Chapter 60: I'm not a pervert

Chapter 60: I'm not a pervert 

 In the warm summer afternoon, on the bricks, the breeze gently rustled, Liu Zihan and Li Shaofan sat side by side. Liu Zihan carefully detect Li Shaofan strange today, his bright eyes with something of doubt and concern,"little every elder brother, you seem to worry a lot, whether the body slightly ill? If you need to be healed, I will look after this place for you." 

 Li Shaofan was touched by Liu Zihan's concern, and the chaos in his heart was like an unfinished movement. He chuckled and hesitated, as if he had been choked by a thousand words. "I'm thinking about some things. It's fine." He replied lightly, but his heart was surging. 

 Liu Zihan's willow-leaf-like eyebrows raised slightly, with a hint of reproach."Brother Shaofan, we are on top of bricks. If you think too much, you will slip." There was a hint of femininity in her eyes, as if the spring breeze was blowing across the lake, causing ripples to appear. 

 Shao-fan li took a deep breath, he knew he needed to make a decision. "Zihan," he said cautiously,"I have something to say to you." 

 Liu Zihan looked at him with curiosity in her eyes." Speak, Brother Shaofan. I'm willing to listen to anything." 

 Li Shaofan was silent for a moment, as if to sort out his thoughts."I think you're very good." He took a deep breath and looked at Liu Zihan firmly."Can I spend my life with you?" 

 Liu Zihan like lightning strike, and at that time was stuck, eyes flashed in all kinds of emotions. She bowed their heads and said nothing, as if in the deep heart's core at war with their emotions. In the quiet night, Liu Zihan silence like a boulder pressure in shao-fan li's heart. He looked at her, eyes full of confusion and anxiety, arise in a universal. Liu Zihan, the daily lively and cheerful girl, at the moment is like a silent island, let him unable to close. 

 "Zihan, what are you thinking?" Li Shaofan finally broke the silence, his voice with a hint of hoarse and eager,"are you acquiesced in, or are you considering how to deal with those smelly rascal? Can you give me a clear answer?" 

 Liu Zihan gave Li Shaofan looked up, her eyes beaming shy. She bit her lip as if she was considering every word." Brother Shaofan, I really didn't mean that." 

 Li Shaofan's heart sank. He tried his best to make his voice sound calm." If you don't agree, then we'll give up." 

 Liu Zihan's eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment, but she quickly raised her head and looked at Li Shaofan firmly." Brother Shaofan, do you really think I'm good?" 

 Li Shaofan looked at Liu Zihan's eyes and felt a warm current in his heart."Of course, I think you are very good." I want to be with you, but if you don't want to, I won't force." 

 Liu Zihan was silent for a moment, and then took a deep breath." I want to be your wife, Brother Shaofan." 

 Li Shaofan's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise. He looked at Liu Zihan, his heart filled with tenderness." I'm serious. I want you to become a member of our Li family." 

 "Are you sure?" Liu Zihan cheeks flush a blush. 

 "I'm sorry." Li Shaofan's tone was firm."I will be good to you, and I will be good to you for the rest of my life." 

 Liu Zihan lowered her head and revealed a sweet smile on her face."But my mother is not there." 

 "Give it to me." Li Shaofan gently held Liu Zihan's hand."As long as you agree, don't worry about anything else." 

 Liu Zihan raised her head, her eyes flashing with trust." I agree, Brother Shaofan." In the early summer afternoon, the sun in every corner, shao-fan li took Liu Zihan that jade hands, eyes beaming with excitement. The surging emotions in his heart were like a flood that was about to erupt, unable to be suppressed. 

 "You are my wife.""Yes." His voice was filled with excitement that could not be concealed, as if he had already seen a beautiful picture of the future. 

 However, fate always seems to like to joke. Shao-fan li in the hands of the pipe suddenly out of control, the cold splash, Liu Zihan body has also been affected. Her clothes stuck to the body, the outline of underwear. Shocked shao-fan li time, immediate Liu Zihan, more beautiful than ever. 

 Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Liu Zihan's angry glare. 

 "You're a liar!" She clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest and blushed."So many people are looking at you, yet you still look!" 

 But Li Shaofan just smiled. His eyes were filled with admiration and indulgence." You're not the most beautiful without clothes. You're the most real you when you look like this." 

