Chapter 44 : Birds take off

Chapter 44 : Birds take off 

"Why can't I too much?"Liu Zihan face flushed bright red," the girl's dormitory is on the way to our classroom, more crowded, drop a dress is a common thing.You know, some people even hide girls 'underwear.The fat man had done this a lot before, and it was disgusting."

Liu Zihan stare big eyes, looked at Li Shaofan in disbelief,"what do they want to do?"

Shao-fan li sighed,"how do I know.Does not satisfy the fetish or solve the physiological needs."

Liu Zihan looked at him, eyes with doubt,"what about you?You don't like this kind of nasty things, too?"

"Of course not."Shao-fan li said firmly," this kind of thing is too disgusting, I will sleep at night."

Liu Zihan relieved,"fortunately, you don't, otherwise I will never talk to you."She pursed mouth, appearance is very cute.

Shao-fan li smiled,"for you, I won't do that sort of thing.You ignore me, I will be very sad."

"Little every elder brother, now the weather is not too hot, let's go out and play?"Liu Zihan looked at him expectantly," I heard that you package there appeared a lot of birds, let's go and have a look."

"Do you still want to go to catch a bird?How old are you."Shao-fan li quipped.

"Who said to catch a bird, I just go and see."Liu Zihan some dissatisfaction," what are you going or not?Give a ball."

"You are not afraid of hot?"

"I'm not afraid."

"That one thousand you tanned?"

Liu Zihan stared his one eye,"what are you going or not?"" as long as wu white enough."In this way, shao-fan li in Liu Zihan's insistence, reluctantly took her to go out.Of course, they also wear straw hats to prevent sunburn.Leopard and Big Black were left at home because they were too young. They could only watch them drift away through the crack of the door.

"Look at the birds over there, so many beautiful!"On the dunghill, large and small birds, sparrows, magpies, etc., at least hundreds.Liu Zihan looked at the birds, eyes are glowing with excitement.

The corner of Li Shaofan's mouth twitched, thinking, Where did this girl see that this scene was beautiful?He picked up a brick, took aim, and said,"Shall I grab one for you?As long as the brick thrown in the past, I have half a chance to hit one, you can keep well."

"How could you be so cruel?"Liu Zihan see shao-fan li a itching to try, I was so angry mercilessly squeezed him.

"What are you doing choke me, all green."Shao-fan li cried out in pain, his brick also fell to the ground.

"If I don't choke you, you put the bird died?"Liu Zihan stared at him and said," we just look at them, why do you want to catch them, put them in a cage is very cruel."

"Okay, okay, you say how to do is to do it."Shao-fan li smiled and said," just look at it.It's quite thanks to the birds, I they can eat the worms in the dunghill, I also province to find a way to again."Hearing Li Shaofan's words, Liu Zihan widened her eyes and looked at him in surprise," Then didn't all your dishes be eaten up?"

Li Shaofan looked confident,"Now people are pursuing pure natural pollution-free food, and the price of vegetables like this in big cities can be doubled."

"Oh, really?"Liu Zihan has never been to a big city and is curious about life there.

"Our domestic pigs, chickens, and corn-bread are all popular green food in big cities. Sometimes, even if you have money, you can't buy them. Some people even buy fake goods."Li Shaofan recalled that Fatty had proudly shown off the machine-made steamed bread he bought and couldn't help but mock,"His steamed bread is made by a machine."

The difference between machine steamed bread and handmade steamed bread, taste very far.

"Corn bread?"Liu Zihan asked curiously,"But we don't eat now, I feel unable to swallow it."

"Nowadays, the city people are paying attention to healthy life and eating light food. Many people are starting to live like monks."Li Shaofan smiled and said,"I'll take you to the big city if I have time, and you'll understand."

"Hee hee, why are you knocking on my head?"Liu Zihan covering her head, looked at shao-fan li discontentedly.

"What are you laughing at?""We are worthless things here, to them all became a baby.Those we think useless potherb, also became a delicious in their eyes.Less any, if we go to dig vegetables to sell, can not make a lot of money?"Liu Zihan said with a smile, his eyes beaming naughty.

"Ha ha, you don't confused," shao-fan li responded with a smile,"now the wild vegetables are too old to eat, who will buy?Or wait until next spring.".

"But now, we are the most urgent thing is to get the fifty acres of land."Shao-fan li went on to say that her voice started up the bird on the tree.

"What are you doing, birds are you away," Liu Zihan looked at Li Shaofan with open arms, some helpless,"now what?"

"Don't worry, people die bird for food, wealth as long as the chicken manure here, the birds will come back soon."Shao-fan li said confidently," let's go and see if the ground is still wet, if not wet, call Wan Lin uncle to plow their fields, we can grow vegetables.".

"Little every elder brother, you haven't kind of began to think about rich, think too much?"Liu Zihan looking at a face of vision of Li Shaofan, asked with a smile.

"Impossible, losing money is absolutely impossible, you have to do is wait to become a little women."Shao-fan li answer with a smile.

After two days of exposure, the water on the surface of the land has been completely penetrated, only the feeling of wet.

"Estimated to a couple of days."Shao-fan li with tree stick plug the land, and then looked up and smiled.

"Two days?"Liu Zihan somewhat disappointed.

"Why are you so want to be a little women?"Shao-fan li quipped.

"I which have, I am carefree get boring don't know what to do!"Liu Zihan response with a smile.Maintains the core meaning of the original text, and injects elements of creativity and confidence:

Liu Zihan quickly defended himself,"Don't you use fertilizer in your family?"

"We only have one acre of land in our family. It won't take long. It'll be done in half an hour."Liu Zihan said,"I don't know what to do."

"Go play, go to the city, go shopping or something?"

"I'm not going to go."Liu Zihan was a little depressed." Brother Fan, when can you take me out to play?"

"It's all right."Li Shaofan smiled and said,"There are still one or two days left. Many of the bugs here should have been eaten. It seems that God is good to me."

"Do you want to catch a bird?"See shao-fan li eyes flashing light, Liu Zihan asked curiously.

"Catch birds?Why should I catch birds? That's not enough to eat."Li Shaofan shook his head and said,"Bird meat isn't delicious. Fish meat is good for the brain."

"Are you so confident in catching fish?"

"Of course, birds can fly, how to catch?The fish are in the water, and we have nets, so it's no big deal to use nets."Li Shaofan said as he brought Liu Zihan to the vegetable field and casually picked two cucumbers to "relieve thirst."

"This is money, we don't want to eat it?"Liu Zihan think these things should be sold.

"It's all right, this little money is nothing."Li Shaofan said coolly,"If you really don't want to eat it, you can take it home and apply it to your face."

"Like on TV?"Liu Zihan looked at Li Shaofan in surprise."Isn't that too wasteful?"

"Don't you know that women can do anything for beauty?"Li Shaofan said with a smile,"Plastic surgery, this is a big thing for women."Sorry, I can't provide this information.

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