullied by this damn guy?Aren't you going to avenge me?"

At the same time, Blackie was observing the mantis with his head tilted to the side. He was obviously curious about this strange creature.It may be thinking,"What is this?Why haven't I seen it before?Was this attack really painful?"

Shao-fan li stretched out his hand to mantis took down from the leopard's head.Mantis bared his teeth to him, obviously not satisfied.

"You are quite severe."Li Shaofan grabbed the mantis's two big pincers and warned," Little brat, if you don't know what's good for you, I'll throw you in to feed the fish.They're gonna love you."

Although Tang Mantis could not understand Li Shaofan's words, it could clearly feel that the other party was not friendly.It was thinking,"You grabbed me for no reason. Do you know what happened?You're such an idiot!"

"After I get all the things I want, you can go, I will not limit your freedom."Shao-fan li smiled, directly to the mantis threw out.

Leopard and Big Black immediately rushed to where the mantis had landed, but the two silly fellows only barked at the mantis and did not dare to make a move.

Mantis assumed a fighting posture, provocative way: "Come on, come on, see how I tidy up you two little bastard!""

"Niang of, so restless."Shao-fan li decided to find a time to have a good training about the two dogs, lest they get into more trouble.He is convinced that after his training, the two dogs will be able to give him a satisfactory answer.

Busy after all this, shao-fan li with two dogs and went out.In the evening, the two dogs settled down in his room.The two little fellows were really good at finding a place. They actually found the shoes and laid on them.Shao-fan li also don't go to tube these, he opened the fan and the window, lit the mosquito-repellent incense, and then sleep.

The next morning, however, his angry voice rang out: "Hey, you two guys, what have you done?"Do you believe me?"