 Liu Zihan stare big eyes, looked at her wet clothes, then at shao-fan li that calm eyes, and at that time was speechless. 

 Li Shaofan took off his vest and gently draped it over Liu Zihan's shoulder."Put it on quickly, don't catch a cold." His words were full of concern. 

 He looked at her and said,"You're still laughing!" If it weren't for you, how could we be so mess!" 

 Li Shaofan scratched his head." It's my fault. I was too excited." He said, and pay attention to the Liu Zihan reaction. 

 Liu Zihan looked at him with a smile in her eyes." You fool." She said softly, but not really angry. In the warm afternoon, the sun sprinkled on Liu Zihan face, her bright eyes flashing with curiosity and anxiety. "What if I catch a cold, huh?" Her question could get the answer, was interrupted by the emergence of shao-fan li. 

 Shao-fan li is not in his shirtless ying, but his whole body jade skin, white and flawless, amazing. Liu Zihan as a girl, couldn't help heart of envy. "How about it, am I good?" His eyebrows shao-fan li satisfiedly. 

 "Why is your skin so good? How did you do it? Can you tell me?" Liu Zihan eyes full of expectation. 

 "Really?" Li Shaofan's eyes flashed purred. 

 " Of course it's true. Did you deliberately not see me? I'm your girlfriend now. If you make me more beautiful and take me out, your face will look good too, won't you?" Liu Zihan has been completely immersed in the role of her imagination. 

 Shao-fan li smiled, he certainly know what this lovely girl thinking. " Zihan, after dinner tonight, let's go to the river. I'll give you a surprise. Your skin will definitely become as good as mine." 

 The surprise is actually space water, although Li Shaofan haven't how to use, but he knows it contains the force of life can bring what kind of change to the skin. 

 "By the river?" Liu Zihan cheek slightly red. 

 "Yes, it's the river we often go to." Li Shaofan hiding a little naughty smile. "A few days ago?" 

 "Brother Shaofan, tell me, did you do it on purpose that day?" Liu Zihan eyes with a hint of doubt. 

 "What is it?" Shao-fan li began to dissimulation. 

 "Well, I didn't expect you to be so bad." Liu Zihan glared at him."It was the day you saw me take a bath." 

 "Haha, how could that be? I just heard the sound of water and went over to have a look curiously." Li Shaofan denied with a smile, eyes full of banter. In the sunny afternoon, shao-fan li with the excited mood, thought the big fish in the water in waved to him. He did not hesitate to pounce on the grass in the water, but unexpectedly, there is only the up.and of Liu Zihan. 

 "Then what did you see?" Liu Zihan asked curiously. 

 Li Shaofan replied seriously,"In the grass, your body is hidden in the water, I didn't see anything. It was a good night. 

 Liu Zihan couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved."It was obviously me who suffered a loss, but you were unharmed." 

 Li Shaofan corners of the mouth become warped, quipped,"if your mother know this thing, she carry a kitchen knife to kill me, I'm afraid half of the village will shake three shake. However, when I come to your house to propose marriage, she will definitely greet me with a smile. After all, she and my mother are looking forward to having grandchildren." 

 Liu Zihan blushed and rebuked,"Who wants to have a child with you?" 

 Li Shaofan laughed,"This is not up to you, without you and my mother, your mother, which come of grandson? It seems that I have to work harder to make money, prepare the bride price and build a house. "We have to go." 

 Liu Zihan sighed helplessly."Are you thinking too far?" 

 Li Shaofan held her hand gently,"This is not to think too much, but we must face the reality. I'd like to go to your house inserted down the door, but can't do this. This time back is really fruitful, not only have their own business, also found you. God treat me not thin. I'll have to thank God when I'm free." In the chaos, Liu Zihan can not help but sigh,"what is going on here? "She stared at the Li Shaofan in confusion, eyes full of speechless. 

 Shao-fan li is a face of confidence, smiled and explained to her,"in fact it is very simple, as long as your mother agreed to us together, you belong to me, the days of the future, I will accompany in your side. "His tone was full of firmness and determination, as if everything is in his hands. 

 Aunt Liu Zihan couldn't help but worry some,"but, she won't have what opinion? "With a hint of unease in her question. 

 Shao-fan li is easily smiled,"you can rest assured that my mother would have identified you this daughter-in-law, if you know the news, I'm afraid I will happily from ear to ear. "His tone is full of spoil and love, as if he had seen their future life.